• Sophie as Barbie.
Pardon all the Blythe pictures this week. I haven’t really been able to get outside to take any pictures, so Blythe is what you get.
• Thankfully, this oppressive weather is supposed to break later in the day when storms roll through. And the forecast is for much better weather for the week ahead, including much less rain. Huzzah!
• The same guy who looked at the washing machine last February came to look at it yesterday. We are greatly relieved that it is hanging in there. Something or other in the washer was a bit corroded and clogged, which was causing it to leak small amounts of water during the wash cycle. He cleaned and cleared everything and said it’s been fixed. This washer/dryer combo was purchased not long after we moved into the cottage, which would make it nearly 18 years old. He said that everything seems to be working well. Of course, we had to pay for the initial visit and for labor, but it turned out to be about the same as the charge in February and was much less than we were were fearing and, of course, much, much less than replacing the unit. Very good news!
• I haven’t had a vicious comment in a long, long time but the one brief sentence I wrote in yesterday’s post – “I’m on indictment watch” – apparently set someone off. I didn’t mention any names and that was all I said, but heavens, what vitriol! So easily triggered. I won’t share the vile content and Don did say I should have left it there for you to see, but I thought I’d spare you that. Why bother? She’s not worth our time. Blocked, of course – she’s a repeat offender.
• Don has a gig this evening and he’s looking forward to it. It’s not all that far away and I know he’ll have fun. Lucky audience, to hear him sing and tell his stories!
Every once in a while we think about doing a podcast together, sharing our many stories about our work in the performing arts. It’s still something that comes up every once in a while and, darn it, I’m now thinking about it again. Would you be interested?
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
We, the people, need to get out and vote – not harrang each other. Republican, Democrat,, Independent. There is rampant corruption in DC by all parties and if the good people just complain and attack each other nothing will change. God help us all!
Yes, we need to vote. I always vote. That’s all I’ll say.
Stay safe.
Yes to a podcast by you and Don! I would love to hear your stories about working in the performing arts. I’m glad Don has another gig tonight, and as word gets out I hope he has more.
I am so ready for this weather to break. I’ve barely been out of the house due to breathing issues.
It’s been awful! I hope it’s better for you today, Denise!
Stay safe.
Yes, we need to vote! Well, the sky is blue right now….hope it stays that way! Glad your washer is back to work!
Thank you, Barrie.
Stay safe.
I would love to listen to a podcast about your work in the performing arts and the adventures you have shared together.
We’ll see if it ever happens!
Stay safe, Cathy.
definitely would like to hear a podcast(s) by you and don! :)
glad don has another gig tonight, the washing machine is taken care of and the cost was smaller than it could have been and that easier weather is headed your way … all very good news! happy for you both. :)
too bad about the mean comment you received. life is too short for that stuff!
also, i’d like sophie-barbie’s dress in my size.
today i will finish reading my second book in two weeks. i keep mentioning my reading … sorry (note to myself: as if no one else here reads or would support your reading? haha … i know better) but due to depression, i’ve long missed the enjoyment and rest, etc. that comes with books and am just so relieved to be reading again! :)
working on some projects, also spending time with members of my family today and every day. :)
happy, safe saturday to you, don and everyone else. :)
Very happy you’re reading again, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Some people just refuse to hear the truth—I know, I have a sister like that.
Haven’t done podcasts, but would surely find out how if you guys were to have one!
Now, for the pink gingham checks—YES, PLEASE!!
I know! That pink gingham is delicious!
Stay safe, Shanna!
I haven’t gotten into podcasts…so far. I think I’d find the time for you and Don.
Good news about your washer. 18 years is a very good run, hopefully it will last a few more years.
Have a good weekend.
Fingers crossed, Marilyn!
Stay safe.
Oh, Claudia, big yes to the podcast idea. I love to listen to them while I sit and stitch or do other chores around the house and I’ll bet you and Don would have some great stories to tell.
