I’m just throwing this in the post to have a photo and not just text.
I’m sad today. And frightened. And angry. These emotions are a response to two entirely different occurrences.
First, I was outside yesterday, mowing and doing yard work (too much of course) and I decided to check on the nest. What I saw was heartbreaking. One unhatched egg remained. Along with what were clearly some baby birds, but to be frank, all I could make out was a mass of fluff and part of a beak. It was as if they had been smashed.
Hoping against hope, I watched to see if they were breathing. But they weren’t. And I waited on the porch to see if mama or papa would visit the nest. No visit. The last time I saw the five eggs was last Wednesday or Thursday when I was mowing before it rained. Mama flew out of the nest when I passed by and I saw the eggs.
I have no idea what happened in the meantime. Was it a predator? Another bird? Was it the deluge that fell over the weekend – was it too much for them? Was it the cold? Was there something wrong with them causing the parents to abandon them?
So sad and so heartbreaking. I’ve left the nest alone. But it drew me back at least three times yesterday as I tried to figure it out and as I said a prayer for the babies.
Second – the firing of the Director of the FBI, James Comey. Despite the spin put on it, it’s abundantly clear that he was fired because he is investigating Trump/Russia. Trump is obstructing a Federal Investigation, enabled by Jeff Sessions who is recused from anything to do with Russia and Rod Rosenstein, whose claim of impartiality in his hearing is now laughable.
Our democracy, our republic, is in danger. Grave danger. This was the act of a dictator, a Fascist, a banana republic. In less than four months, he has taken everything we hold dear and desecrated it.
I woke up before 5 am this morning and couldn’t get back to sleep. I’m feeling about as frightened as I can be about the state of our country.
I’ll be back with something cheerier tomorrow. I debated whether I should tell you about the baby birds, but you were a part of the discovery of the nest and the eggs and I thought you’d want to know.
Say some prayers for our country. Take action.
Happy Wednesday.
Something I have to remind myself every Spring is that when I see a nest and nestlings that fail, it is something that Nature is prepared for. Robins, for example, lay eggs up to five times per season; it’s an evolutionary defense against the fact that so many eggs and nestlings just don’t make it. They are so vulnerable to predators, weather, any number of things. I still feel grief when I have to witness the failure, but it means something to me to know that the birds will move on and try again, and that the birds we do see are proof that some of their own nestlings will survive.
As for our country and ourselves, I’m wondering if we can be so resilient. I’m not sure what angers/frightens me more, what the current administration is doing, or the fact that otherwise decent people who only watch Fox News are saying “but he had a good reason for [whatever he says/does], and maybe Democrats just need to get over losing and stop being jealous.” Really? REALLY? That’s what they think the problem is? If half the country thinks what the GOP in power is doing is perfectly ok, what can the other half do?
I don’t know.
I can’t understand how they can continue to support him when he does more and more to harm our country. I don’t get it. Willfully blind, that’s for sure.
Yes, I take comfort in the fact that those robins will build another nest, but oh, it’s so hard to see the babies taken so soon.
I am so sorry about the baby birds, Claudia. This is sad in its own right as well as
symbolic of what is happening to our country right now.
Let us hope that some of the governing body has read some history, and decides, even if
out of self-preservation and ego, to do the right and necessary things now. Maybe if
we tell Paul Ryan that he can be famous like Howard Baker he might actually do his
constitutionally mandated job.
Sad and furious as well as scared here in Chicago.
Thanks as always for your posts.
You are very welcome, Maralyn!
Oh Claudia. Saying a prayer for the baby birds. I am so sorry that you had to witness this unfold. Sometimes our love for animals makes it so hard to watch these things happen in nature. It’s heartbreaking. Hugs to you.
I cannot believe the grotesque abuse of power we are seeing right now! I too am in great fear for our country.
Wishing you a day of peace. We all need that now.
Peace for you as well, Belinda.
I’m so sorry for your discovery yesterday Claudia. Nature is so beautiful but at times, harsh with the reality of tiny beings and big predators/weather, etc. I’m sure if the mama and papa bird could tell you, they appreciate you took a moment to share a prayer.
I’ve stopped watching the news as it just hurts my gut and my heart each time a new move is made by this individual. I can’t understand why there is no way to get him out. Is there not a protocol for what he can and cannot do? Are they waiting for a war to start? Why is he allowed to day after day destroy lives and unfold good work? I just don’t get it! I feel so much anger, sadness, despair and fear for not just your country, but for the rest of the world. I hope one day to wake up to the news that he has either resigned or been removed, hopefully before he creates any more destruction.
Sending you peace and a blessing ~ I’m sure all of us who read your blog are holding you in our hearts today.
