Do you remember my words in yesterday’s post? I was going to ‘lay low’ for the day.
The gods heard that and laughed out loud.
I was working on Hamlet and stopped to throw some sheets in the washer. After some time, I went to the bathroom (where our stacked one-piece washer and dryer lives in a closet) to throw them in the dryer. But the load wasn’t done. The cycle had stopped midway through the wash. Thinking it might just be a problem with the permanent press cycle, I moved the dial to Normal. Nothing. I tried Rinse. Nothing. I tried Spin. I tried Gentle. I tried everything. For a moment or two, Normal worked. Then it stopped.
The only thing the washer would do was fill with water, which I certainly didn’t need as it was already full of water. Soapy water.
The damn thing was broken.
So this is how I spent my morning and much of the afternoon: pulling out wet sheets (which, of course, spilled water onto the floor) and then holding them under the bathtub faucet as I rinsed them out by hand. Then I wrung them out and dried them. One by one. There were wet sheets in the bathtub. There were wet sheets in the bathroom sink. There were wet sheets in the washer.
And then, joy of joys, I methodically bailed out the washer – scoop by scoop.
Guess how long that took?
There is still some water in the bottom of the washer that I just can’t get out of there, so I’m trusting it will eventually evaporate.
The bathroom was a mess. I ended up washing the floor. The rugs dried outside on the Funky Patio chairs.
In this time of planned obsolescence, I wonder if nine years is the most we can expect from a washer? (The dryer still works.)
Since I’m leaving town in about five days, I am going to hold off on calling in someone to look at it. We’ll deal with that when we get back. Why do I have this sinking feeling the whole darn thing is going to have to be replaced?
And that’s a whole other kettle of fish. Getting that washer and dryer in there involved taking off the door to the bathroom, taking off the door to the closet, and removing the molding.
Let’s change the subject and look at a neat picture of Scout.
I was shooting into the sun and this orb appeared on the image. Reminds me of Glinda, the Good Witch, in The Wizard of Oz.
And to further take my mind off the washer, how about some pretty morning glories?
Sigh. That helps.
Act Three? Check. Today I work on Act Four.
By the way, I’ve been hit with a ton of spam in the last 24 hours that looks like a legitimate comment, but isn’t. It will take a bit of time for my spam plug-in to identify and filter this stuff, so I am temporarily moderating comments. I check in all the time, however, so your comment will be approved rather quickly.
Don’t people have anything better to do than this? Really? They can’t do something more constructive with their time?
Happy Saturday.
I have had that happen before…it is probably just the pump in the washer:) You probably just need a repairman…not a new washer:) I have to admit….it seems to always happen with a really heavy load and that makes it harder to wring out.
Today will be a better day.
Love the Scout picture with the orb. Those things are magical looking.
Good luck.
I hope it’s just the pump, Terri. Fingers crossed!
We have a front loading washer at the house. Here at our temporary apartment there is a top loader like the one we had at the lake.
The first front loader, at home, had to be replaced after 6 years. Meanwhile the top loader at the lake was still going strong when we sold the place last year. Even the one here at the apartment is okay, after being used by various tenants over the years. The old saying “they just don’t make them like they used to”, is certainly true for appliances.
Bearing bad news, Claudia…we called the repairman to have a look at our front loader. He gave us a bid…we shopped around and found we could buy a brand new front loader, just like the one that was broken, for about the same amount as the bid to repair the old one.
I know, Pat. I have a feeling that’s what we’re going to have to do. Hope not, but it seems to me like the motor is damaged. Of course, I don’t know much about this kind of thing…but if the repair bill is going to be too high, we’ll just bite the bullet and buy a new one.
We inherited a stacked washer/dryer when we bought our home 10 years ago. Luckily it is a Matag from back when Matag was a great name. I have had to have the dryer repaired once by a repairman and once by my husband. The repairman said it was definitely worth it to continue to repair it as long as the parts are available. It will be about $1000 to replace it and that would be with some new “cheaper-made” model. Hope your repair is a small one! (PS Do you notice that the machines never go just as a cycle is ending?)
