Moody skies, zinnias, and fall color. There was quite a bit of wind over the weekend, so there are huge catalpa leaves on the ground all over the property. Time for Don to rake again.
Speaking of Don, I woke up in the middle of the night coughing. When this kind of thing happens in the middle of a deep sleep, it usually takes me a while to realize that I need to get up and clear my throat and suck on a cough drop. Usually, Don sleeps through it, but this time it woke him up and he couldn’t get back to sleep and now he’s very sleep deprived. I feel terrible! Usually, it’s a snore that keeps me awake. Anyway, he always, always has a better attitude about it than I do. I apologized to him this morning, and he said “It’s find. The coughing woke me up, but my brain kept me awake.”
Anyway, I’m going to do my best to help him through the day. Mainly by being quiet, so he can grab a nap or two.
I finished The Running Grave by Robert Galbraith – all 945 pages of it. I think it’s the best yet in this series. I quite literally couldn’t put it down. So many twists and turns and beautifully detailed characterizations. It’s still in my brain this morning. Rowling is such a gifted writer – to produce a book that is, let’s face it, very long, but so well written that one reads page after page after page without stopping because it flows so beautifully. She is brilliant.
If you are not familiar with this series, it’s written by JK Rowling but the author name she originally published under was Robert Galbraith. If I remember correctly, she chose the name so as not to be linked with the Harry Potter series, but the news that she was the actual author leaked pretty early on. You should definitely read the books in order because the recurring characters undergo a lot of changes and knowing and understanding their journeys is pivotal. This is #7 in the series.
And now, I’ve just begun reading Richard Osman’s The Last Devil to Die, the newest book in the Thursday Night Murder series.
What would I do without reading? It’s been the one constant in my life and has, quite literally, saved me.
Two weeks from yesterday I am going to attend Wonderland of Play/BlytheCon in New Jersey. It will be held in Jersey City, about a two hour drive from my house. Before Covid hit, there were various BlytheCon celebrations yearly; BlytheMadrid, BlytheConUK, Play and Party Prague, etc. These events bring together Blythe artisans and Blythe lovers and I’ve witnessed how amazing they are in my IG Blythe feed. This may be the only time I get to go to one, so I grabbed a ticket back in February and on November 5th, I’ll be meeting a lot of friends and artists in person. (I’ll be wearing a mask, but I’ll take it off for photos.) Lots of people I know are going, favorite vendors will be there, and it will be wonderful to be with fellow Blythe lovers who understand the hold this doll can have on a person.
I’m starting to get excited.
Okay. I need to zap my now cold coffee in the microwave.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday,