Do you ever watch the series, Fringe? I do. I have a love/hate relationship with it, however. It’s filmed in Canada. I mean, its painfully obvious that it is filmed in Canada. You can tell by the look of the city locations. It’s supposed to take place in Boston. The writers and/or whoever it is that does the location scouting are careless about what they identify as a Boston location. Fringe has made a lot of sloppy mistakes that way. Some examples: They once showed a subway stop that was clearly from a Canadian city (most likely Vancouver) and identified it as one in Boston. They misspelled Massachusetts in one of the titles. Yikes. And my favorite: They flashed the words “Beacon Hill” across the screen and showed a suburban neighborhood.
This is Beacon Hill:
Suburban? Not hardly.
Beacon Hill is one of my favorite areas of Boston. Great for walking, cobblestone and brick everywhere, gorgeous architecture – reminds me a lot of certain areas of Philadelphia, where I also lived. My favorite thing? To walk there at night and look in the windows. I used to do that in Society Hill in Philly, as well. Don’t you just love getting a peek inside someone’s home in the lamplight, seeing just a hint of what might be inside?
I have more photos that I will share with you in the coming days. Today was cold and windy, but….it was sunny! And that made all the difference. My work here is done. I’m going to watch the Sox on the tube tonight. Bright and early tomorrow, I’m going to drive back home to husband and doggies. And I’ll be home almost all of April before I have to leave again.
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