Current puzzle: Belle Epoque Paris and impressionist painters. I like it and it’s certainly engrossing, which is what I need.
I’m quite close to finishing The Ink Black Heart. As is the case with most books I really love, I’m reluctant to finish it too quickly. So I’m reading a chunk, then delaying any more reading for that day – except for a few minutes while waiting to fall asleep.
It rained all day yesterday and it’s still raining today. I realize the irony here, but we’ve had enough rain, thank you. During the drought, I never thought I’d be saying that again. It’s coldish, damp, and I’d like to see a bit of sun. Of course, I know we really have nothing to complain about given the devastation in Florida.
Gosh, my friends, I have nothing else to share. I can’t really get outside, I’m still resting my back, which is much better overall, but still needs some time with the heating pad each day, we can’t mow because it’s raining constantly, I’m reading and working on the puzzle and doing laundry and cleaning and vacuuming.
That’s it.
I plan on going in to see the show one more time on Sunday, but that could change to a preview later that week. I’ll have to see what the director prefers.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.