First bunny sighting: yesterday morning. Though it was still too darkish outside to get a good photo, I stood by the kitchen sink and smiled.
Bunnies. Spring is here.
This morning, I stood in front of the china cabinet in the kitchen trying to figure out where to display the plate and saucer I bought at Fish’s Eddy. And, as happens with all of us, I really took in the things I have stashed in the cabinet. I’m so used to walking by it and not noticing…you know what I mean.
I had forgotten about this lovely Emma Bridgewater bowl:
I echo the sentiment: Don’t let the farmer have his fun, fun, fun. Run rabbit, run, run, run.
(I just read a mystery where the farmers routinely shot rabbits and I had to skip over those paragraphs. Do Not Like. The mystery was excellent, by the way – The Dry.)
I can’t remember whether I bought this in England or found it somewhere stateside. Most of my Bridgewater was purchased in England – London, actually. I carefully packed it all and brought it back home – this would be about 16 years ago. But I vaguely remember finding a piece here. Was this it? I’m not sure. What I am sure of is that I really love it.
So, in honor of the bunny sighting and the bunnies and baby bunnies to come, I share this with you.
I’m back to limiting my news and Twitter time. I don’t want to be constantly angry or fearful. It’s a delicate balance, as every day brings more alarming news. But I can oh-so-easily fall in to the proverbial rabbit hole and become obsessed by what is happening every minute. So. A bit of twitter. Maybe The Randi Rhodes show in the afternoon. And Rachel. That’s it.
It will be easier to strike this balance when I can get outside and start my garden cleanup. It’s too wet right now. Fingers crossed that I’ll be able to start on that next week.
More egg cups. And The Lamb With the Party Hat. And a little thimble with a cow on top (a gift from my friend Susi in Amsterdam.)
The egg cup with the two yellow chicks is a Fanny Farmer egg cup and it was the start of this whole collection. My godparents gave it to me when I was a wee thing and I kept it for decades. One day, in 2001 or 2002, I read an article in Martha Stewart Living about collecting egg cups and there, in one of the photos, was this egg cup! That was it. I was off and running.
The sun is coming out. More rain tomorrow. I will be traveling into NYC on Saturday to catch the matinee of Anastasia. I need to check in and take some notes.
Happy Wednesday.
I have never seen that Emma Bridgewater bowl. How adorable! I agree with you about shooting rabbits. I also do not fox hunts. I would be the one that freed the fox and hid him!
Isn’t it fun when you see something you collect in a magazine? My grandfather had made little shelves shaped like a crescent moon, with a little set of stairs leading toward the top. My grandmother kept a set which passed to me years ago. I saw a set of them in a living room of a home that was in a long ago Country Living!
I do hope your weather stays nice. Weathermen here say we are having snow tomorrow! So, if you hear what sounds like a banshee shrieking in the morning, you know they were right!
Hope Don is doing well in CA.
Oh no! More snow??? Scream all you want, Debbie. I would be screaming, too.
Love the story of your grandfather’s shelves!
I just read another of my favorite blogs and the writer was talking about falling down the rabbit hole. Her rabbit hole was her favorite type of fabrics at the moment. So I was thinking about your rabbit hole. I think you are adding your favorite things to it. And I figure you have found the trick to the rabbit hole. Add your favorite goodies! Thank you for showing me the way. Good for you. I love your egg cups and the rabbit bowl is beyond excellent. I am so happy that your bunnies are happy and safe. Now, off to my mammogram with a smile on my face and Elvis will be singing “Burning Love” in my car! (I always play that when I’m on the way to the doctor.) It makes me smile and I find myself pretending I am chewing gum, like a teen who thinks she is all that and a bag of chips.
Yes, you’re right! Add my favorite goodies!
Love, love that you’re playing Burning Love in the car. You are fabulous, Tana!
The rabbit bowl is charming! What a fun thing to own. I need to go through some of my shelves and rearrange things once again. I’m finding more joy in my favorite treasures and very willing to give up the things I don’t really love. We are in the midst of a huge storm with tornado warnings and possibly hail. Annie has retreated to under the couch where I fear she will spend a good part of this day. I’m going to finish the Lisa Scottoline book I’m reading. I too had to skim the parts of ‘The Dry’ where they shot the rabbits, but did enjoy the book very much. I need to write a blog post today! I truly don’t know how you do once a day, I’m lucky to blog once a week! Hugs!
