A foggy morning. The mornings are so much cooler now. It’s going to be in the low 80s today, so the daytime temps are rising, but I sure do sense a little bit of autumn in the air.
Yesterday, I had to run to the library to return a book and pick up two that I had reserved. Don offered to drive me, as the library was closing within about 15 minutes. On the way back home, I thought I spotted a banner for the Convicted Felon on a neighbor’s house. I thought I was seeing things. This is a neighbor about 6 houses down from us, someone we’ve chatted with on walks. When I told Don, we decided to turn around in our driveway, and drive back there to see if I was right. Of course, I was hoping I was wrong. Nope. A huge cloth banner hanging from the railing of the stoop on the side of their house, with “Take back America” and his name. They deliberately put it there because they are on a corner and the road there dead ends at a very public and well known campground which gets a lot of visitors.
I was stunned. I guess I shouldn’t be, but these people seemed like anything but fans of the Convicted Felon. It’s such a disappointment, isn’t it? It’s not like they are billionaires. They own a modest home and a nice chunk of property. So…they are okay with supporting a convicted felon, liar, rapist, and racist.
Good to know.
I know we’ve all experienced something like this in the past 8 years. I was pretty sure nothing would shock me at this point, but this one did.
We’re taking it easy today. Lots of reading, maybe a little weeding, laundry, etc. I’m reading some books by John Sandford, and Greg Hurwitz, both authors I’ve heard of but never read. They’re quite good.
The garden is still looking beautiful.
Maybe I’ll sit on the porch for a while. But first, we’re going to take a little walk at the library.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
We’ve had a cooler week, and it’s been heavenly, but the heat is returning today into next week. I sincerely hope this will be the last of it.
It’s hard to deal when you suddenly find out someone in your midst is not who you thought. My brother-in-law continues to spout conspiracy theories and propaganda to us from the other side. My husband wants to keep the lines of communication open, so he dismisses it. It is hard though when it’s your only sibling. My husband tries to talk to him, but it really doesn’t do any good. His brother can’t see the light…and I feel sorry for him.
Enjoy your walk while it’s still cool! ;)
That must be so hard for your husband, Donnamae. I’m sorry.
Stay safe.
I’m constantly amazed why anyone can vote for tRump. He really is a cult leader. I think Kamala has him running scared, though. All people eligible to vote must vote. Kamala needs a resounding victory so that there is no doubt the Democrats won. Trump is desperate to win because he thinks that will keep him out of jail where he belongs. Enjoy the cooler, misty weather. Fall is just around the corner. Hugs, Elaine
Yes. He wants to avoid prison. And this is someone we’re allowing to run for President?
Stay safe, Elaine.
Yes, we’ve all had that happen. It shocks and disappoints. I keep thinking about what they said at the convention about talking to people, listening, being respectful but explaining our point of view and it’s all good — but by the time the sign comes out, nothing will change them short of some major, personal thing. Trouble is, sometimes they are very good people who would give you the shirt off their backs. It’s so hard to wrap the brain around. How did they get so brainwashed?
No. When the sign is out, they’re in the cult. Talking won’t help.
I never will understand it. Don and were just talking about it on our walk.
Stay safe, Jeanie.
The family next door to us have been the most wonderful neighbors since we moved here in 1980 (they’ve owned their house since 1931.) Our politics couldn’t be more different, so we just avoid the subject entirely. In 2020, the current steward of that property hung a large Trump flag and it remained in place in the aftermath of the election until January 6, 2021 when it was put to rest. Whatever this election brings, we will continue not to talk about it and to respect each other’s right to hold different opinions and beliefs.
Oh, I’ll never talk to them about it. No confrontations.
But, that doesn’t leave me any less shocked.
Stay safe.
Several of our neighbors have Convicted Felon signs. They are all good neighbors and we want to maintain that. I really wish they didn’t have the signs and we didn’t know their politics.
It’s hard to get past that.
Have a good weekend
It is.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
It startles me when I see those banners and signs. I don’t understand how anyone can support ‘him’ but they do. I’m hopeful for the first time in years that a change is coming.
I am, too, my friend. How is the new place?
Stay safe.