X Chy
Chy, It appears to me that NONE of this bothers his league of “Fans.”
To me it appears like Zero morality X Zero common sense!=Please God Help us all !
( just another reader JudyA-)
I don’t get it either, Chy. I’m praying that he is impeached. And soon.
Poor baby birds. They are so vulnerable. I am very sorry about the loss.
James Comey. My word I have been awake watching MSNBC since before 5 fretting over this. So scarey.
Today is my 65th birthday! Can’t wrap my head around that one.
Finally, I was on Route 66 yesterday, and I thought of your Don driving along this way. I kept asking myself, “Did he see this, did he see that?”
Take care and hang in there, Becky
Happy 65th birthday, Becky!
Becky, Happy Birthday! (For some reason I missed replying to your comment yesterday!) I hope you had a wonderful birthday and that you’re still celebrating, my friend!
Poor little babies. It’s hard to see how difficult nature is. I see Deer hit by cars on our roads all the time and it just makes me so sad. As for what is going on in our country….I don’t have words. He has just flaunted his ‘power’ and so many just look the other way. This is NOT the America I know and love. I’m sad, scared and not sure what else to do but continue to stand up and fight. I truly can’t understand those who continue to support him, including a cousin of mine. It’s beyond me, but she tells me the media is lying all the time. Gobsmacked!
I hope you can find some peace today. Hugs!
How people can believe it’s the media and not him is beyond me. They’ve joined a cult and they’re terrified that they made have made a mistake. And they have.
Because it is the media. We’ve not joined a cult. We don’t love the way President Trump does/ says things sometimes but he’s sooooo much better than Hilary Clinton that we’re willing to give him a chance. We’re not at all terrified, we would be if Hilary was president though. I don’t understand why liberals can’t respect others with a different opinion without thinking we’ve “joined a cult”. We endured eight terrible years of Obama and the country was clearly ready for a different type of leadership. Please stop all of the hysteria and endure like we did.
You have the right to leave this comment. I’ll let it speak for itself.
I neglected to be gracious and thank you for your comment. Thank you.
lots of heartbreak for lots of reasons.
thank you for checking on those baby birds and saying a prayer for them. i’ll do the same.
and the other stuff? more prayers and other actions.
here’s to better days for everyone – people, animals, our country, the world.
kathy in iowa
Let’s hope better days are ahead.
We have had blue bird houses on our property for years and wonderful as that may sound, nature is brutal! We fledge some, but have a lot of missing eggs, smashed eggs, etc. It always saddens me .
Let me just say that I have never been into politics. I vote and figure it will be ok. I know now that our country is not ok. In any given day I am either uneasy, unsettled, anxious, and or fearful, and sometimes angry! I get it, thanks for speaking out.
You’re welcome, Judy.
Sharing your sadness over the baby bird dilemma! I find it hard to understand how Mother Nature can provide some of the most beautiful things you could ever hope to bear witness to, but yet on the flip side allow such cruelty. We just have to keep looking for the beauty :-)
As for the 3 ring circus in Washington with the demented ring leader, words escape me. I can’t help but believe our founding fathers are probably twirling in their graves! Anytime I accidentally capture a glimpse of that sly little weasel, Jeff Sessions on tv, I want to stomp my feet and shout (like an out of control toddler mid tantrum). He thinks so highly of himself with all that fake Southern “gentleman’s” charm…I wish he would slither back under the Keebler Cookie tree with all of the other good little elves! For some reason, I was looking at some ridiculous quotes from Dan Quayle…if nothing else, a very good laugh was enjoyed! “what a waste it is to lose one’s mind. or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is”. And certainly no intent to bash my friends who may be Republican, but this one…hmmm…”I am not part of the problem. I am a Republican”. And with that I will send positive vibes out into the universe, with hopes of a better tomorrow~
Hope springs eternal, Jeannine.
Yes, it is time for action!
Yes, indeed.
Hi Claudia, what a sad story about the little birds. I can understand your sadness and disappointment.
I’m frightened like you thinking about the future of the world. While many seem to be glad that the French voted for Macron (well, Le Pen would be even worse), I’m still concerned. Because Macron’s politic will not help the poor in France who didn’t vote at all, far to many French people didn’t vote. There is going to be more protest, more aggression, more right wing actions, because nobody who is in charge listens to the problems of the common woman and man. I think this is the problem so many countries have. The political elite doesn’t listen and solve problems. It’s about power and money for a few.
