I don’t know what to say.
I am stunned. I am sickened. I am in disbelief.
The country I thought I knew is no more. Make no mistake, there will be no coming back from this. Climate change, the rights of women, the rights of immigrants, freedom of the press, common decency, the Affordable Care Act, our good standing in the world and a whole lot more. Say goodbye to all of that.
Imagine being a recent immigrant to this country. Imagine being a Muslim-American, or any immigrant who is now terrified that he/she will be deported. Imagine being someone who has health insurance for the first time in years. Imagine being a disabled person who has watched his President-elect make fun of the disabled. Imagine being a woman who may lose the Right to Choose. Imagine being a woman who now sees that ‘grabbing p***y’ is no big deal when it comes to choosing a President. Imagine being any citizen who sees that a KKK-endorsed candidate has won the Presidency. Imagine being transgender, or gay. What world have they woken up to this morning?
Those who voted for this monster will have to answer some tough questions in the future, the most important of which is, “What did you do to stop him?”
Everything I was raised to believe is the right and moral and loving way to both live my life and treat my fellow man has been repudiated with this election. Thank God my father isn’t alive to see this. Or my mother.
Friends, you are welcome to share your thoughts here today. Maybe it will be cathartic for you.
I wish I could be more articulate but I’m in mourning, you see. In mourning for a country that is no more. For a country I could believe in. I’ll still fight, I will go on. But right now? I feel like a stranger in a strange land.
To all of my readers who live in Canada and Mexico and Europe and Australia and France and in other parts of the Globe: I’m so sorry. I don’t understand this. I don’t understand a country that elects someone who espouses hate and exclusion and bigotry and sexism and racism and xenophobia and fear. I don’t know that country. I don’t want to know that country. I know that this election impacts the world.
All I know is that millions and millions of us are not like that. We denounce everything he stands for. We are reeling on this Wednesday morning.
Eventually, we will move forward and work for those who need us.
Comments are now closed. There’s a lot of negative energy out there and I certainly welcome differences in opinion, but I’d like them to be civil. And they are veering away from civil. This is my little address on the web and you are visiting my home. Wouldn’t tolerate it here at the cottage. Won’t tolerate it here on the blog. Emotions are high. Let’s breathe. xo
Oh Claudia – I share your dismay and for all the reasons you have listed. Whatever the future holds, I agree the best is now behind us and I am at a loss as to where we go from here. All your fears are my fears and I can only pray that there are enough good people out there to keep this nation together and strong!
I share your feelings. We need to stay strong.
Thank you for expressing what so many of us are feeling! I pray we all get through this.
I am praying the same thing, Janet.
Horrific and devastating are not enough to say how I feel right now. I am ashamed of my country. I am deeply ashamed.
I am, too.
Me too.
Hi Claudia. Horrified at the day’s news and events far away in Western Australia. I’m speechless. So sorry . Big love from Julie
Thank you, Julie.
I am a stranger in my own land. A bit dramatic yes. But it is how I feel.
Not dramatic at all. I feel the same way.
I can’t stop crying at this horror! My friend’s husband is Mexican and her 9 year old daughter is afraid to go to school today. She has been dealing with bullies threatening her with being sent to Mexico if Trump were to win. Now, it seems that the bullies have won and have the freedom to threaten and hurt other people. All I can think of is that once I can stop crying, I have to stand with and support every single individual who is threatened by our soon to be president. I have to believe that love will crush hatred in our nation.
Oh, it’s heartbreaking. That poor girl – it shouldn’t be this way. I have to believe the same thing – love will win. But it will be a hard-fought battle.
Very heartbreaking. I’m so scared for the children.
I am, too, Sandy.
And so a new era in America has begun. The people has spoken (actually that’s the scary part…that so many share his values and morals) and all of us who are a minority in this beautiful country are in despair, the uncertainty of what’s to come is unbearable! May the Lord help us all! Even though I didn’t vote for him I will pray the Lord touches his heart and guides him because otherwise our future as a nation is very bleak. Keep talking Claudia ant thank you!