Stay safe during that storm, Linda! Poor Annie. Too much noise. Scout was the same way.
To be honest, it is sometimes very hard to keep posting every day. But I keep plugging away! xo
Hello – I’ve found your blog in a roundabout way (clicking through other bloggers’ reading lists). I’m really enjoying it. For one thing, it’s nice to run into someone who feels similarly about things going on in this country. I also like your photos and your thoughtful posts just in general.
Your egg cup collection is so cute! I have two egg cups, but purely by chance. My son spent a year going to school in Germany in 2014-15, and got used to having a hard-cooked egg every morning. While he was there, he found a little egg cup at an antique market that he bought me for Mother’s Day, and then struck up a conversation with a man doing wood-turning – the man gave my son the wooden egg cup he had just finished making, at the end of the conversation.
It’s lovely to meet you, Amy, and I’m very happy you’re enjoying the blog.
Those two egg cups are priceless to you, of that I am sure! How generous of that man to give his wooden egg cup to your son. Lovely!
That storm that Linda is getting, we are suppose to get it tomorrow. Just adding injury to the damages that happened this past Friday where a church and several homes were damaged. Here is hoping that the storm will skip us.
You have such wonderful collections.
Stay safe, Trina. I’m so sorry to hear of the damage from Friday!
Love your little rabbit bowl – excellent. Limiting news these days is a very good thing to do!
It is! Thank you, Vera.
The bowl is precious. You are right! Sometimes we need to shop our own house just to remember what is tucked away! Great find for today.
We have snow in our forecast for later today, as well. Less than an inch, but I still just hate to see it coming down. ugh. But,,,, 70* by Sunday and some sun on Sat and Sun as well. Hope you have a good day, and maybe you will find another forgotten treasure!
Oh a pox on the snow! 70 degrees on the weekend? What a crazy spring we’ve had!
Rabbits are special to my girls and me, since they have helped a neighbor take care of his duchess rabbits (3), and Belgian hares (3), in addition to 2 guinea pigs, since they were in high school. He loves his animal companions, even adding a sunny room to the back of his house to accommodate their very large enclosures. On weekends and in the summer evenings while it’s still light, he lets them explore his enclosed backyard, with supervision, of course.
Rabbits are lovely!
Belgian hares are rare in the US, not so much in Europe. They have the most luscious red-brown fur. One of them is an affection hog…every time one of us approaches his enclosure, he jumps to the door and puts his head down…he wants a head rub! One of the Duchesses is allowed to roam the house. She’s unusual in that she rarely knows on anything, so my neighbor trusts her enough not to be locked up even when he’s at work. She sleeps on the pillow next to his in bed.
They must be beautiful! The fact that one of them sleeps on a pillow next to his makes me smile!
A day late, a bit off topic. I was away yesterday and catching back up and wasn’t sure if you would see my comment of today if it were attached to your post of yesterday or not. And so………………………..
There can be a very evil side to development as well as the positives (some real and just as many perceived) local authorities will buy into. I well know having been involved in our own battles in our area.
Is it the land owner or was the property sold to a developer who will be pursing these cabins? This can be tricky because you then get into a property owner’s desire to do with their property as they deem their right. And, if you are indeed rural (not just unincorporated area on the cusp of a municipality) this can put neighbors at odds w/ neighbors which can have long-lasting affects now and in the future (particularly w/ inevitable future development).
A strategy used in our area for which we have had some amount of success is through referendum. Of course , in our area, it is the continual sprawling growth of housing for which the local municipality foolishly embraces as this seems to be their preferred option in raising tax revenue (even though it is an established fact that new housing does not pay for itself).
