Today is the day I get my PCR test and let’s all cross our fingers that the results are sent to me in time to work on Monday morning. It’s not like I can get the test any earlier. It has to be done three days before the job starts. The feeling of being overwhelmed is still with me and to top it all off, I lost part of a tooth this morning – I think it will have to be pulled – and my dentist is retiring as of today. So we’ve been referred to a new dentist to whom I will have to explain all over again by phobia-level fear of dentists. Thankfully, the tooth isn’t hurting and I have an appointment for next Wednesday morning.
Anyway, travel plans have been made by the touring company. I’ve worked with this company before and they are very efficient and extremely helpful, so that’s a plus. I’ll take Amtrak into the city on Sunday afternoon, then hop on the subway and head over to Queens. Monday and Tuesday will be filled with individual coaching sessions and I’ll head back home Tuesday night.
In the meantime, here’s little Sophie wandering around outdoors:
She reminds me of myself as a girl. My hair was brown and long and I wore bangs and I often wore a serious/worried expression. And I had freckles.
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.