Lovely day today – the rain has left and it’s sunny and beautiful.
We have a primary election today, so we’ll be going to vote this morning. We want to make sure we’re back in time for the 1 pm January 6th hearing today. I’m very intrigued because the Committee had previously stated that there would be no more meetings until mid-July. But late in the afternoon yesterday, we learned that there would be a hearing today. It must be pretty important as it’s taking place when Congress is in recess. I’m looking forward to it.
We will be wearing masks when we vote. Basically, we wear masks when we’re shopping or running errands which require us to be indoors and we’re not about to stop that for the time being. I see less and less of them when I’m out and about, but there are still some people who wear them. So far, we haven’t run into anyone who has confronted us about that. It’s sort of live and let live around here – except for the crazy person who has “Impeach Biden” signs high up on the trees on the edge of his property…his house is on the main drag into our town, so we pass it all the time. By the way, he’s had those signs up since before Biden took office. One wonders just what Biden did – according to this guy – that was impeachable, even before he took office. (I’ve had fantasies about nailing a sign right below one of his signs that has an arrow pointing upwards with a “laughing so hard I’m crying” emoji.
I’d have to do it in the dead of night.
Of course, I wouldn’t really do that. (Though it’s tempting.)
Oh, and the guy who drives a noisy pickup with a Confederate flag attached to the rear of the truck. A Confederate flag in New York state – go figure.
There is so much that is awful in the news that I often feel overwhelmed by it all. But then I get a chance to vote – in this case for our pro-choice Governor, Kathy Hochul and for Dems who support a woman’s right to choose and don’t support insurrection – and I’m grateful.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
Right now is certainly a good day to vote, to feel one can do their best to bring about some change to our country that has been so thrashed recently! We in California have to wait, but I’d rather vote now, with all the energy that is around….
Definitely looking forward to the hearing today!
I still wear my mask too. I don’t think I will stop anytime soon. Looking forward to the hearing today. CNN starts coverage an hour before and that will be at 9am my time. Have a good day you two!
yay for voting!
yay for pretty, easy weather!
and for evidence to be brought to light without delay.
same here about wearing a mask when in stores, by crowds, etc.
busy here. hope you all have a nice day. stay safe in every way!
We’ve had a break in the heat & humidity also… so nice today! Glad you’re enjoying the same in NY, especially if you’ll need to wait outside when you go to vote.
I continue masking when out among folks… grocery store, library, nurseries, farmers’ market, etc. And unfortunately, like you, I see fewer people wearing masks these days, and those who are wearing masks are generally older folks. Thankfully, I have not been subjected to any confrontations either.
Looking forward to today’s hearing!
Stay safe & well.
I wear a mask when out shopping because I have allergies that give me a tickle cough and I don’t want to spread any germs to others. No one bothers me about wearing a mask and I see about half the people in the store wearing masks still. Of course, I live in Illinois where we have a lot of Democrats! :)
I voted early and it felt so good to vote blue!
You see a lot of that up north. Rick says when he’s out on bike rides in the up-north country it’s one Confederate or Trump flag after another, along with plenty of “Our governor is an Idiot” signs (she’s not. She’s awesome). I have doc appointment today and hope the witness comes between 1 and 2 so I don’t miss the big reveal, whatever it may be.
Heartsick on the big bombing in Ukraine. This has to stop.
Meanwhile struggling to do a lot at home before I go back north tomorrow morning. In a perfect world, I’d stay home an extra day just to even things out and not have to push so much but the grands are coming and I don’t want to miss time with them.
Yes pray for Ukraine
I think many are forgetting about it
Thank you for mentioning it
I’m pretty excited to be watching this Jan 6 hearing right now. It makes folding laundry in front of the TV less boring; but I’m not kidding; these hearings are important and riveting. I appreciate the work that’s gone into it; that the investigation persisted. It’s so dang hot outside every day here that I’m indoors as much as possible under air conditioning. I hope this SoCalif heatwave breaks soon.
I told someone the other day I can’t ruin my days worrying about something out of my control, except to place my vote every chance I get! I hope everyone else does the same. Life is just too short to argue with anyone that doesn’t see it your way. I do, however, find it fascinating listening to both sides and trying to figure out the thought processes. (I must need more to do. lol)
One side says we have to save the babies and pass gun laws, but then we are for abortion rights. The other side says we have to keep our guns, but abortion should be stopped. It all seems so contradicting.
Any thoughts?
I also mask up inside everywhere. Around here quite a few of the staff in stores are also masked, but not so much the customers. Regarding someone making a comment, I’m not worried about that. A year ago I used to worry people would think I’m masked because I’m an anti-vaxxer but I don’t really think or care about that anymore.
What a bombshell hearing today! While we knew Trump was a toddler-in-chief, the stuff about the scuffle in the presidential limo and his throwing his meals against the wall in the WH dining room are kind of astounding. He should be institutionalized the rest of his life for his own safety and ours.
Take care.
dear Claudia/Don — hooray for voting !!!! keep wearing your masks b/c don’t be like most Ky people and not do so (not Mr/me) causing infections to get worse each day. I’m just waiting for some imbecile to say something to me and I hope it is a “temper” day b/c I’ll let ’em have a piece of my mind!!!! Just watched hearing — I suspect this little girl needs security protection but can only commend her bravery — braver than nearly all of tRump’s “inner circle” — what a bunch of LOSERS !!! hope you all stay safe/healthy
I voted early for Hochul and Delgado. I watched the hearings and wow….am I impressed. This young lady spilled the beans on trump and his flunkies. All I can say is that trump is a boorish pig and he should have his nose rubbed in the mess he has created both inside and outside the White House. We shall see….replaced my depression with anger at the fact that this monster is still around. Enough….going for some ice cream and then to watch the news again and again and again. Just kidding. Maybe an early night once I watch the returns for New York come in. Stay safe everyone.
We still wear masks when shopping indoors or any other place with lots of people.
My takeaway from the hearing is that if Cassidy Hutchinson has the courage to testify, then I can, at least, also talk about my patriotism and idealism on social media. And I can help spread truth by attending local school board, county or council meetings and reporting it so facts are out there to rebut innuendo and disinformation. No one is taking my democracy away from me if I can help it.
We voted ages ago, but finding the results aren’t easy. Why is that?
In the town I lie in there are pickups that have the American Flag flying on one side of of the truck bed and a flag on the other side that has F***K Biden and the word is spelled out for all to see, no matter what the age.
What have we become?
George and I drove two-and-a-half hours across Texas each way for my infusion today. Once home, George went into a deli downtown to pick up a sandwich for himself before we headed home. All that traveling and we were the only ones I saw all day who were masked, except for a few people entering the medical building where my rheumatologist’s office is. Neither my rheumatologist nor any of his staff wears masks any longer, either. Texas had 9,039 new cases yesterday. It’s only because my rheumatologist knows the intricacies of what has worked and not worked with me that I stay with his practice. My wellbeing depends on that kind of knowledge, and he’s made sure I got my Evusheld injections. It’s almost time for the next round.
I kind of envy you being able to vote yesterday. My good friend in Chicago was also voting in a primary yesterday. It must have been a good day to vote.