Confession: Remember those extra Mary Stewart books I was going to give away? I never followed through because I spilled coffee one morning and they were in the line of fire. No one asked about them here in the comments, so I assume you forgot about the giveaway. But in the interest of transparency, I’ve ‘fessed up.
I bring this up because today I am announcing another giveaway. This one is due to the kindness of reader Elaine, who lives in Toronto, Canada. She approached me about it and I thought it was a great idea. Elaine mistakenly ordered two Susan Branch 2023 wall calendars instead of one. She sent the extra calendar to me, thinking that a giveaway would be fun.
I think she’s right!
So, if you’re interested in your own copy of Susan’s newest calendar, leave a comment on this post and this post only. Only comments will be counted, so don’t email me telling me you want to be entered. I will not answer the comments because it mucks up my comment count. When the deadline has passed, I will enter all the comments in the Random Number Generator and I’ll pick a winner.
Let’s see…today is Thursday, so I’m going to make the deadline Monday evening. That gives you 5 days in which to leave your comment. Good luck, everyone!
Stay safe.