If filing a referendum is an option, you must walk a petition to secure enough votes in order to place it on the next ballot to allow the people to vote. But, you must do it right, get more than the minimum number of signatures required (some will get tossed), be sure all wording is correct and you file within the required timeframe. We have one that has been on-going now for nearly ten years in a neighboring township. Every year the landowner requests the zoning change and “the people” walk the petition and file and it is presented on the ballot and thankfully, the rezoning has been voted down over and over.
If there is a waterway at issue (no matter how small), you might pursue RFK Jr.’s group for ideas/assistance. Wetlands, flooding (even if only up or downstream) are hot issues. Don’t overlook other avenues such as this, in order to make your case.
Housing development certainly is a much bigger issue ( and I will tell you “very, very dirty”) but we are losing the rural aspect of our counties in this country at an alarming rate, and once gone, gone forever.
I am hoping that you being in the state of NY (vs. Ohio) will allow you better options and certainly a better success rate. We have no doubt the attorney we briefly consulted with, had dimed the local authorities or worse, the developer before we could even get back up I-75 and home. Didn’t stop us and, referendums can be done correctly w/out attorney expense.
Keep us posted on this.
P.S. Yesterday hubs and I took a meandering drive and ended up in Cincinnati proper and were gob smacked at the explosion of new development in many areas along the way as well as along the river heading east. Can’t imagine who is bankrolling all of this but it is a fact we are in a seller’s market so new development is going to take advantage of this. And once again I am left asking, how do we define progress?
It’s the new landowner. The land was sold recently. We have several people in contact with Riverkeeper and with other water preservation groups around here.
We can’t wait for a referendum. This one is urgent and they’ve tried to sneak it by us, so we have to act now. We are a small town, most of which is rural. Thank you, Chris!
Wow, all of this from you two is very interesting to read and learn about…
That rabbit bowl is delightful…why have you been hiding it? I haven’t seen a bunny in these parts yet…and with today’s forecast of rain changing to 3-4 inches of snow…it may be awhile. On the way home from running errands, we had sleet. Ah…springtime in Wisconsin…where you just never know! ;)
It isn’t hidden. It’s on display in the cabinet – it’s been in every photo of the cabinet that I’ve posted. BUT, there’s a lot of stuff in that cabinet and I often take in the whole instead of the individual pieces – you know what I mean?
Rainy here today and tomorrow, Donnamae.
My first bunny sighting was yesterday too! Finally feels a bit like Spring out there too. (I always capitalize Spring!).
I too am having news/citizen abuse overload. I unexpectedly had today off so I went and checked out a new local spa. Wonderful place! I feel so much better after my foot soak, massage, eucalyptus steam room, mineral whirlpool & finally, the Himalayan salt room. Then on the way home, I made a last minute decision to get a manicure. Now I am going to read for the afternoon. Today is a therapy day for me! The constant worry over all that is going on is literally making me ill and I need to yell STOP. Now I know that a $pa day is not going to realistically be my new therapy, but I think of it as a gift to myself for today. These are trying times that sadly are going to be with us for awhile so we must treat ourselves/each other kindly and consciously do healthful, hopeful & helpful behaviors.
Another bunny sighting this morning Luanne!
You were so wise to treat yourself to the spa! We DO have to treat ourselves kindly and be kind to others in the face of the daily assault on everything we hold dear.
I’m going through a period where I skip over news and I haven’t even been reading the paper yet I know I CANNOT do this and must stay aware, awake and alert. Reading about the children gassed in Syria was so disturbing. There was a poll online (MSN) yesterday where a majority of people do not think DT can effectively deal with Syria. My dad was a chemical warfare expert in WWII and my uncle was gassed in WWI in Europe; it’s a horrible threat. My brother-in-law is suffering the effects of Agent Orange from his two tours in the Viet Nam war. He just turned age 70 but he’s an old, old 70 and he’s been ill for a long time.
Change subject because we have to for our sanity…
Your Emma Bridgewater is so special. I only have one EB piece and it’s a mug although I love it. The stuff is SO expensive but incredibly well-made and always so unique.
The egg cups you’re showing us every day are such a treat for these days leading to Easter. I love them; they are dear little things. Smile-worthy!
