I’m sitting in the office typing this because it’s too noisy in the den. The roofers called us yesterday and they’re here to put a new roof on the shed and fix the section of the porch roof that is leaking into our front door. Hurrah!
No more leaky shed roof. No more leaks in the door frame.
Other than that, there’s not much else that is new. We had a big wind/rain storm last night, as often happens when weather has been unseasonably warm. Today is breezy and windy and about 20 degrees colder.
I don’t know if you saw the comments yesterday from a woman named Terri Crider. They have since been deleted. Terri read this blog for several years and then Trump happened and her true colors were revealed. She turned into a troll. I’ve blocked her twice before and, in the desperation seen in Trumpers who can’t accept that he lost the election, she’s reappeared. Her comments, as you might expect, are mean spirited, ignorant, and full of lies. It’s sad.
It’s one thing if a commenter responds to me directly. I can take it. But she responded directly to comments from two of my readers and called them names. I’ve blocked her. Again. I apologize if you received any responses from her.
Current view:
They’re working fast. Fingers crossed that they get this done in one day.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
I saw the hated comments yesterday, thank you for blocking her. I’ve been a Trump fan since the beginning but can’t take the mean, nasty comments on both sides. He lost the election because of his mouth, which I think the vast majority of his base will admit too. It’s the small, nasty base on both sides that drive me crazy.
Thanks, Darlene.
Stay safe!
I Have no clue where people get off thinking they can be mean and cruel. So sad. We are hanging in here but not easy.
Thank you, Brenda.
Stay safe.
dear Claudia/Don — hope the workers will have a dry day to complete their work. I did see those ‘crazy’ comments but my pea sized brain thought I had hit a wrong key and gone to some weird blog!! glad to know I’m not the one who is messed up, haha!! wishing that we had more ‘sane’ people in our world. hope Don is on the mend–it does take time for healing. pls stay safe/healthy
Yes, it stayed dry and they finished by 2 pm. They were great.
Thanks, Linda.
Stay safe.
Didn’t spot Terri (happened not to look at the comments at all) I’m glad to say. Poor woman… get a life!
Exactly. I hope she gets some help, too.
Stay safe, Petra.
I didn’t see the comment yesterday from your troll, honestly, haven’t these people got anything better to do? Imagine if the world was full of people who supported each other and lifted each other up, it would make such a difference. Hope your roofers get the work completed today. Take care.
She clearly has nothing to do but complain.
Roofers finished everything by this afternoon. It looks great.
Stay safe, Fiona.
I’m glad you were able to block your troll again. I didn’t see the comments and that’s a good thing. I hope they get the job on the roof done quickly. Enjoy your day!
Roof is done – repaired in both places! Hurrah!
Stay safe, Linda.
Oh so glad you are getting your repairs done.
We need to do the same thing to our shed come Spring.
It took just a few hours and it’s done. They were wonderful.
Stay safe, Linda.
It sure hurts to pay the bills for such upkeep, but I always feel so righteous, for want of a better word, when they’re done. We had planned to redo our main bathroom to make it more ADA compliant this year as my husband’s mobility and balance continue to worsen. Covid flareups here in Texas have meant that we don’t want people in and out of the house right now. I hope your roofing jobs go smoothly and quickly.
I always say, This feels like I’m an adult!
Stay safe, Linda.
Hi Claudia Saw some really very extraordinary puzzles. eeeboopuzzles , check them out. Not affiliated with them . They are just cool!
Yes, I’ve seen them, Karen.
Thanks so much!
Stay safe.
Make that eeboo.
I have opposing political viewpoints but I respect others and am enriched by their viewpoints. My grandmother had strong l viewpoints but seldom offended others personally . She would say” Please explain why you feel that way , ‘Then she would say Have you thought about how others may see the problem differently,? It was so enlightening to grow up seeing her tackle issues , She was a devout Baptist but her first employment was in a Roman Catholic mission teaching Choctaw Indians . Her ability to respect opposing viewpoints was amazing , She was awed by how poor people in the local society ( negated )were rich in spirit thrived and endured, She would say those kids taught me more than I taught them, I feel if we looked at each other with anticipation of expanding our minds we would be richer in spirit and less apt to fear ,For what we do not understand we fear and what we fear we often hate and Hate corrodes , That basic law of love one another was written for a reason, Love your enemies is the hardest but it too has a great purpose If you love and pray for the well being of the opposition it is hard to hate them and do harm to those you wish well . Secure people rarely do harm , Today’s sermon will end with a celebration of dry storage and leak free door frames
Now if my washer runs decently all will be happier in my small world
Well said! I loved your comment.
Thanks so much, Patricia. I appreciate your thoughts.
All the work was finished by about 2 pm.
Stay safe.
Loved your story about your grandmother, Patricia. What a wonderful woman and the powerful lessons that she taught. Thank you for sharing.
It’s such a good feeling to get home repairs completed! A real stress-reliever!
It is. Now I can’t wait to clean the floor of the shed and all of the residue from leaking that is on everything.
Thank you, Vicki.
I was surprised to read Terri’s comments — that anyone that mean spirited would even begin to follow your blog. No excuse for that behavior — I’m glad you can block her.
Well done on having the repair work done. It’s a reminder to me– now that Covid is easing, I have two indoor projects that will require contracting. I’ve been putting it off far too long.
Love the Beacon Hill!
One of the perks of using WordPress, you can block IP addresses.
Thanks so much, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
Shame on the trolls and move along please. We love your blog Claudia. I’m glad you blocked that person. On another note, your sweet hubby followed me on Instagram this week. I am honored! Have a great day.
Yay! I’m so glad he did! Am I following you? If not, let me know and I’ll be sure to do that.
Stay safe, Mo!
I don’t think you are I am customerservicechick on Insta. My page isn’t too exciting lol but you are more than welcome to follow me! I would be doubly honored!!
Will do! xo
Congrats on getting the repairs done. It is nice to be able to get them done, especially in these times. I, too, need to get back to trying to find a repair person for this and that (mine fell by the wayside during covid — sigh).
I didn’t see the comments, but so glad you were able to block her. I agree with what others have said and especially appreciated Fiona’s and Patricia’s wonderful comments.
The doll house is coming along nice . It looks beautiful and the lamp really calls attention to it, tee hee. Quite impressive!
Love your blog, Claudia. You’re a bright spot in my life.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Caroline.
Stay safe.