New place is good. I’m finally settling in and finding a new normal for my life. I’m staying out of stores and doing mostly online shopping as I’ve been told Covid numbers are going up again. I’ve had all the vaccines and still had Covid twice with complications that have given me heart issues and Long Covid issues. So just going to get the latest vaccine when available and continue to stay safe.
Yes, you have to be very careful and protect yourself, Linda. I’m glad you’re finally settling in.
A friend in a rather conservative suburb of Cincinnati sent me a pic of a ‘Republicans for Harris’ sign in her neighborhood – be heartened by that, I sure was.
That’s lovely!
Thanks, Tisha.
Stay safe.
Last election we didn’t see more than a handful of such signs in our fairly urbanized suburb, but even the few we saw were shocking and upsetting. No one we actually were acquainted with, thankfully. HOWEVER we will be in Maine in late October and I fear we will see more there.
Delighted to see that you are enjoying John Sandford – he has written lots of books and all of them are pretty great, although I have my favorites!
There are other signs around here, but I guess because I know these people – albeit not well – I was completely surprised.
I’m actually loving John Sandford, Ceci!
Stay safe.
glad for you to have flowers that are still blooming, fog to soften the occasional morning, books to read, a husband who loves you and walks with you in every sense of that word … enjoy!
and the dude looks great. :)
there is a house on a hill a block from me; i can see it looking west out my living room and kitchen windows. i haven’t looked for it recently but during the last presidential election they covered literally half their front lawn with dozens and dozens of political signs that, in large bold letters, said “f — trump”. while i’ve said that “f” word before (so don’t want to be hypocritical), i really disliked all those signs because that “f” word is easily seen by children walking home from the catholic elementary school located next door to me. my only other dislike about political signs is when they are up so very long before and after elections (thanks in part to iowa’s early caucus schedule); just like months of political ads on tv, the signage gets tiresome to me. otherwise i am glad if people get involved in politics in various ways, including signs and bumper stickers, as long as things don’t turn nasty or violent.
well, i finally had that liver appointment yesterday. the good news is things are “not normal, but a variant of normal” (???) and “all benign”. the liver doctor filled in gaps of missing/mixed information i had (not) received from my primary doctor, that i have (“for years … maybe since you were born”) three things in my liver … a cyst/sac of bodily fluid , a hemangioma/tangle of blood vessels that looks like a blood clot and one of whatever-the-other-thing-is that was seen on an mri. all fine, she said … but i don’t think the liver doctor has seen someone have all three at the same time (way to be weird, kathy. way to be weird). whatever, she repeated that good news and put into writing that these things are benign, will not turn into cancer or cause other troubles for me. i feel better knowing that!
thanks to everyone who offered words of support and prayers for me and especially for my family. very much appreciated! :)
i keep you all in my prayers.
we are to get super-hot weather over the next few days, like 101 degrees on monday. i am so ready for cooler weather! i will spend those days mostly indoors, in part stringing two tags each on the 44 hats i have knit for my church’s craft sale/missions fundraiser (to be held in early december (one tag is for pricing, the other indicates type of yarn, washing instructions and a message that God loves them and i care, too). i am trying not to procrastinate, something retirement makes very easy to do!) no more knitting until consistently cooler weather arrives and i can find that wool yarn at a good sale price. will be with family members, of course, and also read (currently reading “the girl on the train” by paula hawkins).
hope you all stay comfortable and safe and have a good rest of your weekend.
So happy for you, Kathy. I responded to this comment on the other post. Much love!
Kathy so happy to hear the good news about your liver!!
thanks, linda! glad that appointment is done, off my list and mostly off my mind.
i am very glad that you are feeling more and more settled after the move, that you’ve had some help with that and now have time to do things you enjoy.
hope you are keeping cool and safe and take it easy. xo
i try not to wonder about something the liver doctor said, that maybe half of adults get one cyst or one hemangioma or one other thing in their liver in their life (and everyone else has none), but i have all three. like i said earlier, feels weird so i just try to remind myself they are “all benign” and stay that way. otherwise i have some relief here and for those good things i thank God.
thanks to you, claudia, for your prayers and support.
happy tuesday! stay safe and well.