I am praying the same thing. That’s about all I can do right now, Marlene.
I’m terrified, Claudia… I don’t understand this…..I am fearful of what the country will look like in the next 4 years….Buckle your seat belt, it’s going to be a bumpy ride….have the best day possible, Claudia!
You too, Francine. I hope you find some peace today.
I cannot believe the world that I have awakened in this morning. I don’t believe that I have ever had a heavier heart in my lifetime. I never thought I would say the words I am ashamed to be an American – but that is exactly my feelings. To know that in order for this man to be elected the majority of the people in the country that vote either agree with all that he stands for or they are willing to overlook the things that he stands for produces feelings of disgust with America in me that I never thought possible.
I agree with everything that you have said. We will not recover from this man being in office so easily. How do we move forward? What can we do? I’ve thought of those questions all night long. I don’t have the answers. I don’t know if anyone has the answers. But I do know that as an individual we can continue to be the good person. To be fair to the immigrants to our country, the Muslim-Americans who now live in fear of not only being judged and mistreated for who they are but of being deported. We as individuals can still stand up for the disabled. We can stand up for a woman’s right to choose. We can stand up against sexual assault of any woman or any human being. We can stand up against groups such as the KKK and all the racism, bigotry and hate they spew. We can stand up for the LGBT community. We can stand up for climate control.
Among all of this fear and disbelief we still have a voice. And against all of the odds we still have to use that voice to continue to speak up while we stand up against all of the things that he stands for. We must never give up the fight. We must always stand up for human decency and what is right. And we must always believe in one another.
I am heartbroken and discouraged just like many other Americans today. I intend to participate in some self preservation for my own sanity. But I will continue until the day that I die to speak out and stand up for all of these things and all of these people because not only is it the right thing to do, I just don’t know how to live my life any other way. And isn’t that the one thing we have learned from Hillary Clinton’s life? Never give up. Always get up again and again. Always fight for the good.
I wish for peace for those of us who are struggling with this outcome. I pray for peace for our country and every single American and human being in this nation. And I know that no matter how hard it may be and how little it may seem to help to some I will persist and I will always speak up while standing up to all of these things.
Blessed be to you and Don both.
Beautifully said, Belinda. Thank you.
Thank you Belinda.
Thank you Belinda.
Belinda: THANKS, girlfriend. I wanted badly to comment today, but have a massive-crying-all-night headache [i.e., not very coherent or articulate right now]. Thankfully YOUR comment says it all much better than I ever could.
May the Force be with all – all of us who believe in love, hope & freedom – and God bless America. 🇺🇸
I am devastated…..
I know.
And totally terrified for our future!
I am stunned and in distress. This is not the America I grew up in. How do I explain this to my Grandchildren, my daughter who is trans, my friends who are gay and their spouses, my Latino friends? HOW?? There are no words for me today. Just prayers and hope that our government will work and our ‘president’ won’t have the power to ruin our country. I am not hopeful, I am discouraged, I am scared.
No, this is not the America I know. I am very frightened, my friend.
I am also in mourning, lacking the ability to any serious thinking, as I am too numb and exhausted.
We feel the same way today, Sandra. Take care.
I am numb with grief too. I don’t think I will get much done today but maybe I should try…
Maybe doing something around the house will help?
I’m standing here as stunned as you are! I’m amazed and very sad.
I hope the rest of the world prays for us and understands that this is democracy and mistakes happen and we WILL COME BACK FROM THIS.
Thank you, Claudia.
You’re welcome, Lee Anna.
