I hoped to have updated photos of the Lake Cottage but I was waylaid by the task of chopping up ice on the parking area and driveway. Don and I happened to be out there during the sunniest time of the day. By the time I came back in and turned on the heating pad, I was tired. It was only later that I realized I’d never taken the photos.
Hopefully, today.
The latest finished puzzle. This one was all about vintage paper dolls. I really love it. It brought back memories of all the paper dolls I played with as a kid. Don really loves it, too. That’s why you see the foam board behind the puzzle. He thinks we should frame it and hang it on the wall in the upstairs bathroom. The walls in that room are a brightish green and this would look great there. Don has a good eye. So I’ll get to that in the new year.
I put the foam core there so I can safely remove it from the table without taking it apart. A new puzzle arrived yesterday and I want to get cracking.
What else? We’ve vowed to take it easy today. I’m in the middle of a book about Dorothy Kilgallen: The Reporter Who Knew Too Much. She died at a young age and there has always been a suspicion that she was murdered. At the time of her death, she was in the middle of an investigation concerning the assassination of JFK. She disagreed with the Warren Commission report and felt there was a coverup. She covered the trial of Jack Ruby. She was a crack reporter who made a lot of enemies because she wouldn’t give up her investigation. When her body was discovered in her townhouse at the age of 52, a combination of alcohol and barbiturates was said to be the cause. However, many of her friends felt she was in danger. She felt she was in danger. Her phones were tapped. Their phones were tapped. J. Edgar Hoover had voluminous files on her. There were several factions that had an interest in quashing her investigation.
Frankly, I’ve never fully agreed with the results of the Warren Commission. I’m not one who leans toward conspiracy theories as a rule, but in this case…
Anyway, I find it fascinating, especially since we watch old episodes of What’s My Line every day. Who knows if it’s true? I’m more than halfway through the book. After that, I’ve got the most recent Herron waiting in the wings.
Back to the book, back to my second cup of coffee.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.