We bought this one nine years ago, not long after we moved in to the cottage. And yes, why do they always break down in the MIDDLE of a cycle?
we had the same thing happen to our stackable…it was the pump…but then yours could be a belt or even the clutch….might be worth the call to your “friendly repair man” for an estimate before you put it in the “scrap heap”…GOOD LUCK GIRL!!! been there, done that before too!!
I will definitely call the repair man first, Sharon.
Well, hopefully, when you get back…it will be just a simple repair! Gotta get some positive vibes going on! Spammers and wet sheets…bad karma for sure! Hope the rest of today goes much smoother for you! ;)
Thank goodness it wasn’t a whole load of clothes, Donnamae!
We’ve only had 2 washers in the past 48 years. I sold my last one to a man who thought it looked brand new. But I sold it because hubby bought me a new one thinking the old one could go out at any time! Sweetheart that he is. The first one was a Kenmore (Sears) and this one I’ve had since October 1995 and still works like a charm. Maybe a new one is in your future. But if it can be repaired I’d do that first. I’m not too thrilled with the new models coming out now, most are front loaders and I’ve never like them.
This isn’t a front loader ( we originally bought a small one but it made so much noise and vibration that we exchanged it for this one.) Hopefully, it can be repaired!
When my washer stopped working I found out when I stepped onto squishy wet carpeting. The tub drained alright. All over the hallway! I feel for you.
I never get tired of seeing Scout out snuffling (isn’t that a great word?) around in the yard. And I never get tired of the Morning Glories.
I love the ORB. It adds a mystical quality to the picture.
I like it, too, Trudy!
I am sure that beautiful orb is Riley’s spirit, watching over Scout.
Sally, that’s a beautiful thought. I like that.
Yikes on the washer! I hope it’s easy to fix and not $$. So not rest for you yesterday that’s for sure. I’ve finally figured out that my dental work has caused my TMJ to flare up and I am having headaches everyday. Working on getting my jaws to align better and feel better. It’s always something isn’t it. I’m not very productive when I’ve got constant headaches. Hugs to you and Scout!
Oh no! That’s not fun at all. I hope your headaches go away, my friend.
So sorry to hear about the washer. Bless the hearts of whomever invented those wonderful stacked gizmos though! I absolutely loved mine when we lived in a teeny mouse hole of an apartment. Even though space was not an issue when it came time to invest in another set up, I did think about getting another stacked set :-) Reminded me of a dollhouse in a way. LOVE the orb in the photo! But, then again, I love anything that reminds me of The Wizard of Oz. Sending good vibes the washer repair will be minor and not costly. Lovely morning glories…STILL waiting for mine to bloom! A wonderful blast of fresh cool air descended on us yesterday, so we are on bloom watch :-) Hope you find something fun to do this weekend!
Hope yours bloom very soon, Jeannine!
We surely don’t “wear it out” any longer, do we? Obviously, there is more money in new than in repair. Crazy. Bet your arms and hands are aching a bit today!
Hope you are enjoying some of the cooler weather we have had for a couple of days now. Got down to 38* last night!!
I believe that orb is Miss Scout’s Guardian Angel!! :-) May your day today be a much less exciting one!!
I hope that Orb is guarding my dear little Scout. We have an adventure ahead of us this week!
okay kicking myself over and over … scrolled again and lost my comment AGAIN … $%&!! I write some and then wander around like a doofus and *POOF*
Please know that my comment was insightful, heartwarming, life changing LOL!
much shortened and less meaningful version hahahhaha – so sorry about your washer, I’ve been there too with a full tub of water ARGH. Surely wet towels weigh at least a ton each?! Fingers crossed you won’t have to replace it.
LOVE the photo of Scout and the orb and your comment …
Happy weekend!
Wet anything seems to weigh a ton, Sally! Have a lovely weekend.
