It’s pretty horrid here right now. The smoke filled sky, the smell of smoke, the air quality warning from the EPA was at Very Unhealthy all day long yesterday. We ventured outside to take a picture of the sky – with masks on – but we sure didn’t stay out there very long.
And the sun was redder than what you see in this photo.
It was a surreal day with the house closed up, a yellow sky, and the delight of watching the groundhog babies. Mom was on alert and we found out why – a fox trotted through our yard and then to the back forty. We quickly called our neighbors who have chickens as the fox was headed to their property. Thankfully, the chickens were safe in their house.
A dystopian atmosphere all day long. We’ve been told to stay inside today as well.
A respite from the doom and gloom:
In the middle of the afternoon, mom and babies were on or near the funky patio. I think mom is showing them where to find food. Personally, I was grateful that they were cleaning up some of the weeds.
I do have to venture out to water my plants today and I’ll probably do that this morning. Masked of course. I’ll do it quickly.
Just checked the air quality and it is 171 – Unhealthy. So it’s a bit better today, but still bad. Sigh.
Thank goodness we have some apple pie in the fridge!
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
We had the Canada smoke in Nebraska 2 weeks ago. Is it the same fire? It was not nearly as bad as you have it. We are sure entering the heat of summer!
Stay indoors for sure!
Ours is from fires in Quebec and Nova Scotia, so they aren’t the same fires.
Stay safe, Darlene.
saw news about the air quality that you’ve had … scary! glad you could stay inside, wore masks when you had to go out. praying that the fires get extinguished soon.
also am glad you have some apple pie and could see and get photos of the darling groundhog family.
stay safe in every way!
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
The sky looks like you’re on another planet. My sympathy to everyone affected by the wildfires. The groundhogs are adorable. I haven’t been posting as much lately as my tablet keeps freezing when I try to type but am still checking in everyday.
We haven’t had any rain for about three weeks so my garden soil is very dry but it’s expected to downpour this weekend.
I’m also watching Mrs. Maisel on your recommendation and thoroughly enjoying it. Episode 6 of Series 1 is next. Like you said, the costumes and the songs are fabulous and it’s very, very funny.
Happy Thursday
I’m so glad you’re enjoying Mrs. Maisel, Dee Dee.
Stay safe.
What you are experiencing is surreal! We’ve had air quality alerts for weeks, but nothing compared to what you all out there are dealing with.
Animal babies are so cute…a welcome respite for sure. Our crane couple had two chicks themselves, and adorable fits them as well. And fun to watch when we get a glimpse of them strolling about.
Stay in….stay safe. Hoping for more animal sightings to delight you! ;)
I’d love to see those two chicks, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
Oh my goodness! That is so scary. I’m so glad you are being careful. Love the babies!
Thanks so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
The photos from NYC are absolutely horrific. It’s good you’re masking up when you go out. Lord knows what potential devastating health conditions could come to people who don’t take precautions during his catastrophe.
SE Wisconsin has a little haze in the sky but we’ve escaped, for the moment, the worst. With over 400 wildfires burning, who knows what the future holds. Instead I’m avoiding my husband who returned last night from two weeks in Asia with an awful cold. Since I haven’t had one since before the pandemic, I’m keeping my distance. He took a covid test before leaving for home to be sure but is sure it was the hotel air conditioning’s fault.
Really enjoying your groundhog family pictures.
Take care,
Thank you so much, Kay.
Stay safe.
In Sep 2020, the San Francisco Bay Area experienced the same: dark orange skies in the middle of the day that made it feel like nighttime. There was so much particulate matter from the California wildfires. It was ominous where we lived but I can’t imagine how frightening it must have been amidst the fire area. Just as it is now.
Stay safe inside and enjoy that apple pie.
Thank you, Wendy.
Stay safe.
Glad you have your little groundhog family and apple pie to distract you from the outside world. You’ve capturd them beautifully. Oh, my, that sky! Take gentle care. Hugs, Elaine
They’re driving me crazy and are getting in to my garden!
Stay safe, Elaine.
Oh gosh I am SO sorry about your horrible skies.
The groundhog mama and THREE babies are SO adorable; I’ve never seen ‘wildlife’ photos like this, Claudia; excellent job on your part as photog; thanks again for sharing something so precious to see.
Shot through a screened window.
Thanks, Vicki.
Stay safe.
I hope the babies go down under as much as possible. This can’t be any better for them than it is for us. So far, we haven’t felt the effects but I suspect some of the western Ontario fire smoke might come our way.
One baby is missing. I think it might have died – there was a runt in the litter and this weather couldn’t have helped.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
I hope the smoke clears for you soon. It’s hard to imagine…the picture looks surreal.
I did a little research on groundhogs. I thought they were solitary and they are except in the spring when they breed and have babies. They typically have 2-6 babies. The babies will move away at some point which makes me sad. I hope they stay in the area so they can visit each other, lol.
I’m glad you’ve got pie to enjoy.
Take care
I no longer want them in my area! They’re eating my garden.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
We often get wildfires in Florida during the spring. The worst one that I can remember was in 2007: The sky was hazy and we couldn’t spend much time outside. It was bad, but not nearly as bad as what you’re going through now. Hopefully things clear up soon.
They cleared up last night, Bridget. We can finally open our windows!
Stay safe.