The Belle Epoque world of the Impressionists puzzle has been completed. You can see the Eiffel Tower being built, the Moulin Rouge, Notre Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, a reference to Jules Verne in the balloon, a ballet studio, some of the characters in Seurat’s famous “Sunday Afternoon on the Island of the Grand Jatte,” etc.
I love this kind of puzzle: lots of people, tiny little details, and in this case, a city I love.
I ordered a new one which should be arriving today. I realize now that there are two things I have to have on hand: a book and a backup book waiting in the wings, and a puzzle.
Three things: and a doll to dress:
This time, Holly got a fresh set of clothes. This particular dress is one of my favorites – made by my friend Lena who lives in Russia. Holly is so beautiful, I’m crazy about those eyebrows.
I had planned on going to the Sunday afternoon final dress rehearsal of the play, but they’ve changed the schedule. I suspect they needed another day to tech. But I’m disappointed because I’d much rather go in during the day rather than at night, which is what I’m going to have to do next week. I end up getting home very late, close to midnight. (I have a 2 hour+ commute both ways.) Since I normally go to bed at 10 pm, it throws me off. Sigh. But I have no choice, so Tuesday or Wednesday, I’ll have to go into the city for a preview performance.
Yesterday was beautiful. We hit a high of 74 degrees, it was sunny, and I mowed the back forty, the corral, and the Secret Garden. I also did a little weed trimming. By the time that was done, my back was hurting. So, I’m taking a day off today, and I’ll mow some more tomorrow.
But we’ve had a big drop in temperature overnight. The high today is only going to reach 57 degrees.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.