Unfortunately, the media are in the hands of the political elite, therefore I am not really trustful when it comes to the news. They decide what they report. Have you ever seen solid proof regarding accusations? Today it is sufficient to be sure, to be convinced. And you know that if we are convinced we don’t doubt, we don’t ask questions. We find many puzzle pieces which fit into the picture. Nobody thinks twice before judging a person who has already been condemned by the media, the masses, a political party. It comes in handy to say these are the bad guys.
It’s called framing.
I’m sad about the state of the United States and how the president treats “his” country. He truly is a wolf in a wolf’s skin (sorry wolves!). At least he is honest by showing his ugly face (again sorry, wolves, you are beautiful).
However, I think that good people united can change the world! So let’s be careful, open minded and not too trustful to find the good leaders (and support and vote for them). Together we can make a difference.
The FBI wouldn’t have started a massive investigation without evidence. The Senate and the House are also investigating. And a lot of it also comes from Britain, Belgium, Estonia and other countries who have intel on Trump and his gang. There are already three grand juries impaneled. And NY State has a separate RICO investigation (racketeering and money laundering.) New Yorkers, of which I am one, have known about Trump’s illegal activities for years. At the end of this, God willing, there will be indictments, prison terms and the decimation of the Trump/Russia link.
There’s no framing here, Regula. If anyone is guilty of ‘framing’ it is Trump.
I am heart-broken for your baby birds….I am heart-broken for our country. There seems to be no limit as to what that man in the White House will do or try to do. No limit. I am fearful, angry, and depressed when I think of where our country is headed. It is difficult to remain hopeful…but I feel Mother Nature is trying to teach us that. We need to try to be more resilient. Here’s to hope! ;)
No limit. Republicans need to ‘grow some’ and step up now. Or their party will be no more.
Most likely the nest was no match for the extreme rain and winds. That’s what I would like to believe happened to the picture perfect blue eggs. So sad, but nature is not always pretty.
As for the latest happenings at 1600 Pa. Ave…I hope eyes are opening wide today. Seriously.
The rain was so torrential, I wonder if it was too much for them? Makes me so sad.
I have said prayers for your country since that dark day last November.
Take care.
Please keep them coming, Robin. We need them. Thank you.
I shake my head and sigh and have a sick feeling in my gut that will not go away. I make my calls, sign my petitions and donate to those leading the charge…but I feel hopeless and scared. I am around many folks who do not care, do not understand or care to learn and I withdraw more and more. This fascist is ruining our country day by day and no one of political power seems able to stop him, or is willing to. It’s how all dictators come to power, they sow fear and hatred.
I feel the same. How some people have no impulse to be informed or care is beyond me!
He is a dictator. He is beneath contempt.
Actually, I am getting a little more hopeful from the political mess. I heard that many people in the FBI were angered by the firing. I think you- know- who is showing his hand rather clumsily and I would not want the FBI mad at me, if I were him. Rome, France and others got to the point they would not stand for dictators. So will we, just sooner.
They were angered, I think, and feel that Trump is also threatening them. That doesn’t sit well. I’m hoping he goes down and soon!
Sad news and heartbreak are a hard way to live.
To maybe help you a bit with the birds I will tell you this…I saw mommy bunny with 3 babies yesterday.
As for that thing in Washington, he will get his. I just hope it is before he does us all in. I think he got nervous, because Comey was getting close to the truth.
I’m glad you saw baby bunnies.
He panicked for sure because Comey was coming for him. The FBI will still be coming for him, Comey or no.
I’m glad you shared the nest tragedy with us, Claudia. I’m certain we all are saddened by the harsh reality of nature, and hope we can share the burden of unhappiness with you so it doesn’t weigh so heavily for you. As to the firing of Comey, I hope there are others within the FBI who can continue the work. I worked in government and leaders came and went, but there are a lot of dedicated people in the trenches, at least in the trenches where I worked.
There are. The investigations will continue and it looks like most people within the FBI are angry with Trump. That’s a good thing.
So sorry to hear about the eggs. We lost baby bunnies from a nest in the front flower bed to a fox. Alert neighbor kids noticed. As so many have commented, nature can be cruel.
We can only hope karma is closely watching the president*. I looked up Nixon’s articles of impeachment and found this little nugget: Interfering or endeavouring to interfere with the conduct of investigations by the Department of Justice of the United States, the Federal Bureau of Investigation…
Oh, how sad for the baby bunnies!
Yes. It is definitely an impeachable offense.
