Do you like my vintage reindeer? I would say they were manufactured in the 50’s – 60’s. They remind me of my childhood. The awful truth: I bought these last Christmas to give to someone who was having a holiday party. I didn’t end up attending said party; I think I was under the weather. I discovered them in my craft closet this year. Now they’re mine.
It’s very cold here in our neck of the woods. But no snow. I watch the weather and see snow falling everywhere else. My goodness, Europe was really getting hit over the weekend. Airports were closed, train travel stopped. Here? Nothing. We may have ‘snow showers’ on Christmas. Translated: no accumulation. I know I will be up to my neck in snow later this winter, so I shouldn’t complain. However, it would be nice to have some white stuff on the ground for Christmas.
We moved out to the East Coast 9 years ago. Don is a Southern California boy and I had lived in San Diego for 8 years. We were ready for a white Christmas. Boy, did we get one. There was a blizzard that day. Snow, snow and more snow. It went on all day. I remember trying to walk through waist-high drifts to our vacationing neighbors’ house to feed their dogs and let them outside. It was a magical adventure. We were living in a tiny rented cottage and we felt warm and cozy while all that snow whirled and twirled through the air. I still love that feeling.
That was the Christmas I realized that because of a moving day glitch, all our boxes of Christmas ornaments had been put in an not-very-accessible storage facility and not in the cottage where they belonged. We had nothing. We had to run out and buy some very inexpensive ornaments from the local drug store. And that’s where this tree topper comes in. We had a beautiful glass tree topper that was, regrettably, in those darn boxes. I found this tin angel in a local shop. Her folk-art look was charming and I thought she would do nicely until we were reunited with our “in storage” ornaments. Well, we weren’t reunited with them until four years later when we moved to MHC. As we unpacked them all that first year here, we admired our glass tree topper once again. We placed it on top of the tree. Pretty…but not our angel. The angel won out. And she has every Christmas since.
Good morning Claudia from Frog Hollow Farm. I’m sitting at my kitchen table catching up with my blogger friends and making to-do lists for the next couple of days. We’re having some friends from the school district that I retired from over tomorrow night and celebrating Christmas Eve here with friends and family. I love being snowed in – it’s the best best feeling! FHFB (the meteorologist) was saying that Christmas Day looks a little snowy – but I don’t have an authenic signed forecast from him so we’ll see what happens. Next on my list is a snow dance! Ciao, bella!
We’ve got the same cold weather and gray days, but no snow. I’de love a foot of snow for Christmas.
Love the vintage deer!….
As a matter of fact I ADORE your vintage deer. Of course I would add some glitter…but then again, I add glitter to most everything.Enjoy!
Its even cold here in FLorida. I love your angel she is definitely something I would have here at my house.
Love and miss you,
Hubs just finished blowing our snow from last night which wasn’t too much but more is forecast for today. I can just imagine your Christmases with the snow, sweetpea. That seems to me to be the perfect Christmas: warm cottage and snow.
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas Claudia- I hope you get a little dusting of snow. If I could I would package up some of ours and ship it off to you :) I love your sweet angel ♥
Claudia, I love the sentimental importance you place on so many of the beautiful items in your home because of the memories they bring to mind. A very Merry Christmas to you and Don!… Donna
Hi dear, I’m home sick with a fever today which is a blessing because I needed a brief rest. I love your reindeer and I have to tell you that I came by a set of vintage Christmas salt and pepper shakers that I was going to give to a friend. My friend moved suddenly and I never sent her the shakers so they are rightfully mine. I do get a twinge of guilt when I look at them but I just can’t part with them…lol!!
I’m still a country folk art girl at heart so your angel is right up my alley.
Deanna :D
Oh I hope you get some snow for Christmas! We have it here, and it helps get me in the mood.
My mama had some reindeer similar to those when I was little. Who knows what happened to them. :)
Darling little reindeer & angel Claudia:)
I hate to be a grinch but I’m praying for no snow! We got a couple inches last week, some is still hanging around…I’d be happy if it all melted away:)
Have a great week Claudia!
The angel is a wonderful and warm Christmas story!
Seems like these sweet little ceramic deer were meant to be yours. Love your filter wreath. Enjoy the magic and wonder of this season. Happy Holly Jolly Joy to you…
Such sweet little reindeer. They remind me of my childhood as well. I’m glad you got to keep them:) Chances for a white Christmas here are pretty slim this year. But I won’t let it dampen my spirits! Merry Christmas!
I love your story about the Angel tree topper, and the reindeer are adorable!
Claudia…I thought that you would have snow in your part of the world. We have had quite a bit in Ohio for this early in the season. More coming tomorrow and then a “big” one coming on Christmas Eve into Christmas day. I am sure it will be coming your way!~Hugs, Patti
Here in Wisconsin it has been too cold to snow. OK for a while but enough is enough. Tonight we are predicted for snow and freezing drizzle! I can do without the drizzle part.
What a pretty angel! I love a white Christmas too. We had a really beautiful one about 3 years ago with nearly a foot of snow. I don;t know that I would want blizzard conditions though!
Hi Claudia,
I love the tiny reindeer and the angel topper is really pretty. Your moving adventure sounds a bit like a few of mine over the years.
Right now we may have snow for Christmas but probably nothing special. Last week was snow and then an ice storn..OH JOY!
Stay warm and cozy and I’ll do a snow dance for you!
Merry Merry,
Stephanie ♥
I love watching snow from inside a cozy home too~ especially when the snow is falling in big, fluffy flakes! That’s one of the parts about living in an area that snows that I really miss.
Your deer are darling~ and so is that embroidered cloth underneath them! I love the story about your angel~ such sweet, special memories attached to her…
Stay warm, I’ll be sending you some fluffy snow wishes for Christmas!
Ahhhh, I love your reindeer, Claudia! They remind me of my grandmother’s decorations! :)
We haven’t had much snow to speak of this year (so far). I’m hoping for a White Christmas!
Hope all is merry at your house!
What a lovely story about your angel! She is beautiful! And the reindeer – are you sure they aren’t vintage?? They are so perfect – like the characters in the old Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer cartoon!
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas – with all your decorations to choose from!! (Thanks so much for entering my giveaway and for following! It means a lot to me!)
Yay for the angel. Sometimes we start new traditions and I remember the reindeer also. Happy Christmas♥
Funny, I decided just this
year to start collecting
reindeer and bought my
first “family.” I’m looking
forward to adding more….
Yours are darling. One year
when we were between homes and
living in Virginia, my parents
flew in and we drove to the
Outer Banks for Christmas in
a beach cottage. My dad brought
his dremel and we collected
shells, glittered them, and
drilled a hole in the top for
a loop of ribbon. Real tree,
inexpensive white lights and
stand from the drug store….
and one of the most memorable
Christmases, ever! I still
bring out those little shells
and add them to my tree, each
year. Like your tin angel,
they just feel RIGHT. Just
got in from fighting the crowds
and snow and this post has me
feeling IT, Claudia! Thanks!
xx Suzanne