Every once in a while, I need to take the day off. This is one of those days.
Life is a bit overwhelming at the moment.
I’ll be back tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
Life in our little cottage in the country
at by Claudia
Every once in a while, I need to take the day off. This is one of those days.
Life is a bit overwhelming at the moment.
I’ll be back tomorrow.
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
at by Claudia
Lovely day today – the rain has left and it’s sunny and beautiful.
We have a primary election today, so we’ll be going to vote this morning. We want to make sure we’re back in time for the 1 pm January 6th hearing today. I’m very intrigued because the Committee had previously stated that there would be no more meetings until mid-July. But late in the afternoon yesterday, we learned that there would be a hearing today. It must be pretty important as it’s taking place when Congress is in recess. I’m looking forward to it.
We will be wearing masks when we vote. Basically, we wear masks when we’re shopping or running errands which require us to be indoors and we’re not about to stop that for the time being. I see less and less of them when I’m out and about, but there are still some people who wear them. So far, we haven’t run into anyone who has confronted us about that. It’s sort of live and let live around here – except for the crazy person who has “Impeach Biden” signs high up on the trees on the edge of his property…his house is on the main drag into our town, so we pass it all the time. By the way, he’s had those signs up since before Biden took office. One wonders just what Biden did – according to this guy – that was impeachable, even before he took office. (I’ve had fantasies about nailing a sign right below one of his signs that has an arrow pointing upwards with a “laughing so hard I’m crying” emoji.
I’d have to do it in the dead of night.
Of course, I wouldn’t really do that. (Though it’s tempting.)
Oh, and the guy who drives a noisy pickup with a Confederate flag attached to the rear of the truck. A Confederate flag in New York state – go figure.
There is so much that is awful in the news that I often feel overwhelmed by it all. But then I get a chance to vote – in this case for our pro-choice Governor, Kathy Hochul and for Dems who support a woman’s right to choose and don’t support insurrection – and I’m grateful.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
at by Claudia
I finally bought a couple of calibrachoa plants to put in this urn, which had been sitting on the porch filled with nothing but dry old soil. There were very few plants left at the nursery, but this pink color seemed just right.
I used my new weed trimmer yesterday and it’s looking much better around here. You know I always say the we live ”on the edge of wild” – so I have to keep after all the weeds that appear near the edges of garden beds and stepping stones and the funky patio and…
Then I decided to mow the corral which soon turned into mowing the back forty. All of this took place fairly early in the morning, but not too early for the sound of the weed trimmer to disturb our neighbors. I knew it was going to be very hot and humid later in the day. All of the weed trimming and mowing was completed by 11 am. Today we have rain – a nice gentle rain that sounds lovely as I sit here writing this post. The temperatures will be back down in the high seventies and low eighties.
I’m writing this very early as I have a zoom meeting at 9 am, which means I have to get going earlier than usual.
Wren was the subject of yesterday’s photo session. Something, I’m not sure what, has piqued their interest.
I do love staging these little scenes. I suppose it’s like the theater in a way. Makes sense! And it’s sure nice to be able to shoot photographs outdoors.
We’re watching Borgen every night. It’s on Netflix. It’s a Danish series about politics, which I would normally avoid, but this series is so gripping and well done on every level, that it’s as compelling as a crime show or mystery. The original series ran for 3 seasons. A newer edition of Borgen is also now available.
And that’s it for today, my friends.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
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