I think time will help with that, Kathy. I’m so happy that you are well.
That’s great news Kathy on your liver. I am sure you are relieved. Hope you have a great day! ;)
yes, very relieved! :)
thanks for your prayers and good wishes, donnamae. same right back for and to you.
haven’t checked the weather maps lately but i hope you, being a bit further north, are getting cooler weather than here in central iowa (des moines). hot, sticky, crabby weather here for a few more days, then a chance of rain and a twenty-deegree drop in the temperature. will enjoy that!
hope you’re keeping cool and safe and have good days.
thanks again. xo
I too wince each time I drive by a yard with a Trump sign. We have two of them up the two and a half blocks we drive to our house after turning onto our street. One probably is using the same signs he used in ’16 and ’20. The surprise this year is a new family. He’s a cop. They have a “Let’s Go Brandon!” flag waving as well as a Trump sign. Honestly, it’s been a month since Biden endorsed Harris so I don’t know why they can’t get with the program.
I’ve been away from the internet for a while so enjoyed reading your previous posts about the DNC. We too were up every night. It was spectacular and inspiring. During the roll call I said to Dean, “what song do you think they’ll use for Wisconsin?” “Jump around,” he immediately replied. I was skeptical but there it was. Having been in Camp Randall when that plays every single game, I half expected the WI contingent to start jumping :-) At Badger games it’s truly awesome and more than a bit scary when the entire stadium starts heavily vibrating.
The dude looks great – chilling as usual.
Take care,
Thank you, Kay!
Stay safe.
What bothers me are these trucks driving around with the big Trump flags waving . It is very distracting when you are driving. I told Bill I think those should not be allowed. I too do not understand how people are supporting him. Did they not get the memo?! He was just in Phoenix on Friday. He is always wearing that same frumpy blue suit and that long red tie….just weird
as Tim Walz would say. I love that she picked him as a running mate. He is funny, so down to Earth. Just the opposite of J.D. Vance. That man is such a fake, from calling Trump Hitler to being his running mate. What a joke!
We are having cooler weather here too. Fall is not far away. Take care.
They really are dangerous, Deb. (I love Tim Walz!)
Stay safe.
Your response was honest, concise, coherent, eloquent and gracious. Well done.
I wish I could express myself as well as you do.
Thanks so much, Kaye. Means a lot!
Stay safe.
We own a business in Nebraska and I REFUSE to allow any political signs to be hung or staked at our business. I had an EX employee that put a TRUMP sign in our yard. Absolutely not! I don’t care what side. No one wants to see this and/or cares what our political affiliation is!
I think that’s a wise choice, Darlene.
Thanks so much.
Stay safe.
Hi Claudia ~ unfortunately, this banner doesn’t surprise me at all. There are plenty around my neighborhood. Disgusting (to me), but what can you do. Both me and my neighbor-friend down the street would love to put up Kamala signs or what have you in our yard, but we know we’d be risking having our property vandalized or even be targeted ourselves. *sigh* What sticks in my craw even more is when I see women driving cars with Trump bumper stickers. I want to shake them and ask them if they’re crazy! I will never understand how any woman can support someone who degrades women.
We’ve had this same discussion. I’d like to have a modest sign on my lawn, but I know it would have a good chance of being vandalized. Dems don’t vandalize Republican’s signs, but some of the Republicans are quite comfortable with vandalization.
I will never understand that either. How can any woman be a fan of that man? A rapist, sexual assaulter, liar, champion of taking away our bodily autonomy, and on and on.
Thanks, Melanie.
Stay safe.
I have been teaching my 40th (and last) first week of school, so I haven’t had a chance to join you on here. The DNC was amazing. I agree; I have never seen anything like it, and I have watched them for 50 years. We have to win. J.D. Vance’s comments about childless teachers (me) actually brought tears to my eyes (I know, it should not have), but it’s been 40 years of working in a non-union state (so working three jobs at a time) to teach high school students how to love literature. For so many reasons, they must NOT win.
Vance is a true ass. I’m also a childless teacher, Tina-Marie. Bless you for the work you’ve done with your students. How lucky they are!
Stay safe.