I feel as though my soul will be crying through all eternity. As others have stated here and elsewhere, this is not my country and I am now without a home country; truly an alien place with too many people I want no part of. This is not a time of forgive and forget; we must not forget this obscene, despicable cretin was willingly placed in power by voters who share his ideas. For me, nothing will ever be the same and my respect and trust of millions of my fellow citizenry is completely gone. I have some anger toward those responsible for this nightmare and want accountability for the evil they have unleashed. How could any decent thinking person see him on TV and not be appalled? Our real fear for the future: Republicans in Congress will be licking his boots and provide him with the needed power to abuse endlessly and the ability to dismantle progress made in the last years. There’s cheering in Hell today as the Devil found his followers by the millions. But in Heaven the Angels weep for all that has been lost and mankind and it’s future. Wish I could offer words of comfort but all I know is to hope enough of us will “live to fight another day”. Sickening disgusting days. May kindred hearts and souls find peace and solace together. Dianne
Dianne, I am with you in unity.
Amen, Dianne. May we help and support each other and fight for all those who need us to fight for them. Love, not hate.
You can’t be serious. What do you women tell your daughters and sons when you drive by a church with all the little white crosses from the abortions you scream is your right. What about a 2000 dollar a month insurance premium a one income family has to pay. We haven’t even gotten into Her corruptions! I am dumbfounded by these comments. Talk about Drama…..
Okay. You’re entitled to your opinion, although I have never heard from you before and don’t even know who you are.
If you think health insurance is going to be more reasonable or even available under the incoming administration, I think you’re going to be sorely disappointed.
It’s really no consolation, but, once again, it looks as though a slim majority of voters have a decent heart and a moral conscience. The electoral college, however, have overridden us once again. And, I just can’t yet form my feelings into words. Shame and embarrassment for our country.
I have never been a fan of the electoral college and this election only supports that feeling. Thanks, Shanna.
I don’t believe in the Electoral vote either. The voting system needs to be updated. At least we know Hillary won the popular vote.
Yes – just like Al Gore did. But he didn’t win the electoral vote and we ended up at war in Iraq.
My feeling exactly. Hilary is ahead in the popular vote by 200,000. at this time. Screwed again by the electoral college, just ask Al Gore. They were talking on the news that is was the “leaners” that changed the vote. Those are the ones that lean in and whisper that they would vote for Trump but not say it out loud and proudly. Shame on them.
I would add to that all those who voted third party in a ‘protest’ vote. Shame on them.
Yes, I paid close attention to the third-party percentages last night in the returns. They had destructive impact, although maybe that was the intent. As you said all along, it was a just a vote, in the long run, for Trump.
Of course it was. Because of two seconds in which those voters felt righteous indignation as they cast their vote, they have to helped to saddle us with four years of this monster.
I find it funny that if the electoral college had swung the ‘other’ way and Hillary had won then Trump would have been classed a ‘poor loser’. And again, remember that those who voted third party had the right to do so. At least they voted, even if they didn’t vote the way you would have. I was always vocal to friends/family that I supported Mr. Trump; to have said otherwise is playing around trying to be ‘politically correct’ saying what you think others want to hear in order to be ‘in with the crowd’. Sorry. I voted for who I feel was the best choice for me.
Never let it be said, Dawn, by me or anyone else that Trump supporters voted for anyone’s best interest but their own.
Claudia, your words this morning are my words. Last night I felt almost as badly as I did when my parents died. A blow to my very core. To my soul. To my heart. A friend I had on facebook pretty much said we needed to listen to the concerns of those who spoke with their misguided vote and take their desire for change into consideration. We should try to understand why they felt the need for change. To give their dissatisfaction credence. I disagree. If they were voting for positive change, to make the world a better place, to progress, I would say, “Yes.” But this was not only a negative change that drove them, but of a reversal of the progress this country has made. A reversion to bad times, to exclusion, to racism, bigotry, xenophobia, sexism, homophobia. To the dark past. We were not altogether in the light, but now we are looking to being plunged into absolute darkness. To regression. To hatred being accepted, embraced. To families being separated. Do I know what their concerns were? Yes. Will I ever accept them as valid? No. Period.
I will not go back to those dark times. I refuse to.
I agree, Tina. I cannot validate those concerns because they lost all credibility when they were wed to everything that I believe in my heart is wrong: bigotry, hatred, exclusion, xenophobia, sexism and homophobia.
