We were chatting this morning, reflecting on how quickly all the trees around here have become bare. No leaves. The only trees that still have leaves seem to be the oak trees and with today’s endless wind, that might not be for long. Increasingly, autumn and spring seem to have a shorter span of time than winter and summer. Spring is often late with summer coming too early. Winter seems to drag on forever. But spring and fall? Blips on the horizon.
Anyway, we have a wind advisory today and you know how much I like those. In fact, there’s a snow squall going on at the moment. All of the porch plants are still in the house since it’s going down to freezing tonight and tomorrow night. I’d give up the ghost, but the next 10 days or more after that are predicted to have warmer nighttime temperatures. So, even though pots of plants everywhere are driving me a wee bit nuts, it’s worth it to hang on to them for another week or two weeks.
This is what the windows that came with the dollhouse look like. Not my cup of tea.
Today I’ll do some more sanding on the door and maybe I’ll be able to start painting it. Quite frankly, there’s a lot that needs to be done around the house so if I want to keep busy, and I do, I have my pick of chores.
We started to watch the special coverage on MSNBC last night, with Joy, Rachel, Brian, and Nicolle but it was too much for us. Steve Kornacki, the guy that does all the polling charts, etc., is just too hyped up. He went off on all of the ‘what ifs’ – based on only one poll, mind you – and that’s just the kind of thing we don’t want to see. As Rachel says, “I don’t know who is going to win. And neither do you.” Yet, Steve is making his frenetic predictions, touching one state and turning it red, then touching it again and turning it blue and it only serves to make everyone nervous. Also, as someone who has cast shows, the rolled up sleeves and harried look is a bit too central casting. I’m sure he’s a nice guy but frankly, I’d give anything for someone who didn’t concoct all sorts of scenarios, and was instead, calm and clear headed. Basically, we watched for five minutes and turned it off. That leaves us wondering just where and when we will watch on Tuesday night. I don’t need or want hype. There’s enough of that already.
Okay, my friends. I’m off to keep myself busy and do maybe my last round of text banking this afternoon.
Stay calm. Stay grounded. Sending my love to everyone.
And stay safe.
Happy Monday.