Two eastern swallowtails. There were three – I saw them from the bedroom window – but by the time I got downstairs, one had departed. It’s rare for me to see more than one at a time.
Yesterday, I saw a monarch laying eggs on the milkweed. I tried to get a picture, but that butterfly was on a mission and moved very quickly.
I also saw another fawn outside the kitchen window. He/she was alone, so I gently urged him to go back to the woods, not down toward the street. The mission was successful until I went out on the porch about ten minutes later and saw him running across my neighbors front yard (very near the street) toward their pond. Maybe Mom was over there?
The humidity is back and it’s so oppressive. I have to limit my time outside because a) I hate humidity, it makes my brain feel foggy, and b) I’m allergic to molds and mildew and humidity is not my friend. I must admit, I’ve always hated humid weather. I could never live in the South.
Don asked me to send him a copy of the butterfly and bee that I posted yesterday. Later in the day, he ran some errands. When he got home, he gave me this:
I love seeing it enlarged and frame. Love you, husband.
Also yesterday; I couldn’t stand my long hair one more minute, so I enlisted Don in z “I HAVE to have a haircut!” venture. We took at least 4 inches off! Heaven.
Meredith still feels absolutely miserable and she was running a fever yesterday. Little Z is getting more computer and tv time than he is usually allowed. Mom needs rest.
Okay, my friends.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.