Anniversary of my birth. Natal Day. Birthday.
Whatever you call it, I’m 70 years old today. Actually, not quite yet, as I was born around 5:30 pm. I like to delay the actual year count until that moment, futile as it might be.
Lucky for me, Don is always about a year and a half ahead of me, so he helps me through it. And he assures me 70 is just fine. He asked me if I wanted some sort of party or celebration, but I really want a quiet day at home with him. I used to love celebrations and lots of excitement, but that part of me has faded and the quiet, introverted Claudia has taken over. Actually, not all that quiet around here, as I’m frequently making a joke or going for a laugh. Nothing makes me happier than to say something unexpected to my husband or do a silly walk or sing a funny song I just made up, or speak in a funny voice (and I have a lot of them) to get a reaction from him. I would say that he definitely feels the same way. We laugh a lot around here and for that I’m so, so grateful.
I wish my parents were here. And my brother. Mom was 25 years older than me, so she’d be 95. Dave was 5 1/2 years older than me, so he’d be 75. And Dad would be 99! What would they think of me turning 70? Mom would have a funny and slightly sarcastic response, of that I’m sure. But I’ve already heard from my beloved sister and youngest nephew. That makes me happy.
I have much to be grateful for and believe me, I am. I’ve accomplished a lot in my life. Whatever goals I had long ago, I think I’ve surpassed. But always, always, it’s the people I’ve met and worked with and grown up with and taught and played with and have come to know online that are the best. That I’m blessed by my family is a given.
Don is making my favorite meal – crab cakes without the crab. Honestly, I can’t tell the difference! I’m sure he’s got a few things planned but, because money is rather tight, I asked for no gifts. He pressed me on that, so I said he could give me Louise Penny’s new book, which comes out a week from tomorrow. That will be the perfect gift.
Thanks, friends.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.