I don’t understand why some people live to troll on the internet. There are too many people who need to get a life. Glad you’ve got a forecast to look forward to for a change. We had strong thunderstorms in the night and I was so hopeful it would be cooler, less humid this morning but no such luck.
Take care,
Exactly. Get a life, trolls!
Stay safe, Kay,.
Excellent news on the washer, and of course a podcast would be a great enhancement of some of my sitting and knitting time! It’s always great to catch up with the girls, too.
Thanks so much, Ceci.
Stay safe!
Happy news about your washer. Let’s hope (keep those fingers crossed), all other appliances continue to do their job incident free.
When I saw the pic on Instagram of the Blythe doll in the Barbie box, I asked myself if Mattel was doing that now? Now I get it…you did that! Sophie looks cute…love that dress.
We did get thunderstorms last night…high winds, and a substantial amount of rain. Yay! Hope the storms today bring you cooler weather, so you can again enjoy your front porch.
While I have never listened to a podcast before…I would certainly give it a try if you and Don decide to go down that road.
Enjoy your day! ;)
It’s much cooler this morning. Happy, happy!
Thanks, Donnamae.
Stay safe.
YES! would love to hear a podcast by you two!!!
I would like to hear a podcast too!
Thanks Wendy!
Stay safe.
Thanks, Jan. We’ll see!
Stay safe.
Yes, to a podcast by you and Don. Along with talking about your work with actors and dialect, you might read things in dialect (if there were not copyright issues?) And Don sing his works and re-act some of his speaking parts (again, probably rules against that). But, yes! I would like to hear your voices.
Don would never do any acting, Martha! You need the rest of the actors. And I don’t think I’d do any dialects unless I was joking about something.
But thank you for the support!
Stay safe.
I am happy about your washer! It sounds like the repairman is an honest person, and not looking for extra $$$.
I do not know why but of late I see famous people in your dolls..today I see a young Mia Farrow.
I do not understand the support such a first class puke of a human (?) has. I am glad you can block people and be done with them.
Yes, to a pod cast.
Take Care,
Thank heavens for blocking! I do it all the time on social media.
Stay safe, Kaye.
I never tire of seeing your girls. Sophie makes a darling Barbie. Love her sweet dress. Sure, I’d positively was a podcast of you and Don. Nice Don has a gig not too far away and your washer is functioning again. Yeah! I guess Trolls have a right to their opinion but not on your blog. They should get their own blog. Enjoy the cooler weather. Hugs, Elaine
Trolls might have a right to their opinion, but telling me they’re glad I didn’t procreate? And there was more just like that. She’s disgusting.
Stay safe, Elaine.
Your Blithe Barbie is adorable! I don’t plan on seeing the movie, although I do like Ryan gosling. We are due to get some big thunderstorms this afternoon and I’m hoping that that does clear the air for a while. My friends who are gardeners are really getting cabin fever. I think a podcast from U2 would be a lot of fun! Very glad to hear that Don is getting gigs. I thought of you a couple of weeks ago when I binge watched a not very good miniseries on Zelda Fitzgerald. I thought the southern accents were absolutely over the top awful, and wondered who in the world encourage the actors to speak that way. It was almost farcical. My dad’s family was from North Carolina for a couple hundred years, and though as children we could not understand his mom because of her accent, she certainly didn’t sound as phony as these actors. Hang in there for the better weather!
We definitely had some thunderstorms on Saturday, but today is so much cooler!
Thanks so much, Nora.
Stay safe.
I think a podcast is a great idea!!!
Thank you, Marion!
Stay safe.
I’d be interested in anything you and Don do. And what about his taking photographs in town? Is the weather keeping him from doing that?
Yes. Every event gets rained out or it’s just too hot.
Stay safe.
