These beauties are still going strong.
This will be a quick post. Yesterday ended up being a very busy day with gutter cleaning, buying a new lawn mower, trying to put it together, and lots of other must-dos on the agenda. Poor Don. His one day off wasn’t at all restful.
He’s leaving soon to go back to the city. I am not traveling with him – in order to go with him, I would have had to drive my car to our neighboring town this morning to park it near the bus terminal and he would have had to pick me up. Otherwise I would have come back from the city via the bus with no way to get back to the cottage. It seemed like an extra hassle, so he’s driving and I’m taking the bus and we might meet up there or not. We’re rehearsing only a few blocks apart.
Anyway, I have to get moving and I’m still a bit sleep deprived, so more coffee is on the agenda. I haven’t even had time to reply to yesterday’s comments, but I’ll get there. Apologies!
Hopefully, next week will be a more laid back day off for Don. Fingers crossed.
I’ll be back with more tomorrow, my friends.
Happy Monday.
Claudia, Just when you think you can rest. Or even save a bit….there’s always something breaking and needing fixed or replaced. I hope your next time together will be more peaceful. Be safe in your travels. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
Enjoy your day in the city. I know you are working but maybe you can squeeze in a moment with Don. My house is in chaos and I’m working on getting it back to it’s normal cluttered look! It got hot yesterday and looks like it will today also. I am ready for Fall now! Hugs!
It never ends. It seems when we finish something and think the next few days will be nice and quiet ~ life has a way of throwing a bit of a tantrum. Sigh….. it seems to happen every time.
Crazy schedule for you these days. Are you working all week, or is it just for today? It is a pretty day here today. Hope your ride into the city today is a relaxing one. Forced relaxation as you can’t get up and run to try and get one more thing done. Take advantage of that!! Have a great Monday.
Claudia, don’t worry about replying back. At least not to me. I promise I won’t be offended or get my nose out of joint. You know this already, but there’s no law that you MUST reply to EVERY comment EVERY time. You actually ARE entitled to a life away from the laptop. I already think it’s pretty amazing that you do reply to each & every comment. I know NO ONE else who does that – on any blog or any platform. Give yourself a break, child. Or at least consider one or two reply-free days a week. Life is short & there’s always more to do than there is time [you know that already too]. Safe & pleasant travels. Peace.
i agree with all that janet in rochester just said!
hope you and don can spend time together, enjoy every thing that’s on your to-do lists and get some breaks (in terms of free time and finances), too.
kathy in iowa
There’s always something that NEEDS to be done…. you’ve reminded me that I need to clean my gutters, too. Or, rather, my daughter needs to. I just offer encouragement from the ground! I’m glad I recaulked my windows earlier this summer. I had a couple of them leak during last winter’s rains. One I could caulk myself, but the other one was on the second story, so I hired a handyman. I also have to clear the weep holes. I cleared the weep holes of the one that leaked, and there was a (dead) earthworm in one of the weep holes. Wonder how it got there? Probably the wind blew it in? Anyway, hope you can meet up for maybe a cup of coffee while you are both in NYC. Glad to know you will still see each other while Don is in rehearsals….I thought it was a straight stretch of months.
Claudia please don’t ever feel like you have to respond to my comments…if you don’t respond I will automatically assume that you are very busy…if you feel like you have to respond that might take the fun out of it!…I wish you and Don the best of luck in your latest adventures!
Hi,Claudia! Your replies are appreciated but please do not feel you need to respond. My feelings will not be hurt! I must admit that I do enjoy your chats.It has been less than a year since I found your blog and I do feel as if I’ve made a new friend. Each time you post a photo of Stella my heart sings. She was meant for your kitchen and I do hope the little , shiny ,black electric guy finds his niche. He was not meant for your cottage! A few blogs ago I noticed the latest Louise Penney on your table.I have just finished it and think it is her very best .I took my time and when it ended I was in tears. I also enjoyed the photos of Hartford.I have been to Connecticut many times but never in Hartford which looks lovely. xo Annette in CA
Doesn’t it seem like there is always something to be done. RELAX!