I am totally shocked, my heart is broken and I am sick. I feel a sense of doom for my country. I cannot watch the news or listen to NPR . I also feel a lot of hate towards him.
I am sorry for these negative words.
Take Care, Kaye
No, I understand. I’ve certainly said them when discussing this with Don. I will not watch that man in any way, shape or form. I guess that means: no news for a long, long time.
One of the saddest days of my life. To think we have gone backwards to racism, poor treatment of women, and everything else that he stands for is unbelievable. Trying to explain that life still needs to go on to my 22 year old daughter is so hard. This age group has only known decency to others with Obama in office. He will be so missed.
I can’t imagine what he is thinking this morning. Everything he has worked so hard for will be wiped out in the blink of an eye.
This is my first ever comment on a blog but I have to tell you I agree with you wholeheartedly. I am so angry I don’t trust myself to do my usual social activities. You see I live across the country from you and 71% of the people in my county voted for the unmentionable. That’s a lot of hateful people.
Anyway, I really enjoy reading your blog. Please don’t give it up and know there are thousands/millions of us who agree with you but can’t put it in words like you can.
Thank you, Marilyn. You know, I live in a blue state, but I live in a rural area, and the amount of Trump signs I saw was shocking. I don’t want to know these people. We have nothing in common if they can support what that man stands for.
I am heartbroken and in shock. I truly thought the sane sensible people could pull it off. But, I was so wrong, the haters have elected an orange buffoon. I barely slept last night, turning on the election news, hoping for a miracle and then back to something innocuous. I did that off and on until 3 a.m. and then into a restless sleep for a couple hours.
There goes health insurance for millions of us. There goes Social Security and Medicare for millions more. There goes peace and security for all of us. How could the republicans do this to us? Putting a monster on his third mail order wife into our White House is almost unbelievable. They have done nothing but vilify Michelle Obama, the soul of grace, and look at what they’ve made first lady…… a porn star. I never want to hear them talk about family values or christian values again. I read they wanted to put god back in the White House. What are they thinking???
Their hypocrisy is beyond belief, Deb.
I can only pray that he is held in check but someone who has retained a semblance of sanity.
I’m in Germany visiting family and was in Paris this past weekend. I’ve been amazed how many asked about the elections. I assured them he was a know nothing evil joke. They couldn’t understand what the USA is thinking. I never thought I would say he’s not my President. But, like you I respect the office but cannot acknowledge such evil occupying it. God help us.
I cannot say he is my President. He may occupy the office, but I have no respect for him.
Please tell your friends and family in Germany that we aren’t all that way. That many, many of us abhor what that man stands for.
I’d say he deserves the amount of respect he showed President Obama—namely,none.
Exactly! He did nothing but disparage him with his despicable birtherism. He gave Obama no respect. I give him no respect.
I’m sorry, Claudia, I have few words today…I’m still shocked, trying to make sense out of senselessness.
I know. I understand. xo
I agree with all the comments. I am stunned and can not function today. What were these people thinking to believe such a liar. I am amazed at how many of my friends voted for him. I am also proud of my friends who voted for Hillary. Our country will be forever changed.
It will, indeed.
I’m reading it over and over both here and on my FB groups. So many of us are feeling like strangers in our home country. Confusion in the extreme. My husband and I vote at every opportunity, contribute monetarily to causes we believe in, and work to stay informed, but do little boots on the ground work. I think that has got to change. A good barnstorming session about that would be most appreciated.
You mean here on this blog, Kaye? That’s a good idea. Let’s mourn for a while then talk about what we can do.
I am numb with disappointment. I have cried so many tears this morning . I am truly at a loss. I simply cannot believe that that many people actually agreed with him! I don’t know how we as a country, can come back, when my core beliefs of decency, and respect for others, have been so shattered. Yes…the sun did rise, as President Obama predicted….but our future is cloudy. ;)
Our future looks pretty dismal, Donnamae. I was actually, no exaggeration, hyperventilating last night. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I’m in shock.