I’m so sorry you received a negative comment; those things STING no matter how you might be prepared for it. I was just reading an article in a magazine (might have been PREVENTION) about the high level of anger, hate and hostility which seems to have invaded our worlds. It’s so bad for our wellbeing, mental health, physical health (robs us of sleep, etc.).
Have to somehow seek out the joyful as an antidote (as we often speak of, here on MHC blog). It’s just essential; hence, Barbies, Blythes, jigsaw puzzles, painting, sewing, gardening, reading, napping, tossing together a cool summer salad. I’ve been getting a lot of enjoyment lately with “conversation via email” since being contacted by a junior high/high school friend who I knew yet didn’t; lots of catching up to do with him; lots of fun reminiscing. Gotta do whatever it takes to ease down from other stresses!
And we all have the stresses. But, right now, I feel like my husband and I have been getting more than our fair share. Both of my cousins (brothers) are battling serious, scary cancer at age 73 and 75. My sister-in-law at age 75 has leukemia. Her adult daughter’s husband just had another stroke and he can’t even speak (also now paralyzed on one side) although he’s only in his 50s and his wife, my husband’s niece, is just in her early 40s (and she’s starting a new job tomorrow … these are high, high steps on the stress ladder of life). The SIL with the leukemia has a husband, my brother-in-law, who was diagnosed with an aneurysm which is being dealt with, so he’s in the same hospital alongside the wife but not in the same unit. Any of the rest of our family is no closer than 800 miles away. I’ve been feeling the balloon effect of it growing bigger and bigger with each breath until it’s about to pop with a huge bang which will leave all of us scrambling.
For myself, I’ve had a little scare but am okay now. I’d been having a lot of chest pain but all my tests (three in one week), including a stress-echo on the treadmill this past Monday (with the cardiologist present; didn’t think I could finish, but I did) have, so far, been negative for a bigger problem; just one more test to go. I’m grateful for access to good healthcare and that I can afford medical insurance. But, the plate has been full. (Not to mention that my retired husband’s part-time/paying job goes away next Tuesday [and there goes the help with the grocery bill].)
Something nice that happened was that I’d passed my vision test in an in-person appointment at the motor vehicle department for the Real ID and they took a new photo of me for the first time in 15 years; I thought it would be gruesome but despite my red face (from the stress of being in a crowd of probably 60 people in that packed-tight-in-a-sardine-can office; and my nervousness about the entire ‘visit’) … I have rosacea and sun damage which is why my face flares up red like a big tomato … it’s one of my better photos in the past few years … so, there was at least THAT!!!!
As for you and Don, Claudia, SO GLAD your appliance repair didn’t cost you a whole bunch of dough; what a relief!
By the way, do you mean to tell me, did I miss this from before, that your Blythes can wear clothes made for 11″-12″ dolls like Barbie? Wow; is news to me; but how clever that you’ve got Sophie in Margot Robbie’s Barbie Movie dress (I love that gingham sundress [yep, couldn’t resist, I bought her even though she doesn’t have the Barbie vintage face sculpt, but the dress was ‘way too cute not to get [lucky me, I had a gift card; glad I’d saved it!!]; it’s so summery; so pink!).
I’m envisioning autumn to come; it makes me happy to anticipate; always good to have something to look forward to … the warm days but with cooling evenings … LONGER evenings … a mug of hot cocoa and a cozy blankie, maybe some/any kind of new ‘Fall’ programming on television (not counting on it, but one never knows what the networks/cable will pull out of the can); nourishing casseroles when we gladly turn the oven/stovetop back on, wanting to warm up the kitchen rather than doing everything to keep it cool in summer … apples, cranberries, maple and cinnamon (pumpkins are coming up in the agricultural fields around us as I write this!) … the rusty colors of Sept-Oct-Nov landscapes (even though turning leaves don’t happen here til sometimes December) … maybe even for us (the now dry Southern Californians), an early storm; I’d love to smell the rain again! Can’t wait!