Love that orb over Scout. Looks like she has her own personal angel. Sorry about your washer problem. I hate that. Mine is included with my rental, so fortunately not something I have to worry about now. Hope you have a better day today. xo Laura
I hope that is her personal angel. I like that idea.
That’s what I always think too. Don’t these spammers & hackers have anything better to do? Maybe the jokes are actually right – they ARE all unemployed losers living in their parents’ basements. But if they harnessed the energy, effort and brain-power to do something useful, they could actually solve some problems. PS – Much luck with the washer. When in the process of replacing my first microwave I remember a customer service person at Kitchen Aid telling me most major appliances have a lifespan of about seven years if well-maintained. And then reading the same thing in Consumer Reports.
Sadly, I think that’s true. Remember the good old days when appliances lasted a long time?
Sure do. My parents bought a Norge gas dryer right after the first of my 5 sibs was born in Dec 1957. Finally had to replace it when that baby turned 31 years old! I’m sure it helped that my Dad was very handy and worked for the gas company – but still! Pretty awesome.
Amazing, especially in view of today’s short-lived appliances!
I just had my washer repaired. The only thing it would do was fill with water also. It turned out to be the switch that controls things when you close the door. It cost $145.00 to replace – so maybe yours won’t be such bad news.
Here’s hoping, Linda!
So sorry that you had to go through all that. We have replaced our pump 2 times and the washer is still going strong. We ordered and then replaced it. Hugs!
Maybe it’s the pump, Rose!
When our machine broke, the water would not go out. My son-in-law said it was the pump and he was right. So, just maybe that is what is wrong with your machine. I hope so.
Sorry to here about your washer. We had several repairs done on our old washer. I just renewed my home warranty this week for 14 months. They give you two free months. Last year I know it paid for itself between the AC , plumbing and electrical. I pay yearly $420.00 and a service call is $45.00.
Why does it seem when something breaks it’s the weekend or your home alone? When our pipe under the house broke no one else was home. I had to call the water co. to turn the water off. I live in a small town and he was here in ten minutes. I now know where the shut off valve is located.
That reminds me that I need to find out where our shut-off valve is!
“In this time of planned obsolescence” could be a lovely first line of a novel or poem. sorry about all that blech.
i am seeking some decorating advice so between stanzas or buckets, please lend me your ear (or visit my blog).
Blech is the right word for it, Elyse. I’ll stop by your blog this afternoon.
I hate when appliances break down..and of course it has to happen when you are going away soon..I too have been through the mess of wringing wet things out by hand..Good luck with getting it repaired..the orb is a beautiful thing..
It sure is, Nancy!
You know, Claudia, it’s always something! Maybe the washer just rebelled at the heavy load and went on strike. (Sort of like you were tempted to do during The Long Winter Without Don!) Good luck with the repair and with Hamlet.
Thanks, Marianne!
You might get a shop vac. I’ve found them handy for wet or dry. Why is it things go wrong at the worst time? I guess what doesn’t kill us will make us stronger but it also gives us a sore back and arms! After a day spent like that, everything else will be uphill. :)
A shop vac would be nice, but we really don’t have any more storage space here. If we had a garage or a usable basement (how I wish!) we could get one. Ah, well.
Oh my goodness, what a day you had! :-/ Appliance issues, car issues, etc. can EASILY make me want to crawl under a rock and hope they’ll magically fix themselves … they don’t :( Love the shot you got of Scout … hey, maybe it was Glenda coming to fix your washer??!
My husband thinks the washer needs a new pump, too. Fingers crossed for that! Love the photo of Scout with the orb, and the color of the morning glories in the first photo is almost unbelievable! So intense!
Our stackable had this problem. It was the water pump. My husband changed it out (figuring out how to get the front off the machine was the hard part). Has worked wonderful since then . Hope you get it back on track and you can get on with your work.
And they’re California Kings! damn! Bet you wished it was a twin set!
So sorry to hear about appliance problems. I think they should be a one time purchase, but I live in a dream world.