The rose on day three.
I did more work outside yesterday, running out for some more pine bark mulch before I did more and more weed pulling. Then I topped it all off with said mulch.
By that time, my back was complaining, so I began the long process of moving things to the unofficial compost pile and doing some general clean up.
The Dude, who seems to function as our own particular Buddha, is pleased.
That pine bark mulch is a bit too big, so I’ll add some shredded mulch to the mixture. But for the next few days – it’s going to rain here – this should be fine. Note to self: next year, clean up of this area in the early, early spring, then replenish the mulch. It was so overgrown there that I briefly forgot that Don had added stepping stones.
There’s more weeding to be done and lots of pruning, but Mother Nature has given me an excuse to rest up a bit before I get back to it.
We are looking forward to today’s hearing. I just read that there will be two more hearings next week. Bring ’em on!
As you well know, there have been several (now former) readers of this blog who have defended he-who-shall-not-be -named. Some comments left here were vile, as I have sadly come to expect from his supporters. Seems to go with the territory. In most cases, I blocked them. My home, my choice. What I find interesting is that before His Evilness emerged to run for President, the comments left on this blog by these people were normal, everyday observances. Nothing in those words could have prepared me for the odious underside that emerged. The words, “wolves in sheep’s clothing” come to mind. I guess this is on my mind because I recently read a comment from one of those people on another blog and realized that I could never think of that person in the same way again.
I fear for our country, for our democracy.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.