A big, fat bumblebee obligingly stopped long enough for me to get several pictures.
I love bumblebees.
We mowed a heck of a lot yesterday. Not that this is a contest, but I mowed more than Don. That’s only because I started out mowing the corral – without telling him I’d started – and then moved on to the front lawn. Then he joined me and we tag teamed the rest of the lawn and the Secret Garden. We still have to do the back forty but that was enough for the day. Good exercise, satisfying, and a lot of work!
We had lots of rain and thunderstorms later in the day, so we got it done just in time. More rain today and maybe a bit more rain tomorrow.
Came inside, showered, checked for ticks, had some lunch and worked a bit on the puzzle.
Then, a nap in my chair.
I finally did something I’d been thinking about for a long time. I moved the old piece of picket fence from its former position leaning against the shed to the area right outside the kitchen door. We used to have a short section of chicken wire fence there, but we took it down. So there was nothing coming out from the side of the house and connecting to our old gate. It bugged me.
I leaned it up against the fence posts that supported the gate and ran the idea by Don. He loved it.
When I realized it was going to rain and storm, I attached it to the posts with wire.
I’m pleased with the result. Now, the connection of fence to house to gate looks intentional. We have a proper enclosure outside the kitchen door. Such a simple thing and an idea I’ve had for a while. I’m glad it’s done.
I’d love nothing more than to have a picket fence along the edge of the corral so that the memorial garden and chicken wire fence garden backed up to the pickets. But fencing is expensive. This little section is chippy and weathered, as is the gate (which we found on the property,) as is the door frame, which needs to be repainted. I think it suits the look of our place. But I do have to repaint that door frame sometime soon.
I’m enjoying Elizabeth George’s The Punishment She Deserves. I read a big chunk of it this morning. I’m also reading Quiet (the book about Introverts.)
And we’re watching the new season of Stranger Things, after having finished The Bridge (our second time watching that series, which is one of the finest I’ve ever seen.)
Okay. Time to go.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.