Oh yeah! I turned off the tv as soon as I saw that man walk on stage. I was, and still am in disbelief. I was so hoping a miracle would happen overnight. But…it didn’t. I was just talking to our in-laws in Scotland. I asked her if this is what Brexit felt like for them…she replied “exactly”!! Then, she said, ” the world has gone mad!” You’ll have to imagine her Scottish accent. But, life goes on…we’ll just have to get through this as we always do…on a hope and a prayer. ;)
And, I think, when we’re ready – some hard work for what we believe in.
Yes, yes…lots of hard work will be needed. ;)
Dear Claudia and Don
I am beyond words but just wanted to tell you that I am so terribly sorry. It is a devastating result not just for America but also for the rest of the world. I am thinking of you and all those individuals sharing your feelings. Lets gather strength and continue to speak out against inequality, bigotry, racism… (the list continues). You still have a voice, and we can all hear it, it will not be drowned out and not forgotten, it will get stronger, I am sure of it. Wishing you the strength to carry on today, and tomorrow and any day that follows. xx
Blessings to you Christina. Thank you for your kind and supportive words.
I have a big headache this morning, so sad. I better make my Mamogram appointment. I have a feeling my medical coverage is going to disappear. It hurts my heart that our fellow Americans are so narrow minded and bigoted, including some of my own relatives.
I’m very worried about health insurance for all of those who have now come to count on it.
I’m profoundly saddened by the election results. We, your good friends across the border, extend hugs and comfort.
As a person with deep faith in God, I am also deeply saddened by those who have defended this man’s misogyny, racism, and nativism in God’s name. It’s truly sickening.
I’m so sorry.
Thank you, Lorrie. I am so sorry that this impacts you, as well.
As Carolyn said above. “I feel like a stranger in my own land” accurately describes how I feel. I am looking for the slightest consolation wherever I can find it. The fact that my state voted against him. The hope that he could possibly be impeached — but what a waste of time and energy that could be used towards positive things. The fact that his actions and poor life choices might catch up to him.
It’s sad because I feel that our country has let down the rest of the world, as well as ourselves.
I’m dumbfounded that so many people made a choice based on hollow words and not the past actions (or lack or actions) made by that person.
Dumbfounded is a good word, Jay. Words seem inadequate at the moment, don’t they? How do we put into words our grief and our despair?
Yes, my state voted against him, and I’m proud of that. And he may well be impeached. But then we’re stuck with Pence.
Your words mirror exactly what I’m feeling. Thank you for sharing them, Claudia.
I’m still in shock. I’m also sickened and scared about our future. I’m angry too…so many feelings.
My heart breaks for Hillary… I can’t even imagine how she feels.
I can’t either. Or President Obama.
Your reader comments are not showing.
Are you on Chrome? They’re showing on Safari. But, you’re right, they’re not showing on Chrome. I’ll see what I can find out.
I think it’s fixed, Gloria.
I can’t seem to function today. The result of the election just leaves me in tears. It is very scary. He makes a mockery of everything I know to be right and true.
I can’t either, Eileen. That is not the way we were raised, dear cousin. That is not how we were taught to live our lives.
Your reader comments are not showing. Sorry! They are now showing up.
I tweaked something and I think I fixed it.
Sorry. I can’t agree with you. I have been completely disgusted these past eight years under Obama, who I don’t respect as a man nor ever respected as president. I have no problem with immigration limits, with entering the USA legally, as my family on both sides had to and did (as we were not born First Nation then we are ALL immigrants, aren’t we). When all said and done, there was no way I would ever trust Hillary and her cronies and certainly don’t want four more years of what we have had already. I am looking forward to the future; it can’t be worse than what we had under Bill and Obama.
Oh, my friend, it can.
And of course, I simply do not agree with you. But I thank you for speaking civilly.