I’m so sorry about the baby birds. I know how upset I would be to find that. Moving in with our son since Hurricane Matthew damaged our home has given me the wonderful ability to watch all kinds of wildlife in action. Even though he lives in a subdivision in town wildlife abounds. Birds of all kinds, rabbits, squirrels, a fox and a deer have been seen and enjoyed. Sadly, the wooded lot next door has been cleared for more houses to be built. Even though it was considered wetlands the developer has been able to proceed by adding a retention pond to mitigate the wetlands. No building has started but the clearing of woods forced the fox and deer out. Living with our son I haven’t watched much tv outside of childrens programming for our granddaughter. I keep up with national and international news online. I don’t miss the talking heads skewing the news to suit their agenda. I remember Watergate and the last days of Nixon as president. This firing of Comey reminds me of that time in our history. I hope Trump’s days as president are coming to an end. Every day seems to be scarier than the day before. On a positive note our home repairs are complete and we hope to be moved back in by Sunday night!
So sad to see the deer and the fox forced out.
I’m so glad you are able to move back in this weekend!
What a disturbing sight you came upon when you most needed some cheering. As to yesterday’s political events, it’s difficult to understand how we address yesterday’s events when we realize that Attorney General Jeff Sessions would normally be the person to appoint a special prosecutor, but since he’s recused himself, that responsibility would land on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. He’s the very man who wrote the “Restoring Public Confidence in the FBI” memorandum that was attached to President Trump’s letter firing Comey. How do we trust the independence of either of them or of a special prosecutor they might choose? Today, I called my senators asking for an independent and bipartisan investigation, as I have done so many times, but my Texas senators have been on the news revealing their views and they’re not at all similar to mine. This afternoon, I’ll don my Indivisible tee and join about twenty other people on the pedestrian bridge in our small Central Texas town, calling on our MOC to hold a town hall. We’re talking about inviting challengers to Senator Cruz and MOC McCaul to speak in his stead in our small town. Little of it will make an immediate difference, but they keep me hopeful. Some days, they keep me hopeful: today I’m kind of just going through the motions.
I know. There are days it’s just plain hard to keep up the calls, sign the petitions, march, protest.
So we take a break and then jump back in. Good for you, Linda.
How I remember sitting in many history classes learning about the Checks & Balances which safeguard us. I actually believed it. I really did!!!! Apparently our Founding Fathers never anticipated the Republican Party of 2017. There are no leaders, they should just wear cowbells around their necks as they blindly follow the idiot to the edge of the cliff. If there is justice, they would all jump off together. When the Russian and the Secretary of State laughed at Andrea Mitchell this morning when she asked a question about the firing, I seriously thought I was going to get sick. So Trump fulfilled another Russian promise just in time for the big visit today. Wonder if there was bonus $$ for him in getting that done in a timely fashion?? This is beyond belief, and of those who voted for him, 84% still say they would again. The only tiny glimmer of light I see is that the Journalists will never ever give up. It would be the best and most fabulous day if it is the news media who brings him down. Karma is a beautiful bitch when she strikes.
And then such a blatant ‘F*** You’ from Trump. No American press allowed in, but Russian Press? Yes. And then Kissinger was there.
The journalists and those at the FBI who believe in country over party will bring him down. It’s a matter of time.
Claudia, You summed it well…sadness and anger. xo Annette in CA
It’s a sad day, Annette.
So sad about your baby birds. And our nation. It is in such a turmoil and I just pray that it will turn back into the great nation it used to be.
In less than four months we’ve become a shadow of what we once were. Thanks, Judy.
Claudia, if I was there, I would give you a good, long hug. I’m so sorry your heart is heavy. Justifiably and understandably so…
I have so many things bothering me about animals in my vicinity right now. The neighbors on one side don’t take proper care of their outside dog…enough to be within the law, but that’s about it. He’s such a great dog and it is so, so unfair to him; they don’t deserve him. He’ll stand against my block wall, head peeking over, just to get a pat on the head from me, and he’ll stand there til his legs wobble and he can’t stand any longer, just to get the stroking because no one ever touches him or talks to him except to shoosh him into his pen where he has to spend too, too many hours, for reasons undecipherable, to me.
And new neighbors on the other side have moved in with absolutely no respect for coming to a older neighborhood where a lot of things have been in place for a long time and, sure, it’s their property but it’s the ATTITUDE of, right off the bat, being unfriendly, overbearing, not caring to ask any questions about the immediate environment, not caring if they meet you, making it clear they could care less about anyone but their own friends and relatives. (When one car pulls up, three follow; there always seem to be at least a dozen people or more in that house. Probably more. And they’re not big houses. They have blocked my driveway three times in less than two weeks.) LOUD. Disturbing, blasting that horrible, violent-sounding sort of music where every other word is a shouting/chanting (no melody) four-letter expletive, from the minute they get arrive, with all the windows and doors open; not caring if it’s 5am or 11pm about making all kinds of noise that wakes other people up or prevents them (us) from going to sleep at any kind of normal bedtime.
