I’m seeing more and more of these on the ground. Thought it’s still summery out there, fall is on the horizon. I’m not sure I’m ready for it yet, but I’m getting there.
I’m feeling off today – the extreme weather, barometric changes, humidity and moisture have left me feeling congested, coughing, and really, really tired. Plus, I’m wrestling with a potential work situation that may or may not work out and it’s one I’d really like to work out. That’s all I can say for now, though I’m at peace – I think – with either outcome.
All that is to say that I’m exhausted today. I woke up very early as well. So I’m going to lay low, try to keep myself occupied, as well as get some rest.
I hope you don’t mind that this is on the brief side.
The newest Louise Penny arrives today – that’s good news!
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.