We’re darned hot in Southern Calif although of course I’ve seen it hotter. It’s the humidity that’s getting to us; we were peaked out at 99 degrees yesterday but it felt like 109, at least to me.
OMG, made the mistake midday today to try to get over to the beach. Were in the lovely resort town of Ventura (Santa Barbara’s baby sister) and there was no passable road without wall-to-wall traffic; have I ever seen so many cars at one time in that town, I’m not sure, but every single street paralleling the beach roads, and I mean as high up as you can get in the city which is technically a street rimming the foothills called Poli, was jam-packed on Ventura’s west end. We couldn’t wait to get out of it; there was no way we could have gotten onto the freeway (Hwy 101) in either a north or south direction. I guess it’s a combination of final getaway weekend before people start readying for school in August; and it’s so hot inland that folks are frantic to find a way to escape the heat at the ocean. I’ll be so glad when Labor Day has passed and my retiree-husband and I can get back to beaches that are less-crowded.
About podcasts: I’m computer/tech-y-challenged so I don’t really know how to listen to/view podcasts although I think I’ve come on to similar things when on youtube. I know you’d direct people like me on how to watch you and Don if you did a podcast. Of course any of your readers would love it, Claudia!
PS: As we were parked (in traffic) somewhere in Ventura, a woman was walking on the sidewalk with two-toned hair, part purple and part pink. Very swirly and stylish. Interestingly (to me), she looked like she could maybe have been in her mid-70s or so; very spry, slim, hip-cool and ‘with it’. I said to my husband, “Wow; I wonder what it takes to get to that kind of hair; it’s kinda brave!” My husband said, “She’s walking to the theater to go see the Barbie Movie!!”
hej, vicki … good morning.
lots of tough things have come to you and your husband at once, haven’t they? sorry for what you both and your relatives are going through. God loves us all and has promised to use bad things (that He doesn’t cause but will sometimes allow) for good (that last part i know can be tough to feel right about and understand, but looking back in my own life, i know it’s true). and i keep you all in my prayers.
sorry for the need for them, but am happy for you that your tests results are good.
and that you like your driver’s license photo. here in iowa, eyeglasses cannot be worn in the photo and no smiling is allowed. and (except for older drivers getting licenses renewed every two years), most drivers have the same license and photo for eight years. given those laws, no one here seems to like their photo … me included.
hope you can do something you enjoy today (and every day).
thinking of and praying for you.
thank you as always for your sweet support, kathy; this is the first time I ever wore the eyeglasses and it may be why I like the photo better, because it looks like me, and that’s okay …
Yes, as much as I love summer because of my gardens, I’m ready for fall.
I’m glad you’re okay, Vicki. The scare must have been very stressful.
As you know, Don lost two friends this year, he has a friend with cancer and Parkinson’s disease who is not doing well, another friend being treated for aplastic anemia – he’s very ill, another friend with Alzheimer’s, and of course, his friend who is recovering from a transplant. So many friends are suffering right now. It’s hard for so many people. I’m sorry about your loved ones, Vicki. That must be very worrisome.
Yes, Blythes can wear those clothes. They have small bodies and they’re just under 12 inches high. Though Barbie is broader through the shoulders, so the dress didn’t fit perfectly. I have that Margot Robbie Barbie, though I’m not a fan of the face sculpt. I like the vintage/original sculpts the best!
Stay safe.
hej, claudia.
lots of troubles and reasons for worry and sadness. i am sorry for what you and don and your friends deal with and
i keep you both in my prayers and include your families and friends. same for everyone who visits here at mhc.
thinking of you all.
Thank you for the good words. Too many of us have ‘The Worries’ don’t we!
Yes, we do!
A podcast with you and Don would be simply amazing, such a great idea, Claudia!
I would love to hear you and Don together talking about your working lives!! And I always love pictures of your girls.
Oh my goodness … YES, to you and Don doing a podcast!!! Please give it serious consideration. You two would be perfect for that genre!