It rained for about an hour yesterday. And, drum roll, it rained during the night for several hours. When we woke up this morning, we could hear the rain on the roof.
You know how wonderful that is after the dreadful drought we’ve been having? Oh my goodness! It’s stopped now, but more rain is due late this afternoon and, supposedly, all day tomorrow.
It’s too late for some of the already brown maples. They’re not brown because of autumn color – it’s too early for that. It’s a result of the drought. We have a lot of leaves on the ground in the back forty and it’s only September 5th.
I sat here sipping coffee in the still-dark morning, listening to the rain. Heaven.
Just one more thing on this holiday morning. Yesterday, I crocheted a hat for the girls. I was sitting with the heating pad on with nowhere to go, so I made good on my promise to try a pattern I’d seen. You remember several years ago I was crocheting throws and lots and lots of scarves, which I sold on Etsy. I eventually stopped because I had been crocheting so intensely that my wrist was impacted. So, it’s been 7 or 8 years since I’ve done any crocheting. I had to brush up on my skills. Thankfully, I have a little book that I didn’t give away, so I referred to it as I worked on this pattern.
Here it is. It’s a slouchy kind of beret. Sophie has a flair for wearing hats, so she got to model the finished creation. Plus, it coordinated with the outfit she already had on.
I ordered a bit more yarn in a different weight and I’ll play around with it this week. Wednesday and Thursday will be coaching days for the A Man of No Importance. Friday, I travel to Rochester, returning home on Saturday.
My back is sore, but it could have been much worse. I’ll feel much better in a day or two.
Don is making a sugar-free apple pie today.
I hope you have a peaceful labor day. My dad and brother were union members. My husband belongs to three unions.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I love the sound of rain! It’s so relaxing.
The hat looks very good…I see a new hobby for you, crocheting for the girls.
We are almost recovered from covid. Our symptoms were like a cold. Stuffed up, raspy throat, and cough. I had a fever off and on for 4 days but my hubby didn’t.
We still cough a little, and maybe resting a little more, but mostly feel over it. We are vaxxed and boosted so I imagine that helped some, but they say not as much with this varient.
Take care
glad to hear you’re feeling better. keep healing, marilyn and husband! praying for you.
I’m glad you’re getting better, but I’m sure sorry you had to deal with Covid, Marilyn.
Still being careful here, but there are moments when the mask isn’t on, so it’s a gamble.
Stay safe.
Continues best wishes for good healing of the back.
The crocheted hat is so cute.
Really glad you got rain.
Wish RAIN could happen where I am in the Southern Calif heatwave.
The numbers they show on the TV weather maps and even sometimes with the NWS don’t reflect exactly what our local temps are although local weather monitoring does at several points around town where ‘official’ thermometers are placed. Yesterday, we peaked at 115 degrees (f) at my house (we have VERY accurate thermometers), and we hovered 112-115 for several hours in the afternoon and into evening which is when our somewhat-older central air conditioning blew up. One of the worst fears realized. My husband was out with the condenser trying to troubleshoot, off and on over the hours, but the monster outdoor heat would drive him back inside; of course any big-box hardware store, although open, doesn’t carry replacement parts and everything has to be ordered, which takes days. As well, any a/c repair place is shut down for Sunday and today-holiday, offering no emergency service. And I can’t imagine how booked up they’ll be once we can contact them tomorrow. (My husband thinks it’s the compressor, whatever that is. I can’t imagine what this is all going to cost; several hundred dollars, and we just spent over a thousand on the dog last Tuesday.)
So, we’re stuck, and it was a miserable afternoon, evening, night and also right now, because I’ve never been able to lower the temp inside the house (it wants to stay at 85 degrees but will climb now that the sun is up and outdoor temps soar; we of course left windows and doors open in the night/overnight hours, but the outside temp even at 5am was in the 80s). My husband thinks we should close up and leave town, but to where, as all of SoCal is hot; if we could even get near a crowded beach, I’d still be in 90 degrees in the car (our beach temps are insane whereas it’s usually so nice and cool at the Pacific Ocean; I’m not a swimmer, I have to watch the sun, I have health problems; it’s not like I’m going to be in a bathing suit at water’s edge, and we have the dog to think of wherein more than one person said on the TV last night that the sand was extremely hot, no bare feet, hence no tender pads for a dog paw either). Even the very-large Zuma Beach in Malibu was at capacity yesterday and they had to close the beach to other beachgoers, everybody flocking to the water from hot-hot-hot inland.
