I had a post here about the baby bird who left the nest too early, perhaps because he fell or was accidentally pushed. And who I saved from the lawnmower’s blade. However, he was very traumatized by the lawnmower – he was very agitated when I found him. I’m pretty sure he died. I noticed that the parents were no longer coming his way to feed him.
I also heard my roommate (who just arrived yesterday and lives downstairs) go outside, walk to the woods, and then come back. I think he saw that the bird had died and removed it so I wouldn’t be upset.
Anyway, I feel sad. I did what I could. If I hadn’t moved him, he would have died from a lawnmower blade. Perhaps I should have put him back in the nest when I first saw him on the deck. But the Mom was there and I didn’t think I should interfere. And he took off too quickly for me to make a move.
I took the other post down. It doesn’t seem right, somehow.
By the way, the old idea that a human’s touch will keep a mother away from a baby bird is untrue. It’s an old wive’s tale. Birds don’t have a strong sense of smell. And right after I moved the baby bird, the father came over and fed it. No, I believe this baby bird injured itself in the fall. It couldn’t move around very well. Another baby just fledged this morning and it is hopping all over the place.
so sorry to hear about the baby bird. nature can be so harsh, sometimes.
thank you for finishing the story. sometimes that just the way it has to be.
I just hate sad stories. It is not your doing as you tried to rescue the little birdie. There will be other birdies to fly and sing and make us smile. May you have a wonderful week ahead…
So sorry to hear about your baby bird. Sometimes it’s so hard to know what to do in a situation like that. Your new roomate sounds like a very thoughtful & kind person. Again, so sorry about the news.
On a happier note, I’ve got great news for you! YOU have won my Blog Birthday Giveaway! I was so excited when I saw your name! (I know exactly what I’m going to make for you!)
Please email me at stampijill(at)msn(dot)com with the address that you would like me to send your gift. (Thanks!) I hope this fun news brightens your day a little :)
I’m so sorry Claudia! What a heartbreak!
sending hugs
I didn’t want to tell you but last summer I nearly fell apart when the neighbors cat got all three of my chicks. Glad to see you had some survivors this year. But, my heart is crying a few tears for you tonight.
Ahhh Claudia, try not to fret. You did more than anyone could.
The circle of life ya know?
It is sad … and hopefully the rest of the troupe will fledge and survive just fine.
So sorry about your little birdie. Claudia. I know how you feel.
I have heard that once a human touches a baby bird the parents won’t have anything to do with it. Not sure if this is true.
awww Claudia, I’m sorry. You did what your heart told you to do and thats not wrong. Blessings, Joanne
I’ve just gotten caught up on your posts and you are such a sweet & tenderhearted friend to the animals and birds. :-)
Hi Claudia,
I am so sad to hear about the little baby bird. That little one was very blessed to have you save it from a lawnmower. That sweet little one may have been sick or something, too…you never know. You have a very kind heart to have tried to help… that is all we can do in life. Love to you, Kim
How sad Claudia,
I know this happens all the time, them trying to leave,too early….
Hugs from me, dear.
Hi Claudia~ I missed alot with these babies…sorry to hear one has died:(
You really have some awesome photos of them!
ooh, so sorry to hear.. there is no way to know what method would have worked…or not.
Awww, I’m sorry for your experience. I too am watching a robin’s nest just outside my backdoor. Years ago I took a wildlife rehab course and remember learning that a baby bird can safely be put back in a nest it has fallen from – no truth to the myth that mama bird will shun a bird touched by human hands. But sometimes hard to know what to do becuz the baby robins do leave the nest before they are able to fly and this is part of the maturing process. Anyway, I think it’s great that you cared so much – you’re a girl after my own heart!
Very sad. I don’t blame you for taking the other post down. Life is full of tragedies that are hard to take. Matthew 10:29 says, “Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father.” “and not one of them is forgotten before God?” Luke 12:6
So, we know that God cares for all His creatures and there is a reason for even the sad things. I hope your day goes well.
By the way, Claudia, it’s possible the little bird may have suffered an internal injury from the fall. I have seen it happen. In which case, don’t wonder if you did the right thing or not, because it’s possible even putting the bird back in the nest wouldn’t have saved it. Just a thought.
so sorry. I thought of you yesterday, my neighbors have a mom and dad robin and they are feeding the babies on the front porch..too cute!
Oh, so sorry and I hate when nature does what it does. Doesn’t make it any easier.
Don’t feel sad, Claudia (but I know you can’t help it, I would feel the same way)
I have heard the same thing as another person commented, that once a human touches a baby bird the mother will not want anything to do with it.
Claudia, I was so glad that you helped the baby while you could. I am sorry that he is gone, but you have to just go on with the three that are left. They are still there and need you to watch out for them if anything happens. Now you know that you can help and not hinder the parents in any way.
I am pleased to know that the touching thing is a myth. From your experience, more people will be aware that they can help. Please keep the photos coming. They are beautiful!
Oh dear, sorry to hear this….I agree that nature can be cruel, I am sure the little birdie was hurt internally too…you did what you thought was best and it probably was. Still it’s sad though isn’t it.
Margaret B
So sad. Nature is harsh. You saved that little bird from the awful blade of the lawnmower and perhaps the little bird had a less painful death. It saddens me each and every time I see one of the little creatures who didn’t make it. I saved a little bird from my neighbors cat this weekend. I saw the cat with the bird in it’s mouth and I yelled “tuna what do you have” and he put his head up to look at me and released the bird. That bird took off and flew so I think it will be okay. Yes, it is a myth that if you touch a bird the parents will abandon it. You did what you could. Hope you can let go and enjoy the rest of your day. I know how sad it can be.
A couple of years ago I was obsessed with a little baby bunny family. The mother had a limp (crippled) and came to feed the babies each and every day. Guess what? That dang cat tuna got everyone of those bunnies. It drove me crazy trying to save and watch over those baby bunnies. It also drove my neighbors crazy to see how obsessed I was. That’s when I made the decision to try not to get too attached (easier said than done). It’s that nurturing mother instinct in us that makes us want to help.
Ohhhhh Claudia, I am so sad, we were all hoping that baby was doing just fine. Nature is so harsh sometimes. You did all you could, and you did more than most people would.
Love and miss you,
you are a dear heart, my friend
Oh that is so sad. Sometimes nature isn’t so nice. You did try to save the baby. Not everyone would do that.
Oh Claudia, I would feel just like you about this little birdie. You did all that you could, and you did save him from the lawnmower…that was great!
I hope the rest of the babies are not as in a hurry to leave the nest!
Hugs to you,
Oh Claudia I love all the pictures you have been taking of the bird family. So very sweet. Sounds like the little bird must have been injured. I have put birds back in the nest a couple times and they did well. You are right about the handling birds.
I am missing you too. Just yesterday I was looking at our little day out together when you were in CA. What fun! You are so sweet Claudia and I am very blessed to have met you in person!
Hope you are doing well! When do you go home?
Love you,