My maternal grandfather was a guy who loved horses. He was sort of a Canadian cowboy. By the time I knew him, he had moved to Michigan but I know that in his younger days in Canada, he drove a racing sulky. When I was a little girl, my grandparents lived on 4 acres in the country and Pa (we always called him Pa and that ‘a’ is a short a as in pat) had two horses and often boarded horses for others.
Pa was called ‘Slim’ by his friends. He worked for Michigan Bell Telephone for many years, as did my Dad and my brother. But his real passions were horses and his collection of horse bits.
There he is, in the basement, where his collection was on display. He was well known in that particular collecting niche, corresponding with collectors all from all over the world. Most of the bits were silver in color and he had a story to tell about each one. But I was a girl who liked color. And I was very intrigued by a gorgeous red bit that stood out in that sea of silver. After all, I was a girl who would take home only books with red covers from our neighborhood bookmobile.
Well, the years took their toll on Pa. His legs bothered him. He developed emphysema. He couldn’t take care of the horses the way he used to. Eventually, he sold the horses and the property and he and Grandma moved into a smallish town. I never thought about it at the time, but how hard it must have been for him to give all that up. He donated the bit collection to the local museum. Years later, after Pa died, the museum gave the collection back to my brother.
After my brother died, his girlfriend and I were talking about the bits, which were about to be sold to a collector. I told her how much I had loved that red bit, how I had stared at it as a child, how it seemed to be the prettiest horse bit I could ever imagine seeing anywhere. She gave me a conspiratorial wink, pulled the bit out of the collection, and gave it to me before it could be shipped off to the new owner.
Isn’t it pretty?
After all these years, I haven’t found the perfect place for it. It moves around. Just now, I tucked it into my white wicker florist basket and I think it will stay there for a while.
My grandfather was a man of few words but he was a great storyteller, played a mean game of solitaire, rolled his own cigarettes, wore Stetsons and bolo ties, and had the best laugh I have ever heard. Truly. I can still hear it after all these years without him. Big and hearty and uninhibited and infectious.
When I look at that red bit, I remember Pa and my brother and riding horses like beautiful Dixie or King, the pony who was blind in one eye. I’m glad I have this tiny part of his collection.
A happy story of childhood memories mixed with today. Thank you.
What a wonderful story. And what a collection of bits-that red one is beautiful. I’ve never seen one like that!
Hope you’re feeling better each day!
Hi Claudia,
What sweet memories of you Pa…
And now you have a part of him and what he loved so dearly..I bet your Pa is giving you one his big smiles just about now.
A precious story.
Have a sweet day and I’m glad your feeling better.
What a treasure that is, Claudia. Sometimes it is better to have just one special thing than lots of different items. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x4
I never had a red bit…. but Dad did buy us a red pony cart for our ponies, Ringo and Rango. Now THAT was fun!
Claudia, that is one purdy bit!! So glad you have that to remember him by.
Lovely memory Claudia. I would put that lovely bit in a large shadow box with one of your pictures of your pa beside it and hang it somewhere you pass everyday so you will always see it.
Have a lovely day hope you are feeling much better,
Sue ( in Canada)
What a sweet story…. your grandpa sounds like he was a great guy.
I’m glad to hear you’re recovering. Surgery is never any fun…. You’ll feel a bit better every day. And, it looks like summer’s going to be around for quite awhile. Hopefully you’ll be able to catch up on your missed time. :-)
What a wonderful post and a wonderful collection of memories.
I just love things like this.
White Spray Paint
By the way- isn’t Lee Child amazing?
What a beautiful memory! Your Pa looks so stylish by today’s standards, doesn’t he? (How fashion ebbs and flows!) It’s a great photo of him, and how lovely to be given something so memorable from his collection.
Claudia, I can see why you loved that bit and of course I can hear how much you loved “Pa”. So glad you have that red bit to recharge those memories. Ann
Claudia, how wonderful to have that red bit, I am sure it brings to sweet memories and comfort when you hold it….sometimes I feel like that, life is going by so rapidly and I wonder if my grandchildren will hold on to anything of my “collections” and feel the same passion and love that I do. Hope you’re feeling better and on the mend!!!
Margaret B
What beautiful memories you have of your “Pa”, Claudia. I like “wickedfaerie’s” suggestion. It deserves a place of honour where you would see it all the time. “Pa” is what I used to call my father when he was alive and I pronounced it exactly as you described.
This is really a touching post. I’m so glad that you were able to have this red bit in memory of your grandfather.
I have several pieces from my loved ones that have passed on. It’s never the value of the item that’s important-it’s the memories connected with it that means so much.
You had a very special grandpa.
What a wonderful story. Makes me want to hold my memories even closer.
Thanks for sharing,
What a sweet story! Your Pa had such a great smile! I am so glad that you were able to keep a piece from his collection.
Blessings, Joanne
Oh Claudia I LOVED this story. You should write a short story about Pa!
So glad that you are feeling better – fresh air does do a body good.
And, lastly Happy belated b-day to your Mum. Many more…
What beautiful memories. What a pretty bit too. Red and white are my faves. Take care, Pam
I’m so glad you got to keep the red bit, Claudia, and that it a little piece of your grandfather’s world that still survives. Lovely story, and what a neat man! I would have loved him because I was such a HUGE horse nut as a child and rode all the time. We played “Gunsmoke” and “Roy Rogers and Dale Evans.” My favorite shows were “Fury” and “My Friend Flicka.”
Sheila :-)
What a brilliant story. Thank you for telling me about it :) I love all his bits… they’re amazing!!! And the red bit…wow…
Grandfathers like that sure leave a mark on your soul don’t they?
I love this post, Claudia! I can see why you loved the red bit. Wouldn’t it look gorgeous in a distressed shadowbox mounted on a cream colored suede? xoxo