Another shot with my long range lens. Everything looks slightly, but only slightly, out of focus and rather magical.
I had to crop the upper left hand corner because my neighbors have some ugly old truck parked there. Looks like the kind of truck an electrician would use. Plus, the grass is really long which leads me to believe their rider mower is temporarily out of commission. Truck, unmowed grass – all we need is an abandoned sofa to complete the picture. Normally, they mow regularly, so I just have to let it go until they can mow again.
But it does mess up my photos…don’t they know I’m a blogger?????
There’s not a whole lot to share since yesterday’s post. We’ve been taking it easy. Don’s reading a book by Jim Harrison, I’m reading Wicked Prey by John Sandford. Two more books arrived at the library yesterday. Yikes. I think I went a little overboard with the ‘hold’ button. So I read a big chunk of the Sandford this morning and will try to read more later on today.
We were going to watch more of Babylon Berlin last night but we noticed that TCM was running Top Hat and Swing Time with Fred and Ginger. You know I’m a huge fan of Fred Astaire and have been since I was about 12. I have pretty much every book ever written about him and I have all of their movies on DVD. However, our DVD player is broken and it’s always fun to discover that the movies are being run live on TCM. So we dropped our plans and happily spent 4 hours in Art Deco/Astaire/Rogers heaven along with brilliant supporting cast members Edward Everett Horton, Helen Broderick (I love her, she can land a comeback like no one else) Eric Blore, and Victor Moore.
We’re still talking about it this morning.
Don is making pancakes and fried eggs while I write this, so I’ll have to sign off soon.
I hope you’re having a good weekend. Labor Day is Monday so it’s a long weekend around here, full of weekenders and campers. We’ll stay close to home.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
A lovely porch photo—love the petals!
Me too. I leave them and don’t sweep them up until pre-winter cleanup.
Stay safe, Shanna.
Claudia, I so enjoy how you share your “joy” in life. Thank you for taking the time to remove the comments from those who bully and torment others. They deserve to remain in the trash until they reform.
I am so impressed by your flowers. And you manage to keep them in spite of the deer predation. I love both flowers and deer and it is a constant challenge to find the ones they don’t eat. Love my Hellebores. They also leave the daisies, lavender and Russian Sage alone.
Thanks for sharing your moment in the kitchen with the rain. I love the sound and smell of rain. It evokes so many memories across time.
As far as book suggestions, have you read the Louise Penny series set in Three Pines Quebec. I particularly liked The Beautiful Mystery (8).
Oh yes! I’ve written about Louise Penny for years and years and many of my readers are now fans. I met her in NYC many years ago. There’s a photo of us somewhere on the blog.
Thank you for your kind words, Leora.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — glad you all got rain — we got .03 in (rain gauge measure) so not very good for us — wx keeps saying this p.m. not holding my breath, haha!! football is beginning here (we live in a college area so many visitors on wkends) making lots of traffic. your porch looks llike a great place to sit/relax — too bad re: neighbors vehicles — here–they would need an old useless appliance (washer, frig) to complete the pix, haha!! hope your wkend is good — stay safe/healthy
Yes, I’ve seen old appliances around here, as well!
Stay safe, Linda.
I was right there with you watching TMC last night. I also stayed up and watched The Major and the Minor with Ginger Rogers. I liked the dancing movies better.
We wanted to see Shall We Dance, too, but starting a movie at 10 pm is too late for us nowadays.
Stay safe, Olivia.
I’d like to be sitting out there with a good book, creamy cup of hot chocolate, and a cozy blanket! Looks so inviting! I’m a fan of Fred Astaire, too….I watch Easter Parade whenever it’s on.
It’s not quite cool enough for hot chocolate and a blanket.
But, soon!
Stay safe, Barrie.
love it when a favorite movie shows up when checking what’s on tv. since i don’t have cable tv or ways to stream movies or watch much tv in general, if a favorite movie is found, i will stop whatever else i was doing (unless it’s with family) and just enjoy the movie, even if it’s halfway through. glad you found some to enjoy, too.
trust breakfast was good. i hope the rest of your day and weekend are good, too.
stay safe, everyone.
Thanks so much, Kathy.
Stay safe.
Oh, I do love Fred and Ginger too. Have had a huge crush on him for years. My all time favorite is always Gay Divorcee where the studio imagines Italy as some shiny-floored art deco kingdom. When they dance to “Night and Day,” it’s just swoon worthy.
Your comment about the neighbor’s front lawn made me laugh. Growing up, there were farms around here like that – every piece of equipment or vehicle you could imagine out front and none of it working.
Take care,
They do the same thing in Top Hat – an Art Deco Venice, Italy.
I chatted with my neighbor yesterday and discovered she hadn’t mowed because she’s been ‘busy.’ THAT busy?
Stay safe, Kay.
I recorded Top Hat and Swing Time. I don’t know why — I’ve seen them both many times. Years ago the U had a lot of classic films and seeing them on the big screen was just extra magical. Your porch looks divine. I think I would want to spend every waking minute there!
Thanks so much, Jeanie. I think I’ve seen Top Hat at least 60 times, if not more. Since I got into them over 50 years ago, that makes sense!
Stay safe.
Claudia, I never tire of seeing your porch. There is just something magical about it. Our cable company removed TCM years ago and put it in with a very expensive extra package.
Our cable company did the same. We went without it for 3 years but we finally got the package. We don’t go out to dinner, we don’t travel, we don’t go to the movies. Cable is our entertainment. So we figured it was worth it. I really love old movies, as does Don.
Stay safe, Susan.