I choose to live by the Constitution and by the words on the Statue of Liberty:
“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”
That is my America. A place where those who practice a different faith, or who have a different skin color, who flee a dangerous homeland, are welcomed, knowing the country is made better because of their presence.
Yes, there are issues about immigration that need to be addressed. But not in a way that disparages entire ethnic groups and nationalities as something ‘other’ and as something to be feared.
We all have opinions that are different; it is what we are, humans with free will. American is the land of the free; my family on BOTH sides were immigrants that came here in the early 1900s (and faced MUCH racism from the peoples already living here in the U.S., as they were denied jobs and housing, etc based on their nationality). I believe in LEGAL immigration, following the rules and requirements to enter our country. All ARE welcome to the United States, but I truly believe there has to be limits as the illegal immigrants continue to drain our resources while receiving more benefits than I am able to receive as a full time hard working, tax paying citizen of this country I love deeply. I am proud to be 2nd generation American born. My family learned new languages, new customs and followed the rules and laws of the new nation they were honored to be allowed to enter, legally and through Ellis Island. I respect all who have a different opinion; it is their right as it is my right to express ourselves. But I truly believe, if we don’t wish to continue the slide to becoming a 3rd world country or being sold bits and pieces to China and other foreign entities, we needed a full and complete change of ‘the way we do business’ in this country. We all are afraid of change but we must get over ourselves and pull together, as a nation, and support the president as we go forward. While I didn’t respect or like Obama (or Bill, or Carter, and didn’t care much for W either) I still respect the OFFICE of the president. And I am proud to be American and proud I have the right to vote for my choices. All the best to you but I will no longer be following your blog.
I confess I don’t understand. I thought we were having a civil and respectful discussion. Surely after reading this blog, you knew I would disagree with you? It’s your choice, of course, but it’s one that bewilders me.
Interesting that she was able to express herself without any repercussions on your blog and yet she is abandoning it. Not quite the way I see us coming together to work on issues. We will see how the new “way we do business” works out in the future. As for me I feel exactly the same way you do Claudia. Heartbroken. Take care.
Agreed. Respectful disagreement is fine with me, in fact, I expect it on something such as this. It is, of course, her choice.
This morning someone called me a name in her comment, so I deleted it. That I won’t tolerate.
Well put Dawn.
I noticed that my original descending comment was never posted. (As if I expected it to be.)
The voters spoke and Hillary lost. It’s time to put your big girl panties on and start acting like adults instead of cry babies. Even Hillary knows if you can’t beat him, try to work with him.
I am joining the ranks with Dawn.
Good bye Claudia
No it wasn’t, and do you want to know why? You called me a name. You were disrespectful. If you had written with respect it would have stayed there. Dawn’s comments weren’t deleted because she managed to convey her feelings honestly but with no name calling. Yours, on the other hand, was deleted. I’d be happy to post it for all to see, but I’ll spare you that.
And now you’re doing it again.
Clearly stated at the bottom of my blog are terms on respectful and disrespectful comments. You failed the test, Vanessa, and I was very disappointed in you.
Contrary to your apparent belief, I have deleted about three comments out of the over 100,000 comments made in the course of my eight and half year old blog. Oh, make that four.
I decided to stop following your blog because I realized that I am a very different type of person than you and many of your readers and feel that I would no longer enjoy your blog. That said I have continued to discuss today with many of your readers and yourself, Claudia. And I still believe that we ALL have a right to respectfully discuss and share our opinions. I just will not be reading this blog going forward but again, that is my personal choice.
I have been pretty vocal on what I believe today and believe each and every person that has responded today has the right to do so, if done respectfully, civil and maturely. It is just that I find I don’t have much in common with this blog and for the furture no longer follow the blog. That is a personal choice.
I wish you well, Dawn. Truly!
Oh, it can be much, much worse. And Trump will
make it so.
Yes, he will, Marty.
I feel on the verge of tears since I came down stairs this morning. I snapped at my husband to “turn that thing ( tv) off”, I could not bear to hear about it. Why do I feel like I am waiting for a reign of terror to begin. I have the same fears you do…
I know. We have but a couple of months until everything changes.