It puts us in such a predicament of knowing what to do; we don’t have CC&Rs/homeowners’ association for protection; it’s not a gated community; no rules, except city ordinance or calling the police (and subsequently starting a neighbor war). We went from one horrible neighbor in that house, right to another horrible one. The house clearly has VERY bad karma. It’s such an utter disappointment for me; so intrusive. That particular house was the highest-selling home ever, in the 60-year history of the tract (it’s SO not worth what these people paid for it); we’d thought we’d get somebody in there who was a responsible homeowner, perhaps a hard worker, somebody who could afford such a high selling price. Seemingly not, though.
Real estate where I live in California has really gone completely crazy again; low inventory for buyers; a sellers market. Wannabe homeowners are scrambling to find something to buy. A house goes up for sale and it goes like hotcakes. Many aren’t in the greatest condition or in the best neighborhoods; the good thing is that flippers are buying them and working fast & hard to rehab them and get them back on the market, which is a good thing if it was a rundown home. But, like what’s moved in next door, it seems to be more and more people from elsewhere in the county or state who are moving into my town (coming from where it was more expensive [my town is in a pretty valley, but it’s economically-troubled; a poor town with a lot of unemployment; our houses are cheaper here ]).
I can’t believe (or believe again, I should say) what I’m seeing sell, even in my not-stellar city, and how fast, and for what prices; 30-day escrows, really? The former people next door to me who just moved and got that big price…the Estate of the deceased homeowner, I should say…got OVER their asking price, which just has stymied the rest of us neighbors. But we’ve seen this before; we expect it will crash again (the market here), maybe soon, like the housing Recession of ten years ago, or the ones even before in other years past; lessons just aren’t learned here in SoCalif when it comes to real estate. It’s history repeating itself and ‘way too soon in memory. In no time, mortgages/homeowners will be under water and, who knows, this house of horror next to me could wind up being a foreclosure, which I wouldn’t want to wish on anybody although in this case, the way I feel right now, well, better leave unsaid what I want to say…
Unfortunately, with the way the homes are configured, it’s my husband and I (rather than other near neighbors) who get the brunt of this new homeowner’s goings-on. Right now they have a six-foot high (I’m not kidding) pile of boxes, yard trimmings and junk against my fence, partly on my property, trash spilling over into my yard, from the top of the back hillside all the way down to the city sidewalk curb, and that’s three or four box-dumpster/rolling dumpsters full of discards, easily, so I don’t know what they’re thinking; they can’t leave all that stuff there much longer. It’s going to attract pests; they missed the garbage truck this week; their city barrels are buried under all that junk. If anything, it’s a fire hazard, mere feet from my structure. I am pi**ed!
Just has left us not knowing how to deal with all this when we sure didn’t want to get off to a wrong start with a new neighbor. So much is stacked against our fence that we’re worried it may fall down and I find my absentee husband (he’s still working away on assignment much of the week) is very reticent to, just yet, approach them/tackle the issue although I felt he should have addressed the fence situation at the outset (that the fence was ours and they’re invading OUR property; they clearly don’t know or care where their property lines are; I’m trying to bite my tongue but I can only do that so much longer; I’m not dealing with humble or apologetic people here…).
But, getting to my point, all this cut brush/hillside ivy (heavy load of ivy) they’ve pulled out which is jammed/piled against my wood fence, for many days now, blocks my feral cats from getting thru their crawl hole and into their ‘lair’ (at the top of the hill, which doesn’t bother a soul; the top used to actually be a city easement and not even part of our properties) which I knew was going to be a problem although I could never figure out a solution, so I have these wide-eyed, scared, elderly, completely displaced wild cats now, with nowhere to go, afraid to get in any shelter I provide, wanting their own which has been their safe haven for the whole of their lives, where they’ve managed to keep dry and safe; we’ve had recent rain, just enough to make things uncomfortably wet for an animal…and I’m helpless; all I can do is watch it all go down, knowing I may lose them after faithfully feeding and trying as best I can to watch over them for ten years; this kind of a change of habitat will be very, very hard on them; ferals don’t adapt the way domestic cats do to new situations. But I also of course know that in the scheme of life, and like what’s going on with people I know in their complicated lives and what’s going on in our complicated/threatened country, this is a small thing, but it’s my thing, and my small corner of the world, my yard, my environment, my cats…and, well, frankly, all I can think of doing right now is clearing out our stuff this summer and moving somewhere else.
