:: This is Riley looking longingly at the stairs, hoping that Dad will soon come down from his office. Riley loves his Dad. If he hears a sound coming from that general direction, he snaps to attention, all big brown eyes and tail wag. Riley’s favorite time of day is when Dad starts to prepare dinner. About 6 pm, he starts nagging. Then little whimpers. Then the pacing. He keeps this up until Don makes his move toward the kitchen. When that happens, this guy with bad hips practically leaps up the 2 steps leading into the living room from the den and trots into the kitchen.
Right now, as I write this, he is pacing back and forth, trying to see up the stairs. That’s because Don was just down here in the den and now has gone upstairs again. Soon he will begin worrying about when I am going to feed him. As if it just might not happen for the first time ever.
:: Last night we went to sleep with the delightful pungent smell of skunk throughout the house. This morning the smell is gone, thank goodness. When we looked outside, we could see tracks in the snow leading to our porch. Skunk tracks. All this, however, is a breeze compared to our skunk adventures when we were living in San Diego. Back then, they routinely got under our house and let loose with a smell that permeated everything in the house for days. Clothes, doorknobs – you name it. I lived in fear that I smelled like skunk. We tried everything to get rid of them. Nothing worked. And you know me well enough to know I would never consent to having them killed. No way. The little devils were very smart. We set out Hav-a-Heart traps and they never fell for the bait.
So last night, though annoying, was a breeze.
:: Yesterday was the last day in the rehearsal space. Now the cast moves onstage for tech rehearsals. I will be traveling into the city on Saturday for an 8 day stay while we are in the dress rehearsal/preview stage. I’ll be very busy with the play, but I will try to get out and about for some photo opportunities. It should be fun!
:: Thank you for all the wonderful comments about Don’s CD. I know some of you have downloaded the songs and others have written to request an autographed copy of the CD. We are very grateful for your support!
:: And thank you for all the lovely congratulations on my little studio’s appearance in Studios. I’m very happy. Another article to be framed!
Have a great day, my friends.
If you are ever lucky enough to ever smell the pungent aroma of skunk you will never forget it. I can envision the vapors wafting through your place. So many things to consider if one wants to move away from the city/suburbs. Never would I have thought of skunks being a problem but after all, its their world too. This sure must be a challenge… I gather you must stock up on “Fabreez”?
What a wonderful furry baby you have there, so attentive and ever watchful. Now that is my kind of furry one and dedicated to his cause… giving love and eating.
Our male parrot is like that. I know when honeyman is home when he starts screaming. He is ever watchful from the front window over looking the driveway for his car. And such a watch-bird if someone even steps foot on our driveway. Who needs an alarm system with Mr. M is around. The world would be so dull without our furry and feathered members to brighten our day.
Happy travels to you and may the lord keep you safe.
Riley is so sweet- I just want to hug him! My little pup comes to work with me each day. I work with my husband and when he goes out on deliveries Miko waits by the door for him to get back. It’s so cute- they really do love us so much. I somehow missed your post about Don- I have to go back now! Congrats to him!!! We have the occasional skunk problem where we live also- it takes forever to disappear- I feel your discomfort :) I wish you safe travels and good tech rehearsals Claudia and I hope you do have lots of fun ♥
Aaugh! I cannot stand skunk smells!! We have a street here in SA that the locals call “Skunk Alley” and let me tell you, I’ve gone to work smelling like a skunk!
I laughed at Riley’s antics! What a cutie pie!
Have a safe trip and get plenty of rest.
Deanna :D
I get the same treatment from one of my dogs…That AND a pitiful whine.
Break a leg!!!!
The skunk might be looking for a warm place to hangout. make sure that all possible entry into your home is covered or else you may have a skunk having babies there. A protective mom with babes would be really hard to remove. Your dog is adorable. Blessings, Joanne
Oh my gosh! we have lots of skunks near here but none have visited yet. Our puppy is like Riley. He loves his daddy and pouts when he leaves the house. Have a good week in the city!
To be so loved by your sweet pet is a wonderful comfort. Our hearts bond.
Skunk! That is an unforgettable smell. Fortunately we have not been visited at home by one.
Enjoy your coming week. I know you will be busy, but loving every minute.
What exciting times for you and your Don. I am so so so happy for you.
Riley is so beautiful. Our pets are so funny. They love us as masters and also love that we keep them feed. I swear that my cat Rocky knows how to tell time!
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Cory
Hooray for me……I’m gettin’ an autographed copy from your hubby!!!! I’m so excited, I can’t wait to hear the whole thing!
Love ya’
8 days in the city will hopefully remove skunk perfume from your nostrils Claudia! That Riley dog is so gorgeous……….and I love that name.
Take care while away – am loving your photos.
Hugs – Mary
Oh how odd, Claudia. I have had a skunk, skunking around my place lately; leaving only his calling card. This must be the season of the skunk. Their joyful expression that the snow (in your case) and cold is finally over and Spring is here. So cold and snow or happy, spunky skunks? Humm, these are the choices. Does one still say, “Break a leg?” when hoping the best for the actors and such in the acting community? If so, break a leg; if not, I never said it. Peace. Brianne
When I read your post title and saw the picture of Riley, I feared the worst.
Mothballs help keep skunks away.
We had a dog vs. skunk incident a few years ago and it is a smell I will never forget. I did smell like a skunk for days….
Good luck with the rehearsals!
congrats on Studios – haven’t seen it yet, but can’t wait!
Riley is absolutely adorable – such a sweet face.
When I was in high school, I lived next door to the high school. One night our dog got skunk and it was all over the house. When i went to school the next day, I just reeked of the smell. i think i finally took an early out and walked out embarrassed by my odor!