The rain has finally stopped. It was foggy when we went to bed last night and it’s still very foggy at 9 am this morning. It’s very mysterious looking out there – with left over moisture dripping off the trees and plants, spider webs, changing colors., and the fog.
I have a book on my TBR pile about fog – London Fog. Perhaps I should crack it open?
Speaking of books, I have less than 100 pages to go in The Ink Black Heart. I’m sure I’ll finish it today but I’m prolonging the pleasure as long as I can.
Pip is proudly sporting a new beret. I ordered it from a Ukrainian seller on Etsy. It’s beautifully made. This seller is currently living in Germany while the war is going on. I’m trying to do my best to support creators from Ukraine. I’m going to order more of these hats in the future as they’re very modestly priced and gorgeous, to boot!
Pip has a bit of the ‘imp’ about her, as my friend Susannah said yesterday on Instagram. I think that’s the perfect description of her. She’s always contemplating some sort of adventure.
I’m going to miss this background for my photos once winter rolls around. Maybe I’ll venture out there anyway, but the landscape will be bleak. I’ll give it the old college try! Oh, let’s not think of winter yet.
It’s too wet out there to mow today, but hopefully, we’ll get to it tomorrow. And Saturday. And then on Sunday, I’ll head back into the city to watch the final dress rehearsal of the musical.
Stay safe.
Happy Thursday.
We are supposed to get rain later today….a cold front is coming through. But the weekend looks to be pleasant. I’m not ready for cold weather just yet.
I’d watch out for that one…Pip is definitely planning something! ;)
I’m not either. Thankfully, we have the first sunny day in a long time today. What a difference some sun makes.
Stay safe, Donnamae.
That beret is adorable… and so is Pip.
Just today I scored our next vaccination… the fifth in the series. Very glad about that. The centre was awfully busy: we have to make an appointment, but the queue was over 20 minutes in length anyway.
I have to get mine yet, as does Don. But I was exposed to Covid at rehearsal and am waiting several days before I make an appointment. I’m fine.
Stay safe, Petra.
Do NOT get Covid my friend
Tested myself yesterday and it’s negative.
oh, no. no covid!!
how do you feel now? hope you and don stay well. same for everyone else.
and by “hope” i mean that is my wish for you and don (staying well) and that i will pray for you too.
Tested negative, Kathy. I’ll test again on Sunday before I go watch the show. I’m required to do that.
I feel fine except for eternal sinus and allergy problems.
I waited five days and tested yesterday and I’m negative.
It chilly, rainy and gloomy here today in Michigan’s north, a good day for hunkering down. Laying low — not up to par and a bad sleeping night. I finished the sleazy Michael Bennett book and will read an old Aggie because my selection up here is more limited than I planned. The small independent bookstore here closed too, which is sad on any number of levels. On top of this I’ve lost my camera inside the house and can’t figure out which black hole it has gone into. It’s always something!
I adore Pip’s cute stance! She’s a darling!
I always am sad to hear a bookstore closed. Sigh. Was this in Gaylord?
Stay safe, Jeanie.
We are having such pretty weather right now I feel so blessed. I love that hat. Now that’s the kind of hat I would wear!! Hugs!
We have a sunny day today after several gloomy days in a row. Grateful.
Stay safe, Linda.
i was just thinking the same thing about the hat … wondering if the seller would make one in my size?!? :)
how are you, linda? i hope you and your family are well, safe.
Pip is a darling in her new hat and cute corduroy overalls. She definitely has a bit of an attitude but that’s a good thing. I’m glad the seller from the Ukraine is able to continue running her business from Germany. I’ve ordered a couple of items for Jesse from a vendor based in Kiev but who is now in Poland. How impossibiliy difficult it must be for them.
Yes, let’s not think about winter just yet. We must enjoy fall first, my favourite season.
Hugs, Elaine
I can’t begin to imagine what life is like for them right now.
Stay safe, Elaine.
Beautiful here…when we were sitting at the ocean, outside, eating for my birthday last Friday, it was not to be believed that a hurricane had just passed through. My heart breaks for those an hour south of us…or less….tomorrow, we will do the same for my son…it is just so beautiful here exc for that hurricane…there has not been a major one in this area in over 100 years…Tampa…area…we were lucky this time…there is a legend…I had my fourth Covid in August…will wait a year. The three in 9 months last year too much for me…just threw me into a mess…I will get the fifth next August. Not sure why, but although I can’t miss getting vaccinated, they do not agree with me at all. Takes five weeks each time. Just wish more would vaccinate. I am still masking at grocery…the only person really…and at Dollar General…good luck on your trip to the city this weekend…enjoy…hope your husband can go with you this time. Take care…won’t be long and Louise Penny’s book will be out.
hej, brenda.
sorry you’ve had such tough, long reactions to the shots. : ( hope you’re feeling good now and are well.
and that you and your son have a nice birthday celebration for him and an extra one for you tomorrow. :)
i don’t see many masks around here, either, but i still wear them in stores, at doctor appointments, etc. some family members are getting a couple windows replaced tomorrow and i will be there to help move things back in place. we will be wearing masks then, too. don’t know that i could bear it if i brought covid to my family so don’t know when/if i might ever not wear a mask around strangers and in crowded places. having to work where masks could not be required (per our governor, since the beginning of covid … she just kept saying over and over and over again “i trust iowans to do the right thing”) and social distancing was difficult with people having hearing loss … stuff like that really changed me. :l
moving on …
enjoy another extra-special day tomorrow!
i am glad you are safe.
praying for everyone.
Same here. We’re often the only ones wearing a mask.
There’s no sense in Don going with me as I’ll be working for several hours. To get to NYC we travel a total of four hours or more there and back. Then I work. There’s no time to do anything together, so it’s not an option for us.
Stay safe, Brenda.
hej, claudia.
your morning sounds wonderfully cozy. maybe the fog gave you ‘permission’ to finish the ink heart book and start another one? think it would for me.
and how cute is pip in her bibs, new hat and rather jaunty stance?!? cute! i am thinking how nice it would be if the seller makes adult-size hats … i’d buy one. or more. :)
hope you and don have had a nice day, get a chance to mow soon, if you like.
Mowing is on the docket for today but I’m going to persuade Don NOT to mow as his hand is still bothering him.
Stay safe, Kathy.