I’m not looking for perfection, but I need to live where other neighbors respect some boundaries; who are gentler; who are nicer. I know those places exist; I’ve lived in some of them, and I know people right now who live in very serene neighborhoods with much neighbor compatibility. I didn’t hit the lottery on this one; I thought I could move back into my parents’ house, buy into the old neighborhood…but sometimes, in every sense of the word, you truly can’t go home again. My husband is doing the wait & see thing with this ‘neighbor’; we both know moving is hard for families. I’m more jaded. And I can’t stand to think I have to move again. But I’ve seen enough with these new neighbors; I saw enough the first day. My intuition doesn’t usually fail me.
That’s my frame of mind the past few days and part of why I’ve not been much online because I’ve just been SO upset in my real, right-in-front-of-my-face life. But I guess you didn’t need to hear my woes when you’re upset yourself already, Claudia. Please forgive my selfishness. I’m dumping/ranting. Maybe we’ll both feel a little better tomorrow. For all that it’s beautiful, life is hard; harsh. Heart to heart, feeling for you…so hard to understand why things are as they are…I wish you could have seen the beautiful affirmation of new life in a nest; a happy thing.
My gosh, I can’t even get an authorization for my annual mammogram right now with complications of doctors and insurance; life used to seem MUCH CALMER and MUCH EASIER. And I’m still trying to fight the insurance company (HMO) right now because they’ve cut off my visits/exams/tests post-cancer with my oncologist. Seriously. The man, the good human, the highly-regarded specialist (there’s nobody else with his specialty within 50 miles of me) who is my guiding light; the man who saved my life, whose every word I hang onto as a lifeline. Somehow, I will circumvent this; they cannot prevent me from seeing him; somehow I’ll find a way to afford him. I was down to only seeing him every four months (his dictate) and we were about to move it to every five or six (I’m not to the 5-year mark yet, although I don’t put much faith in the 5-year thing; I’ve known too many people with cancer who get a second or recurrent cancer at 5 years, 6 years, etc.; to me, that marker is worthless). I don’t feel like it’s asking so much that I am evaluated by my oncologist twice a year, considering what I’ve been through with life-threatening, deeply-invasive disease and what it will cost them if we don’t catch another cancer early. My primary care physician readily agreed that she doesn’t have the knowledge for this as he does, yet they want her to be HIM. I can’t get to Medicare soon enough and I hope it won’t be too late. That sounds like a melodramatic statement, but there’s truth in it, believe me. The state of health insurance in America is a continuing crisis. I had a seasoned nurse tell me yesterday that it’s only getting worse. I realize the same HMO I’m bashing is the one who got me the oncologist in the first place but I recently learned they didn’t have much choice because there just aren’t a lot of him around. I’m grateful I have health insurance at all; I have to remember that…and how so many other people are uninsured. Sigh.
I’m so sorry about your neighbors. My take is that waiting to talk to them isn’t the way to go. They’ll just assume everything is okay. It isn’t. I’d be calling to complain as well. But that’s me. I understand that I’m not there, having to cope with it all.
Is there any way you can free up space so the cats can get through?
I tried as hard as I could to wedge the end of a shovel tool (long pole, no handle on the end) from my side through that thick stack of ivy blocking the crawl hole we made in the fence…and I can’t budge it. I’ve tried everything. My husband was home last night and was there earlier than I was (I came in late from an appointment, almost dark outside). He tried, too, to no success. He said that from the time he got there earlier in the evening, they had three guys working on that hill, so he said to be hopeful they’ll haul all that away pretty soon (give them some time!) but, I dunno, looks like a lame operation to me with a lot of stopping and starting (they’re more like kids, not any kind of professional landscaping crew).
Trying not to jump the gun/jump to conclusions…but my fear is that this new owner is going to want to take over the top of the hill which is theirs, to put up some sort of fire pit (extremely dangerous with our brush hazard) and outdoor furniture there so they can have a hillside view (the people on the other side of us tried to do that a dozen years ago when they first moved in, when my dad was still alive, until Dad explained how unwise it was with the wildfire danger; people are clueless[!!]; and it’s happened over and over again, over years, with more than just my immediate neighbors on the hillside section of this housing tract; new people come in and they just don’t think about what danger they’re causing).
My thought is that these new people next door aren’t going to give a rat’s a** about cats losing their passage at the very top of the hillside even though that is the ONE brief conversation my husband has had with them (that feral cats exist on the hill; many cats); that the cat colony up on this hillside over some six to seven acres of property is sanctioned and respected by Animal Control because if we didn’t have the cats catching the rodents, we’d be overrun in the neighborhood with rats, mice, gophers, moles (but my husband said the people kind of looked at him blankly, like they didn’t even know what he was talking about; he says he didn’t think they knew what ‘feral’ meant although at least a woman, who we think is the wife/mother/owner, said she wasn’t against cats [better than if she had said, “I hate cats”…]).
