Another rainy day here at the cottage. We’re going to have do a lot of raking after this is over. Leaves on the driveway and walkways need to go. They’re too slippery.
I was so tired yesterday that I needed a little pick-me-up. So I dressed a couple of the girls and photographed them. Never fails to cheer me up. Lucy seems made for that red color and Holly, who already had the dress, tights, and boots on, added a sweater and a beret. Then I bring them back in the house and show them to Don, who truly enjoys seeing them. (I’m blessed.)
I figured out that part of the reason I was so tired \during and after my trip into the city was the fact that I had mowed the day before, kicking up all sorts of leaves, leaf mold, etc., and I was suffering from an allergy attack. It’s settled down a bit today, thank goodness.
Today, I’m washing bedding, cleaning the bathroom, working on the puzzle, and reading.
So heartbreaking to hear of actor Leslie Jordan’s tragic death. We were shocked. His daily videos during lockdown made us all laugh and brought us together. He was extraordinarily talented, and kind, and good. He and Don had the same agent years ago and Don met him. Jim’s production company is currently producing Mayim Bialik’s television series, Call Me Kat, and Leslie was a cast member. He’s heartbroken. So many people I know knew him and loved him. And, because of his warmth and generosity and humor, we all felt like we knew him.
Rest in Peace.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
Yes, I was sad to hear of Leslie’s passing. I follow him on Instagram and he often made me smile. Seemed like such a sweet, funny, and caring man.
He was.
Stay safe, Ellen.
So sad. In my humble opinion, Leslie Jordan stole every scene he was ever in. I hate that he’s gone.
I do, too. He’s irreplaceable.
Stay safe, Shanna.
Lovely post today with the girls and the kind sentiments for Leslie. I always enjoyed seeing him on TV. There was no one else like him. I never knew he was on instagram so I missed all of his postings. I am not on instagram. I may be missing something there. Glad you are feeling better today.
He was so wonderful during the pandemic. He kept so many people laughing when they really needed it.
Stay safe, Tana.
Leslie was such a treasure and losing him is so sad. I laughed so hard at his posts during the worst of the pandemic. RIP!
I did, too.
Stay safe, Linda.
I did not know his name but after looking him up. I remember watching my DVD of Reba…one of my favorites…he was on there and hilarious…I chuckle when I remember…so sad…gone too soon…
Thanks, Brenda.
Stay safe.
life is such a mix, isn’t it? love and annoyances, sweetness and tiredness, ease and hardships …
praying that you all have many reasons to smile.
glad you are feeling better, claudia. take it easy!
mr. jordan was a “scene-stealer” in the best possible way … and much too young to go. will pray for him and his loved ones.
i am going to sam’s service tomorrow morning (in a town about two and a half hours from here). :(
stay safe, everyone.
He was a truly good man. He helped many, many people.
Stay safe, Kathy.
I, too, so enjoyed seeing Leslie Jordan in different shows. He was always so funny, I really enjoyed seeing him in different shows…will be missed!
Allergies are a pain…feel better!
They are. I’m so tired of them.
Stay safe, Barrie.
I had no idea who Leslie Jordan was, even when I saw a pic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him. But it certainly sounds like an awful way to die.
The girls are looking cute.
Wow. I’m surprised. He had a recurring role on Will and Grace, he has been on all sorts of shows for years and years.
Maybe you didn’t watch Will and Grace? But if you did, you saw him.
Stay safe.
I so enjoyed Leslie Jordan in “Call Me Kat”. He always made us laugh. He will be missed. Loved your girls today. Those red striped stockings are so cute. I like how you always feel better when you “play” with your girls. Me, too. Don’t overdo the raking. Hugs, Elaine
We’re not raking today as it’s still raining. Not until the leaves dry up a bit.
Stay safe, Elaine.
I loved Leslie Jordan…very sad to hear of his passing.
We had a beautiful weekend, sunny and low 70s. Today we are back to rain again. We have a ton of leaves on the lawn, but amazingly there are still trees half full. We just looked at prices to hire someone and seems too pricy when we still are capable of doing it…just have to pace ourselves a little.
Glad you’re feeling better.
Take care
Same here. We just rake slowly.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
I remember on one Reba he sold van a ring for his wife. On another. He was a blind date for Reba.
He had a way about him that was so real and did not seem to be acting
It probably hasn’t made the news in the US, but we are having monster floods here in Australia. It just will not stop raining. Our third La Nina weather pattern in 3 years.
Many of us think Mother Nature is giving us an almighty whack for disrespecting her for so long.
So sorry you’re dealing with intense flooding Denise.
I hope that eases soon.
Stay safe.