The secret garden with the addition of the Dame’s rocket/wild phlox that has just sprung up everywhere. I swear, my wish is that this phlox lasted all summer long because the tall splashes of color up in the woods and by the shed and here in the secret garden are so lovely. Plus, we have more this year than ever. But that’s the nature of Mother Nature, isn’t it? Things bloom and fade and something else starts to bloom and on and on until it all fades away as winter arrives. The bridal veil spirea has faded. My other spirea, which needs to be cut back, is about to bloom in a week or so. (I won’t cut it back until after its bloom.)
I did a fare amount of work outside yesterday with my right hand, so it’s sore today. However, I’m heartened to know that it is getting stronger. I weed whacked, I pruned, I watered all the plants. And, I washed the dishes, which I really haven’t attempted since the sprain occurred. I have a few chores to do today, but I’m going to rest my hand as much as possible. Oh, and I drove! That was much easier than I thought it would be. Good news!
A very teeny-tiny spider on the boxwood. I love to take photos of spiders and their webs. I have to have just the right kind of light or the web won’t show up in the photo. I am fascinated by their intricacy.
I also sprayed the plants with the deer mixture. And yes, that scamp ate the tops of every phlox plant. My experience with this same thing last year tells me they will come back, but I’ll have to keep spraying in the meantime. And it’s going to rain tomorrow, so I’ll have to do the same thing again next week. They never dine on the bee balm. I don’t think they’re interested in anything in the mint family as the catmint is also ignored,
Don’s gig went well – it’s his favorite venue. He has another one this afternoon which is quite far away. I miss him when he’s gone and find I don’t know quite what to do with myself.
Since it’s a holiday weekend, I’m going to take Monday off as most of you will be busy with other things. So, I’ll see you on Wednesday.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.