I think the cats’ ‘lair’ is likely now torn up with the tear up of that hillside which, again, hadn’t been touched (wild, out-of-control growth) since I was in high school. If it wasn’t for the cats, I might be glad for this kind of yard clearing except that I can pretty much tell that as the weather warms up for summer, it’s probably going to be Party Central over there in that backyard; it has a dedicated entertainment area (large concrete patio with a permanent roof)…where (in my childhood) many a wild party took place. Another case of what I’m sure will be history repeating itself, much to my dismay. For all I know, they’ll soon have a dog and then the cats would be ousted anyway.
So, the more I think about it…all the way around, even though it was ‘their safe place’, it now doesn’t sound like a good place at all for my two kitties to be over there on that property. It’s just…over, for them; poor little things. I’ve had to think of this today as I continue to ponder and stew. Before, with all the growth, the kitties could always stay hidden; now, they’re exposed which decreases their safety and I’m wondering if they’d leave anyway because of that change (ferals really don’t want to be noticed!).
We’re just going to have to work out what we can and hope for the best. I have a dog, but she’s walled off in another part of the yard, so that the cats DO have safety if they’ll just stay put in their designated part of my backyard…it’s a fairly big backyard and they have lots of nooks and everything they really need there…til I can figure out a shelter they won’t resist.
And that’s enough about my own situation, Claudia. You’ve listened for far too long but thanks for your empathy.
I hope they can be lured to your property. They could establish another lair. I understand your worry, Vicki. I would feel the same way. It would been my mind constantly. xo
Claudia, it was right of you to share with us about the baby birds. This is your life; the blog is about your life. You’ve brought us into your life. And we’re all in this life…this big world…together. If I was there, I’d let you cry it out and I’d cry it out with you. I’d hold your hand. That’s what a really good neighbor my mom once had would do, to make Mom feel better if she was sad or scared. You have a warm heart; hearts can break, over and over again. I’m so sorry you had to go through this; we all know how much you love the sanctuary of your yard and garden, the natural things around you, birds and beasts all. I’m sure every time you walk outside right now, you can’t help but glance over that way and feel disturbed; it takes away from the pleasure of being outside.
It’s so hard to look forward to something and then be disappointed (and, in this case, horrified). I’ve thought about it, although being no expert, and it sounds like the weather was too much for the nest. The momma probably couldn’t sit on the nest in all that rain. The eggs had no way to stay warm. The shells of the eggs were also probably quite fragile and could only take so much unrelenting abuse. I’ve been in rain where the drops fell so hard that it hurt my skin, for sure. From what you’ve told us, your weather is all screwed up whereas the animals are just following their same cycles. It’s like when a late frost happens after everything has bloomed; it’s all out of order.
I’m hoping you can get away soon, have a change of scenery…and go see Don. You need to see him and he needs to see you. I’d say, move up the date. If you can.
I have a feeling the rain was just too hard on the babies. They weren’t protected by leaves on a tree. They were right near the top of the boxwood. Oh, it’s just so, so sad.
I hear you regarding your neighbors. I am in the same situation. We had lovely neighbors, an elderly couple that we adored but it came time for them to move to assisted living and then in came the new people with their 6-8 cars constantly parked in our way, a huge pile of junk that is now the view in our side yard. I would caution complaining directly to them. I have heard too much screaming, yelling and maybe hitting probably due to too much drinking/drugging so if my neighbors treat each other like that how will they treat me if I complain? Not worth the risk. You don’t want the situation to go from bad to worse. I would quietly pick up any and all trash that lands on my side of the property and pay to dispose of it myself. I would also prop my side of fence to give it more support so it won’t fall over. Then you can tell yourself you have done everything in your power to help the situation.
Wise advice, Kim.
Yes, thank you so much for your thoughts. What continues to worry me is that I think the guy…the father/husband/owner…said to someone else, on the first day they moved in, that one of the first things he wants to do is take out or change the fence, so that’s part of this problem…that unless something/somebody clues him in, he thinks the fence dividing our properties is his, and it’s not, it’s ours. I think my husband is hoping the subject sort of pops out in casual conversation (he’ll be home more soon and my husband spends a lot of time outside, around and in sight for the occasional conversation-hello; he’s going for some neutrality here!). It is indeed tricky confronting difficult people like this; you just don’t know who you are dealing with, for sure.
