Cranky, not-enough-sleep Claudia is writing this brief post. We were up later than usual watching the Olympics Opening Ceremony. But we woke up too early.
It was a stunning ceremony on every level. Using the entire city of Paris as the venue, not just a stadium, was a stroke of genius. It was brave, modern, wonderfully surprising, and glorious. There were so many moments I will remember. In the midst of watching it, I was on the phone with our alarm company in one of the most frustrating conversations I’ve ever had – so I’m ticked off that I missed portions of the ceremony. I won’t detail the call, but we’re not happy. ANYWAY, back to the ceremony: Bravo, Paris! You pulled off one of the best – if not the best – opening ceremonies I’ve ever seen.
The topper of course was the performance of Celine Dion. Having watched the documentary about her battle with Stiff Person Syndrome, we have a sense of her daily battle and the fact that she stood there, at the Eiffel Tower, and sang Edith Piaf’s Hymme à L’amour, full throttle, with complete commitment, daring to sing when her voice has been failing – my heavens, what bravery! And she was glorious. Simply glorious. Cheering erupted in our den!
Brave Paris – you did it!
Brave Olympic Athletes.
Brave Celine Dion.
I look forward to the next 16 days.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
What a visual, symbolic, emotional presentation! It was a very creative, history-packed Olympic opening ceremony. I’ve seen mixed reviews, but I think there was a little bit for everyone in the show…maybe going over the top a couple times, but overall, I marveled at it. I, also, excitedly, look forward to the games. We’re having cooler temps today…about 20 degrees cooler than a couple days ago…a pleasant relief. Enjoy the games.
Enjoy your weekend, Barrie.
Stay safe.
I agree with your assessment of the Paris’s opening of the games. It was so magical and reminded me of how much I love Paris.
I read that people were upset with Kelly Clarkson because she was crying after Celine Deion’s performance and could not comment for a few moments. I must crying too. I thought it was mean spirited of her critics.
I hope you get some rest,
These people are idiots. She’s a human being and she knows Celine and obviously knows how hard that was for her. I cried, as well.
Everyone thinks they’re qualified to critique people and performances and very few people – even professional critics – are.
The internet has given them free reign. Mean is never nice.
Stay safe, Kaye.
Overall…I enjoyed the opening ceremony last night. I thought the setting on the Seine was ingenious. And, Celine Dion…absolutely brilliant! I did find myself often searching for the architecture of Paris….a pleasurable distraction.
Sounds like an afternoon nap might be in order for you. You’ll find me watching the Olympics. Enjoy your weekend! ;)
We always end up watching in the evening. Neither of us likes watching tv during the day.
Nap later this afternoon.
Stay safe, Donnanmae.
i missed seeing the opening ceremonies for the olympics, but glad you saw them … they sound incredible. i like some summer sports (track, swimming, gymnastics … hope to see your former students’ daughter perform), but love winter much more and so usually make a point of seeing some of those olympics.
i feel badly for celine dion and what she is going through (with “stiff person syndrome”) and i admire her bravery for doing what she has to do to, among other things, perform publicly. keep going, celine!
i’ve heard how wonderful paris is, all on its own. hope you and don get back there sometime.
hope everyone has a great weekend. stay safe.
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
just found videos online showing parts of the opening ceremonies for the olympics. i didn’t like (or watch but just a few seconds of) the parody of the last supper between Jesus and his disciples. not for me. other parts were beautiful, again to me. and again i think about the bravery of celine dion to sing with what she’s battling … and all the planning, time and money it takes to organize and host something as huge as the olympics and put on such visually incredible, emotionally moving ceremonies.
looking forward to seeing some sports. track is my first choice!
happy weekend to all, however you spend it. :)
According to the Artistic Director of the Olympics, it was the Feast of Dionysus, not the Last Supper. It’s a reference to Greek mythology.
And the Olympics started in Greece.
thanks, claudia.
i don’t recall anything about greek mythology from my school days, if it was taught a lot or a little. lived in a college dorm my first year where each floor was named after greek characters but had no time or interest in researching that stuff then. going to search online now about the feast of dionysus.
happy monday! stay safe.
To all those critics out there, if you can’t be kind, be quiet! Celine’s performance was breathtaking and how beautiful was her dress? Hope you got your alarm problem solved. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hugs, Elaine
Exactly! It’s just mean spirited.
Stay safe, Elaine.
I find the hypocrisy of the right criticizing a moment in the Paris opening showing drag queens in a tableau as beyond comprehension when you look at who it is they support for president. He is a liar, a con man, a felon , a convicted sexual predator, all around bad person. I viewed it as entertainment, show business not a tenet of thought or a put down of any kind.
I hope all goes well, I hope it is okay that I wrote these things in your space.
They are hypocrites in everything they say and do.
Thank you, Kaye.
Stay safe.