It’s almost as if it’s been empty for years. Whoever lived there moved out and left a few pieces of furniture behind, leaving us to wonder what happened.
Such an elegant chest of drawers, now sitting there in an empty room.
Is there anything left inside those drawers? If only we could get inside!
And what’s this? This was rather fancy furniture at one time. Did they chat with each other in front of a roaring fire? How many conversations were had here?
A dark and narrow stairway.
A lovely curved sofa. So strange!
Did they have to pull up stakes quickly? Was it too difficult to take all of the furniture? Or maybe it wouldn’t fit in their new abode.
And now it sits there with no chatter, no people coming in and out of the house, no ‘life.’
(This is how I feel when I peek in the windows of real life abandoned homes as well.)
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.