My husband is not a wimp and I think he’s just trying to play it smart. He reassures me that these people cannot legally do anything to our fence…and, if they start to, he will have that conversation with them (but this other dude is a real blowhard, so difficult to know at this point if it was all just ‘talk’ or what). Also, wise husband says that if the fence starts to degrade, we can indeed work with it from our side (I mean, we own 16 inches over on the other side [their side, but not really] but we expect they may even close it off with gates so that we can’t even GET to the other side). Unfortunately, this is how our fence had to be built because there was no cooperation with the former owner’s relatives who were living there and in charge of her affairs. Most neighbors who decide to put up a divider fence will split the cost and put it right on the property line, but we couldn’t do that. Had to suffer the whole cost ourselves but, clearly, the fence was very necessary.
Right now we have the barrier in the form of that fence and I’m thanking my lucky stars we put it in three years ago. If I can just keep my cats safe, and if I can shut off my mind about all this, I surely don’t want my husband or myself getting in any kind of jeopardy with people like this whom we’d normally never deal with in our life. I exchanged words with a guy who was living there before…I was reasonable and had justification; he was hostile and the one at fault (became threatening toward me), who I absolutely KNEW firsthand was one really bad guy (so why did I do it?) and, as I feared, he definitely retaliated, but that’s another story I don’t want to get into here; let’s just say you’ve got to pick the right times to stand up for yourself, considering who you’re having to address. My husband says, “Choose your battles.” We don’t want to be mousy but I’ve read a lot about neighbors from hell and it can ruin your life.
Thanks again. What I’m hoping is that the guy puts up his own fence against ours, I don’t care if he makes it ten feet high. I can grow bushes to soften anything that’s too ugly. It’ll just mean I am further separated from them, and it’ll take the stress off our fence! He can pile stuff and stack stuff against his own! And, yes, at this bad-karma house, although there were problems in the late 50s and early 60s with the multiple teen children who lived there, not to mention the father who had a drinking problem, the situation mellowed by the time I was in my early teens, with the kids having gone their ways, and just the husband/wife duo there who both worked away from home (he quit drinking because of other health probs)…so, for 40 years, just them, mostly quiet in atmosphere, and she was dear, took a lot of pride in her home and yard, which was her ‘therapy’ and hobby (until Alzheimer’s robbed her of herself over these past ten years). It’s been a lot of adjustment for us who live in the vicinity of that family…and now this, with new people who are disrespectful. Very deflating; so disappointing.
So sorry about the birds. It is so sad.
It is heartbreaking, Marilyn.
The image of that smashed nest and our smashed democracy speaks volumes. No words, no words, no words.
you know what’s really sad, the way the russian foreign minister made a mockery of Andrea Mitchell’s question to him today. ….and our secretary of state just stood there!
it’s beginning to get scary.
It’s appalling.
Heartbreaking about those dear little baby birds . It does sound as though it was probably the rain. The idea of a predator seems worse but either way painful to see their lives cut short. No way to rationalize the cruelty of it.
This nightmare with Trump seems to be unending. Someone I respect has once again mentioned Trump’s FBI firing as another unconstitutional act. Frightening beyond words as Republicans fail to stand against this onslaught and fall in line with Trump’s self appointed dictatorship . Trump’s supporters are a true terror we never needed to see repeated in human history. Patience is hard to come by when waiting for justice to arrive and stop this destruction. But planting our feet and continuing to object to everything he does is imperative. How many unconstitutional acts does it take before impeachment proceedings are begun? Endless questions. Dianne
Endless, endless questions is a country that is ‘ruled’ by a dictator who has no moral compass whatsoever.
I am sorry Claudia but have you watched The Resistance with Keith Olbermann? I watched his The Closer video series . Now I follow The Resistance series on YouTube. I do watch Rachel Maddow on YouTube also. They keep me sane. It’s very hard when there are many more of them in your group of friends. And try not to show how my stomach turns when they defined ” that man”. We just have to take deep breaths and wait for what’s coming, like the axe falling.
Yes, Genevieve, I watch every one of Keith’s commentaries. I am a big fan.
Boy, I spend one day without internet and the whole world goes to hell in a hand basket! So sorry for both of these despicable incidents. This morning I’m watching Morning Joe and seeing both political sides of the outrage. When reasonable republicans are crying foul, it must be time for those unreasonable ones to remove there heads from …well, we all know where.
See what happens when you tune out??
Unbelievable, isn’t it? Are you on your way back to NY?
Ugh! Not ‘there’, but their! Auto correct? Brain fart? pffff!
But yes, we are here…there…lakehouse sweet lakehouse!
I had a nest of baby birds drowned by heavy rainfalls. It’s so heartbreaking to find them like that.
I pray nightly for rumphole to be impeached….I just cannot for the life of me understand why anyone would support this crazy imbecile! Very sad the world today, very sad.
I think that’s what happened, Cheryl. The more I think about it, the more sense it makes. But it is so heartbreaking.
Impeachment, please.