Some of the TV stations said last night that we could finally encounter electrical cutoff entirely today (blackout; amazing it hasn’t happened before now as we started getting really hot last Tuesday, and we’re supposed to be in dire heatwave for the next five days, too), so that would probably prompt us to start driving since we won’t even be able to use the electric fans in the house; again, driving to where I don’t know. Staying at a motel if we could find one on the Labor Day holiday (and one who’d let us book a room with a quite-large dog; dream on!); well, it could get expensive and our pocketbook is suffering (but what cost ‘life’/health?). I have a friend I could stay with who has a/c but we have the dog, she’s afraid of the dog; has a small dog which would not mesh with our large one, and neither dog is other-dog-friendly. It’s too hot for the dogs to be outside in a yard. We could go to a cooling center, but it’s not a great idea for me with Covid still in the picture and nobody around here wearing masks although I’d have on one myself.
I’m aware a lot of people in my vicinity do not have a/c. For years, I didn’t have it either. But I was younger with fewer health issues, and the temperatures were never THIS hot here.
Somehow we’ll endure. If we have to, we’ll jump in a cold shower every hour. I can sit with my feet in a bucket of cold water. Have definitely done that in other years. But if we go over 115 today as is anticipated, it’s just dangerous territory. At least we awoke to fewer-to-no clouds so maybe humidity will be reduced, as heat-humidity are my worst asthma triggers.
I just think this is going to be the final incentive to move somewhere else in the U.S. than the California I’ve lived most of my life in; because it’s no longer a California I recognize. It’s not going to change now, so quit hoping for what was, because this is what IS. I want out of the western half of the U.S.
hej, vicki …
i so hope you’ve found ways to keep cooler, something drops the temperature (and some rain your way) and that the central a-c can be fixed quickly and for less money than expected. will be praying for you all.
Oh no! I’m so, so sorry, Vicki. Of all times for this to happen! I’m hoping it can be repaired ASAP. I imagine window a/c units are out of stock, but if you could get one for just one room – until you get the central a/c fixed – you’d have a place that’s cool. I don’t know if that’s practical.
Yes, California is changing and it won’t be what it was and it’s heartbreaking. Truly heartbreaking. The same for the entire world.
Stay safe.
We’re still getting it, Vicki. Torrential rain. And more tomorrow.
Stay safe.
wonderful rain, cute crochet projects and that yummy sugar-free apple pie all sound wonderful. and better than that, your back is improving. i’m glad for you. :)
trying to work on projects. needed, but slow-going as some are big and/or tedious and others are very hard (the older i get, the more sentimental i seem to get) … so am taking a break to check on my friends here. :)
hope everyone has a nice, easy day. and rain and cooler weather. stay safe!
Thanks, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Happy to hear about rain in your hood! We are enduring the heat for a few more days in Northern Ca. No air conditioning in our 120 year old house.We are getting by with fans,lots of cold washcloths around our necks and plenty of iced herbal tea!I have stockpiled Elly Griffiths books so I have no complaints. Take care of those adorable girls.I really want to dress like them!xo
Elly Griffiths is a good companion while riding out the heat wave, Annette.
Stay safe.
Hooray for unions! I am glad to see that they are coming back. The hat is adorable I love that it has that shape and a decorative band. Had a little rain here too and are supposed to have some more. Enjoy your afternoon
We’re having torrential rain – last night, this morning, and all day long. What a change!
Thanks, Nora.
Stay safe.
We have had a nice rainy weekend and its been relaxing. I love the blue crochet hat, so very cute. Happy to hear your back is better. Hugs!
Thanks so much, Linda.
Stay safe.
The hat looks amazing ! And Madeleine’s eyes as well which must have been tricky to work with.
Rain sounds wonderful!
And, a blessing your back is on the mend!
All the best Claudia <3
I love her new eyes. She looks prettier than ever.
Thanks, Grace.
Stay safe.