Do you have some special something you’d grab if there was, God forbid, a fire or flood in your home? I have several. Heaven knows if I’d be together enough to think of any of them in a moment of panic. But I do know that I would be yanking this off the wall:
For those of you who are newer readers of this blog, a couple of years ago I was working in San Diego for an extended period of six months. I often visited my favorite shop: Vignettes. This painting was hanging behind the counter. I’d seen it for the first time the year before and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. Over the course of several months, I visited it; rather like paying homage at a shrine. I’d stand there, pretending to look at something else, while I was really stealing glances at the painting. Eventually, when I realized how transparent I was, I started talking about it to Lori, the owner of Vignettes. The price was more than I had ever paid for a piece of art. It really wasn’t all that much, just a lot for us. Our modest income forces us to be extremely frugal.
Lori called the dealer, who was willing to give me a bit of a discount. She wrote down the price on a business card. I still have it.
Still, I couldn’t imagine actually buying it.
But I loved this cherub painting that had come to Vignettes all the way from France. Sometimes we see something that touches us deep in our core and no amount of rational thinking will change the fact that we are in love – in love with something that brings us joy. You know that feeling? Well, I had it.
Eventually, I took a picture of it. I had it on my computer desktop. I pondered. I was afraid to tell Don of my need for this piece. Would he scoff? Would he not get it?
I finally emailed the photo to him. And then, fairly sure that he wasn’t a fan of cherubs, I haltingly tried to explain my passion for these cherubs. And my love for the pale aqua of the frame. And the price.
After being away from my family and home for 6 months, perhaps I felt I deserved a treat. Bless his heart, he understood.
Sigh of relief. Still not absolutely sure I would buy it, I trotted off to Vignettes. There it was. No one had stolen it away from me. Then Lori saw me and said that she had been thinking of me, especially since a customer had come to the shop, bought the painting and was having it wrapped up when, at the last minute, he changed his mind. She said all she could think about as the painting was taken down off the wall was how upset I would be.
That did it. The universe was telling me to buy it. I wouldn’t be so lucky a second time.
It hangs in our bedroom. It’s inspired the choice of the pale aqua coverlet on the bed.
Which brings me to our bedroom. The bedroom needs work. We have several pieces of furniture that need to be painted. That’s a project I want to tackle soon. I’d like to try chalk paint but it’s so darned expensive. Anyway, I want the color to be inspired by the colors of this painting. I’d love any suggestions you might have, especially from those of you who have used Annie Sloan Chalk Paint. If I use it, I can only afford one color, so it has to be the right choice.
Any ideas?
I’ve found several posts where the writer makes their own chalk paint. They usually say the paint doesn’t sand quite as easily (for distressing) but it looks the same when dried/waxed etc. Plaster of Paris (dry) is often the choice when mixed with color of choice (latex).
i just this minute posted the list of posts about making chalk paint that I have been collecting. It was a ‘in the future’ type of post but today seems like a good day.
Enjoy reading other’s experiences making their own ‘chalk paint’
– Joy
Claudia, I had to go look at Annie Sloan’s web page. The paint is beautiful. I love it. If you can only buy one color, buy your all time favorite…We all know what that is…It will go with your cherubs. You won’t be sorry.
Claudia what a wonderful story! I’m so glad the beautiful painting found it’s way to your loving home. I mentioned you and Brenda’s “Defending the Small House” series on my blog today. ♥
It is truly a lovely painting, Claudia! And I’m so glad you are the proud owner of it. I can’t help you on the paint. But I too need to do something with my bedroom. The last room in the house to be dealt with. (Well, except the problems in the kitchen and bath.)
How nice to possess something your heart longed for. I’m sure you’ll find just the right peaceful color to finish off your bedroom.
Beautiful painting, Claudia.
Check out Benjamin Moore 2136-60, Harbour Haze. I think you`ll love it. Let me know.
Claudia, I just checked out Harbour Haze suggested by Beach Bungalow and it certainly is lovely. Looks like your colour. It would go so well with the painting. I love Benjamin Moore paint. I have used it so often. So happy you got your painting!
I think that when something “speaks” to us, and we love it on site, that feeling doesn’t go away.
One day, I was in a nearby mountain town, with family, and we took a side street, that I had never taken before. I spotted a large signed, numbered print of a gazebo that stopped me in my tracks. Ever since I was a child I had longed for a gazebo, but my family certainly had no place for one, nor the money to build a gazebo. I thought this print was “my” gazebo. I went inside and bought it for $150.00 and was very happy.
Years later, it is worth $5,000.00 but I would not sell it!
Strangely, life has brought three real gazebos, to me, over the years, but they didn’t bring the joy that that print, in the shop window, has brought.
This I would love to have in my home,also- Claudia.
How wonderful you had that possibility to buy, and that you did it.
Claudia- I am a newer follower of your blog. I do think that God meant for you to have the picture. Especially, since He made a man standing there with purchase in his heart change his mind at the last minute.
I think that every once in a while we need to do something just like this…something for no good reason except it blesses our hearts. I’d say you got your blessing! xo Diana
It’s beautiful! I do understand. Sometimes you just need something in a way that defies reason.
As for the chalk paint, as good as everyone says it is, I haven’t been able to bring myself to pay the price. So, I have gotten myself some unsanded grout (you can use plaster, unsanded grout or calcium chloride), and I am going to paint a piece of furniture tomorrow with homemade chalk paint. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Claudia, I might could afford ASCP but still cannot bring myself to pay that price. I adore Sherwin Williams “Rain Washed” it is a soft pale aqua and we will be putting it in our bedroom sometime when we finish picking wallpaper off the wall with toothpicks. Your cherubs are beautiful and so is the story that goes with it. olive
That really is a wonderful painting. What beautiful image to fall asleep and wake with.