Yesterday, I noticed that most of the petals have fallen off my brown-eyed susans. Sigh. I’m sure that was partly due to the rain, but also to the change of seasons. They hang in there for so long that it almost seems like they’ll be there forever. So now, I have a few roses that bloom again late in September, the hydrangeas, the giant zinnias, and the geraniums that are in tubs by the funky patio. And the porch plants, of course.
But growing season is definitely coming to an end.
This is the pot that holds the geranium. (The frog is not real.) Since it sits next to some potted impatiens, they kindly decided to self-seed in the geranium pot. Not only that, they bloomed! I love little surprises like that.
We’ve had three days of rain and I’m over it. It rained again overnight. I need to mow the lilac side of the lawn, but it looks like that will have to be delayed until tomorrow. Too wet.
I finished the The Girl in the Eagle’s Talons the day before yesterday. And I’ve started on the newest Mick Herron: The Secret Hours. As always with Herron, I am never disappointed. He writes intricate plots about British spies, with intelligence and a good deal of dry humor. To be honest, I haven’t been motivated to do anything other than reading. Maybe it’s the nesting instinct that comes with the seasonal change?
Although I did clean the bathroom yesterday.
Today, we go grocery shopping, so at the very least, I’ll get out of the house.
This is blurry because I shot it through the picture window in the den. This is the little Carolina wren who hangs out here and periodically perches on the porch railing, chirping repeatedly. With each chirp, his/her head goes to the right and then to the left. I researched it and it’s a definitely a call – either of danger (not in this case) or simply a form of communication. I’ve always felt that this little guy is calling for his mate. Since they mate for life, let’s hope the other little one is okay. He doesn’t call out every day, but at least once or twice a week he lands on the railing and chirps for about 3 minutes.
I think he’s the bird that sleeps on top of the porch light. We’re very happy that he likes to hang out here.
Question: my Rose of Sharons have tons of buds on them but nothing has opened recently. I’m wondering if they stop opening when it gets colder at night? Does anyone know?
Stay safe.
Happy Wednesday.
while it sounds like your gardening season is winding down for the year, i’m glad you still have happy surprises like the geraniums self-seeding as well as your porch and indoor plants, too. and dreams for next spring!
no ideas about roses of sharon except maybe cover them on nights it might get too cool for them …? good luck!
sweet photo of a sweet little bird. i share your hope and prayer for him and his missus.
reading and rain go well together! glad you have some good books, if not your preferred weather.
getting a flu shot tomorrow afternoon and the rsv another day (someone in my family who is thankfully rarely, rarely ill recently got two shots in one day, had a bad reaction so am taking mine separately). supplies in place to make lasagna and some treats for family members. finished knitting a couple more dishcloths and am halfway through another book. lots more acorns on the ground now and leaves are changing colors quickly. no rain in forecast for the next week, only highs near 90 (ugh) so will get out the spike again to water trees at my parents’ home (an october maple and a swamp oak, both used by earl the squirrel) . also, there are seven freeway entrance/exit ramps between here and there and three in a row have ramps closed for repairs on the main streets they lead to … lots of long detours and some traffic delays for me to do shopping (such as at the bird seed store) right now, but i can handle that. i feel bad for the business and home owners affected.
best i get to doing things here so i can then go there (be with family)!
happy wednesday and stay safe, everyone!
Those detours must be quite annoying, Kathy.
Stay safe.
That Carolina Wren is so cute! Definitely hope it finds it’s mate, if that’s what it’s looking for. Some areas north of here got just a bit of rain, but we were completely dry all day. I’m seeing more leaves turning reddish. I love the fall colors. Happy Wednesday!
Some trees are turning here, though I suspect the colors will be muted as we had way too much rain this year.
Stay safe, Barrie.
It’s been raining here for a few days too. And, while I am over it, but I’m so thankful for the rain. We are still in a deficit.
A trip to the store is in our big plans for the day, too. And, like you said, it gets us out of the house. We did go for a drive west of Madison on Sunday. The leaves are just starting to turn, so a return trip is planned in a couple of weeks for leaf peeping.
It’s fun to watch the birds. I always wonder if the hummingbirds that visit our feeder are just passing through, or are returning summer residents. I know the cranes that return each year are the same ones based on their wandering patterns. Nothing scientific here, just observation on my part. Your Carolina Wren is probably a returning resident as well. Happy bird watching! ;)
The rivers are very high at the moment. Too much rain over the summer, of course.
I read the other day that carolina wrens tend to stay around during the winter. Our winters have been milder the past few years, so maybe that’s why.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
Donnamae, The rain this week has certainly been a blessing! We are still in Extreme Deficit, but any little bit helps. The trees up the Bluffs toward Baraboo do seem to be changing. But I think Peak is a while away.
We haven’t had any Hummers for the past 2 days. I do want to keep the feeders up through the weekend with the 80+ temps arriving once again. I wonder if the “stragglers” are finally on their way.
Enjoy the weekend! It surely sounds to be a lovely one. Take care.
I find it very heart warming that a little Wren finds your porch to be the best place to find comfort and shelter! It is magical as we drift into fall, slowly I hope.
Take Care,
I do, too. We are very honored by his presence.
Stay safe, Kaye.
