I like to keep things positive here…not complain too much…so I will just let this photo tell you what my day has been like.
Enough said. Okay, on to prettier things. The wreaths have been hung and I really love them.
I thank you, Big Lots! No Christmas tree today, the snow has kept us shoveling until mid afternoon and now we are plumb tuckered out. I did put up our outdoor lights – just white lights that we drape between the posts on the porch. Simple, but effective. I also dragged in the Christmas ornament bins from the shed.
So, hopefully, tomorrow we get the tree and decorate on Friday.
Talk to you soon!
Darn Plow Guy!
Oh Claudia, your wreaths are just stunning. I headed straight to Big Lots after work yesterday and they didn’t have any…BOO! You’ve displayed yours beautifully!
Love and hugs,
Oh sweetie…
How could they, and I bet he didn’t even stop and get out to see the damage he had done. Nobody cares anymore. Stupid plow man.
I love your wreaths. They look so festive. I have a Big Lots by me, and I am making a trip by there today. I absolutely love them. I have been looking for something to hang from my wall of mirrors in the dining room. I could drop those down with ribbons from the top, and hanging against the mirrors, a mirror image would be so pretty. I will keep you posted.
Sorry you are all snowed in. Sometimes that can be fun. Sounds to me like you have been hard at work. Have a beautiful rest of the day sweetie.
Talk to you soon. Lovin that chalkboard. Best thing you added hu? I use mine every day. When the kids stop by and DH and I are at work, they leave us little messages. We love to get them. The grandkids all love to draw and write on it.
Country hugs sweetie and much love, Sherry
Oh no!! I cant believe he did that :( I am so sorry Claudia!
But those wreaths look GORGEOUS!!!! Just perfect in your beautiful cottage home!!
the wreaths look so great- your home is so lovely! hope your day gets better!
Oh the wreaths turned out great, and peeking threw your window to the snow outside is so delightful, I am sure it’s not when your stuck in the snow and can’t drive but it sure does like wonderful.
Have a blessed evening can’t wait to see your tree.
(¸.•´ (¸.+´??¸.+´
(¸.•´ (¸.+´? Heidi ?)
Oh NO!!!!!! Did you yank his license? I sure hope so!!!
LOVE your wreaths! I did not see any like that at our Big Lots. Claudia, your home is so warm and sweet – just like YOU!
((hugs)) cause I think ya need one!
Becky :)
The wreaths look so pretty all hung up. They had them at our Big Lots along with red and green ones . . . .
I hope the plow guy will be fixing your fence eventually . . . .
Stay cozy warm!
Uhhhhhh, what that the note hubby came home to this afternoon, honey? What a fiasco. We woke up to -2°, left for Boise when it was 1° and is now a whopping 16°. I think I’m gonna need the a/c before the day is over, chick! ;-)
Love the decorating too!
Sometimes writing things out helps keep stuff in perspective…or least get it out of the ‘festering place’ in our spirits!
Love those wreaths so much, almost made a run to Big Lots, but hubby would have my head if I spent one more dime on holiday decor after our excursion to Chicago. :) They look perfect in your windows…
NO WAY!! You got those wreaths at Big Lots!! I was just there and saw no such thing!! Oh well!! So sorry about the snow plow! That stinks!
Hugs, Lisa
I absolutely adore your house! I’m sorry about the fence. My eight foot fence is almost finished. No one better bend or break a thing on it, either.
Claudia, those wreaths look SO cute! Love them! And I’m sorry about your fence and grass! Hopefully, the new wreaths will keep your mind on happy thoughts of how good your house is looking! I like your balloon shade and your cute blackboard, too. Love the color you painted it!
Sheila :-)
Darn plow drivers! Can’t live without ’em…can’t shoot ’em! Sorry that you had a yard casualty so early in the season.
Lovey our new decor.
It’s beginning to look like Christmas at Mockingbird Hill Cottage! The wreaths look so pretty. Have a loveleigh night and stay warm!
The wreaths look so pretty. Also, I love you sweet window coverings.
Snow, snow…stay warm and safe.
Happiness to you.
I never knew about bottle brush trees until I started blogging. Ever since I want one desperately. And now that I have seen your wreath I want those too. Ah the joys of blogging, you keep finding things you can’t live without.
The wreaths look lovely on your windows, the really belong there.
I would love those wreaths too – white ones would fit in here perfectly. Bet I’m not going to find any left either though – next year I’ll look for them early!!
Sorry about the snow plow incident – know that’s maddening but loved the way you told us!!
Thanks for stopping by Claudia. Just keep all that snow away from NYC PLEASE!!! We’re headed there next week.
Hi Claudia!
Okay, you can come decorated my home…anytime! I love your wreaths but I’m sorry to hear about your fence and your grass. Oh well, worry about that later and enjoy the season’s blessings and all they have to offer.
Are you maybe putting up the tree today? If you get finished…remember, come over…I’m waiting for you to decorate mine!
everything vintage
The wreaths look great in the windows. Very lovely! Sorry to hear about your fence. Our plow guy better behave this year… it’s my hubby! Blessings!
Claudia, I love the way you’ve displayed your wreaths. They have such a quietly pretty look about them. I hope you’ve had good luck finding your tree. I’m hoping to get ours today or tommorow. We’ll see.
Wishing you peace and much happiness today.
Oh, Claudia, the wreaths look fantastic! How perfect for Mockingbird Hill Cottage!
What a shame about the fence. Hope it’s not too bad. We got a lot more snow, too… Ugh… This time it did require lots of shoveling. I’m ready for spring! ha ha At least I will be the day after Christmas. I’ll put up with the snow until then :)…. Donna
Love your chalk message board and sentiment. and I too, headed to Big Lots, rats, no cute white bottle brush wreaths! Your’s look so festive hanging in the windows! Great picture of your hubs! Stay warm!
Claudia, love your chalkboard (or chuckboard??, sorry) and the color of that beautiful frame… and you have lovely wreaths hanging in your windows… wow! looking through them you are having snow and it´ll come much more… you will have a very american christmas all snowy around, as I see in the pictures and other blogs. We have a hot christmas here and santa always throws his gifts in the garden!!
See you soon again
María Cecilia