I’ve been basking in the sweetness of my yard; being outside. It’s too hot right now, humid and in the 80s here in SoCalif as we head into afternoon, but it’s more than weather or colorful blooms; instead, merely (blissfully) the ease and freedom of being outdoors with my horrible next-door neighbor finally, finally gone and moved far away after too many years of (what else can I call it, but) abuse in terms of neighborliness and goodwill, respect and simply feeling safe. My husband is very aware of the difference as well. It’s like we’ve been unchained. Like we can breathe. I could actually call to my feral cats this morning and not fear for their safety (getting shot at) as they emerged from the hillside; I’ve only whispered their names when they were within their ‘normal’ 4-6 ft from me so as not to unwantedly beckon that bad man; we built an entire fence line with crawl holes to re-route the cats through our yard and out of sight of this man, it was that serious for us).
And for the first time in 8 years, we can have our windows open…full…for fresh air without it being spoiled from noxious pollutants of two chain smokers adjacent (who sat outside and puffed all day because smoking wasn’t allowed in the house due to an oxygen tank). Just the sound of them gone, with their constant coughing/hacking/spitting (it’s such an unhealthy addiction; how do they stand it?) not now an unwanted noise in my ears, is something to be thankful for…instead, calm & quiet (at least til somebody else moves in…the houses in this old 50s housing tract are TOO close together…but maybe they’ll be a really nice family, the next ones…).
It’s taking me awhile to lose the uncomfortable edginess in my own surroundings and then I see this bad neighbor’s car gone and have to remind myself I really won’t see it again in the driveway; that it’s okay and I don’t have to keep being wary and on guard. Just very noticeable…coming off the oppression of a hostile and dangerous person in my midst, invading ‘my’ space. I’m so grateful. I can’t remember when “Spring” has been more of a time of renewal for myself than right now.
But that’s the thing about a neighborhood. Unless you live out on multiple acres, you can’t control these things unless you want a neighbor war. (Although I hope with that land developer you’re faced with, it’s a battle you can win.)
It is clear that your neighbor’s departure has given you freedom. I’m so happy for you and your husband and for the cats, as well. You don’t need to worry any longer. What a gift!
Love your rabbit plate and all of your egg cups. (Well, I know that’s not all of them – LOL)
Oh no – there’s a whole lot more, my friend!
Love, love the bunny bowl. I look forward to putting out my bunny-related dishes in the spring too – they’re like old friends showing up again. Sadly, I used to blame the bunnies living around our house for eating my tulips as soon as they sprouted. Last year we had snow at tulip time and low and behold there were deer tracks all around the tulip beds. Felt bad about bad mouthing those bunnies for so long.
Those deer! I’ve had some bunny chomping occasionally, and I often have to gently guide them out of the big garden bed. But mostly, if I have any damage it’s due to the deer and though it frustrates me, I love them. So I sigh and let it go!
Love the rabbits and egg cups. They are adorable.
Thank you, Marilyn!
I just wanted to tell you that my daughter and I went to the 8 pm show on Tuesday for Anastasia. It was wonderful!!! We sat right down in the front row. So beautiful visually and the music and vocals were wonderful. I also enjoyed watching the conductor. It truly seemed as though the cast and even the conductor were having a wonderful time. I know my daughter and I were!!!
I thought of you and told my daughter everything that you had posted.
Have a nice trip to the city on Saturday.
Bobbie DeWitt
Thank you so much for writing, Bobbie. I’m so glad you enjoyed it. It’s really wonderful, isn’t it? There have been some changes since I saw it last – edits and things to tighten up the script – so I can’t wait to see it on Saturday.
The conductor (Tom) is simply wonderful. A truly nice man and so gifted.
I have said this before, but I am going to repeat myself. Your blog is so comforting to me for some reason. It’s the only one I follow that makes me feel comfort, like everything is okay. Can’t figure out why, but thank you, thank you, thank you. I appreciate your effort in posting something daily. It really does make my day. :)
You brought tears to my eyes this morning, Brooke. Thank you for your words of support. Sometimes maintaining this blog can be daunting. Or I put on a good show, even though I’m sad or worried or whatever. So to know that it comforts you and that it makes you feel that everything is okay fills my heart with joy. xoxo