I don’t know about the Rose of Sharons apart from that mine are doing the same thing. It sounds like our gardens are in about the same place…. fading quickly. It’s time for me to start pulling out (well, cutting back) the sweet peas. (aka Audrey Two.) There are a few blooms left, which I ‘ll pick before I cut them back. There’s so much weed undergrowth in that bed I shudder to think about my back when I’m done!
I just finished a fabulous British Library Crime Classic called Death of a Book Seller by Bernard Farmer. It’s a tight mystery set in the world of antiquarian book sales and the the runners who seek them out for collectors. The author was both a policeman and an antiquarian book collector and it was as fascinating for the information as it was for a very good mystery!
Lots of weeds in my beds as well, but I’ll probably leave them as I leave everything in the beds over the winter.
I’ve heard of that book, others have mentioned it online. Sounds lovely!
Stay safe, Jeanie.
Hi Claudia, just sent you an email with an article saying why your Rose of Sharon buds but doesn’t flower. Hope it helps. What colour is your Rose of Sharon? Love rainy days when you can stay in and read but too much of a good thing isn’t fun either. Wishing you a lovely sunny crisp fall day tomorrow. Hugs, Elaine
Thank you, Elaine.
Stay safe.
I laughed out loud about going grocery shopping so at least you’ll “get out of the house.” So many times that’s been my life.
Husband arriving home after work: How was your day?
Me: Well, I went to the grocery store today.
We’ve had constant rain two days straight too. Exceedingly depressing. Except for the Phlox and the potted petunia vines on the patio, we finally have no blooms in the back or the front. It’ll be a while before the trees peak and, if the rains stay away, maybe they’ll stay on the trees awhile.
Take care,
We’re in for heavy rain today and tomorrow. I am so tired of it. In other words, I understand!
Stay safe, Kay
wish I were that little bird.
Going to make this short….Husband got Covid…..he is fine now but it was an awful three weeks. I never got it but am exhausted from worry and taking care of him and being cooped up here. We think he knows where caught it….and from the time he was exposed to the time he felt the symptoms was four days. We had had all the shots except for the current new one….which I am getting this week. Our furnace leaked two days ago….we need a new one and for the next few days have no hot water. The funds we were going to use for our trip will now be diverted to a brand new furnace. Whoppee. My jaw hurts from clenching my teeth from the stress. So Claudia, I wish I could fly away…..or even chirp like your little feathered friend.
Sorry about your husband’s illness, Maria, but I’m happy he is well now.
Been there with the furnace. We had to replace ours several years ago. And we’re trying to save our refrigerator at the moment.
Try to let go, and make a gratitude list. I’ve learned this from Don. It really helps, my friend.
Stay safe.
i hear a lot on the news (tv and online) that now covid is more like a mild cold, but obviously it’s not. so glad your husband and you are on the better, easier side of this thing we want to just go away!
best wishes and prayers for you both and about the shots, the furnace/no hot water and being able to reschedule that trip sooner than it might feel possible to you!
You are so right, Claudia. It has been a crazy Summer. We have been so hot and so dry & dusty. Those Canadian fires added to it all. And then you had so much rain. I can’t imagine what the Winter is going to bring us.
Our gardens & baskets are also fading quickly. Almost time to bring the winter-overs into the house and dump the rest. The gardens we just leave until Spring clean-up. Love your little Wren buddy. I am pretty sure that they don’t stay here for the Winter. Love their song.
Hope your rain is done for a while and you are enjoying some nicer weather. Take care!!
I think they do stay here, but I will have to observe over the winter and see if that is true!
Our rain is back again as of today. Cue: Claudia’s scream.
Stay safe, Chris.
CLAUDIA!!! We finally watched Spoiler Alert! You were so good in it. Even my husband said “She really delivered her lines good”. We really enjoyed the movie and yes I cried during parts of it. Hopefully that will make your day better! Not much more here. I wish it would rain. I did find out I have to have a couple skin cancers removed next week. Not looking forward to that. It is finally cooler here so now I can start planting flowers. Yay! Still so weird that it is just the opposite of you. Hope you get some sunny weather. Take care!
Considering I got those lines for the first time about 10 minutes before they shot the scene, I think I did a good job.
So glad you enjoyed the movie, Deb.
I’m so sorry you have to have surgery. I’ll be praying for you, my friend.
Stay safe.
sorry you have to go through that, deb. i will keep praying for you and am trusting God that all will be well!
it’s nothing close to the heat you got this summer, but we are to reach 89 or 90 degrees today and for the next four days … not typical for us by the end of september/early october … so ugh! and joining you in the wish for rain!
hugs and prayers,
Hi Claudia, As you like the Mick Herron books are you aware of the Apple + series. Per Wikipedia, “Slow Horses is a spy thriller television series based on the Slough House series of novels by Mick Herron. The series premiered on Apple TV+ on 1 April 2022. The second series, Dead Lions, premiered on 2 December 2022. In June 2022 the series was renewed for a third and fourth series. The third series will premiere on December 1, 2023.” I wasn’t sure about the series after the first episode but was drawn in with each succeeding one. I remembered your comments about the books so decided to give them a try as well.
Yes, I know about the series, Leora. I stay away from a series based on a series of books that I love. Because I already have the characters fully realized in my imagination and I don’t want that spoiled by the image of an actor on a screen. I’m sure it’s good, but I’m staying away as long as Herron is still writing the series.
Thanks so much!
Stay safe.