Everyone at work this morning is walking about in a state of disbelief. The website for Immigration Canada crashed last night. Coincidence?
Not a coincidence. We’re all thinking of immigrating to Canada.
As much as we love our fellow Americans, I’m a bit worried about having 324,000,000 people come across the borders to add to our tiny population of 32,000,00. Where will we put everyone? Just joking of course but I’m sure we’ll have many who do join our vast countryside. It will be interesting to see what kind of process it will be and who will actually come over the border to live.
Thought of you and Don often last night Claudia. Totally a nightmare and all we can do helplessly is watch and hope that in the end, he will have a strong collective of advisors who will guide and watch his every move.
Stay strong! We’re here with you.
Yes, where would we fit! My grandparents and mother were born in Canada, but I don’t think we’ll be crossing the border any time soon. We owe too much on our house!
Thank you for your words of support, Chy.
I am grieving this morning. I am saddened, and sickened; I am in disbelief. I am now living in a red state where, this morning, there were shouts of jubilation on the way to work. I have yet to encounter a person who is remotely distressed (at least outwardly). I feel so alone.
Oh, Ali, I’m so sorry! How lonely that must feel. We’re with you. You can find like-minded (mostly!) friends here.
I am not saying Goodbye.
I am sick & shocked.
I still believe in the USA &
somehow we will get through this.
Take some time but please
don’t stop believing.
Now I just have to believe
what I just wrote, ;*(
You’re right, of course. We need to mourn and then move forward, fighting for what we know to be right.
I am in a state of disbelief – I saw the decision and I’m reading the commentary here and else where – and I just can’t believe it is the truth. I have a huge pit in my stomach. I don’t know what America is now. As others have said, a stranger in a strange land. But we the people are what made this country great and we the people must be united to disavow the hate and embrace love, refuse to accept what he stands for and extend kindness to all souls. God bless us all.
Yes, indeed, Karen. Wise words. Thank you.
Claudia, your thoughts mirror mine. I am stunned and in disbelief. I pray for a peaceful transition of power. I am worried that our religious freedom will be threatened as well. I just don’t know what to say…. Now that the republicans control the whitehouse it frightens me. It is unbelievable that Americans can elect a man like Trump to lead our nation. Let’s hope he becomes more presidential and that he isn’t a populist and we end-up with an authoritarian gov’t. I’m sure going to miss the Obama administration. The media helped get Mr. Trump into office by giving him so much air time and going on and on about the emails. I think that if Hillary would have won, there would have been gridlock and the citizens and Trump demanding impeachment and more investigations. It’s in god’s hands. Praying for our nation.
Yes, the media, the FBI, the pundits endlessly yammering on about the emails – which were, in the end, nothing – attention and focus on what was nothing instead of on what was everything: that this man is a demagogue, a tyrant and a dictator.
Agree! He frightens me.
I too am sickened by the election results.
A friend from The Isle Of Man contacted me today and said that her country feels the same as Hillary supporters feel. She compared Trump to Jacob Zuma, President of South Africa.
I am so confused as to what people have not liked about Obama…. other than the fact that Obamacare needs to be tweaked since it is VERY unaffordable to the middle class. I have not found a Republican yet who can articulate as to why they dislike him…. or they WON’T articulate it.
This could very well end up being four years of terror for many Americans. So sad. And all of those jobs that left the U.S. ARE NOT coming back no matter what Trump says. They are gone forever.
Yes, Obamacare needs work – I’ve spoken about it on this blog, but Hillary would have built on it and changed it for the better. No, I haven’t found one Republican who can say what they don’t like. All I hear is endless repeating of talking points and fear-mongering, but when asked for details, they can’t provide a one.
And his ‘it will be better’ with no concrete plan to give us? Complete and utter bullshit. Thanks, Diane.
I’m so sad for our whole planet.
I am, too, Jill. For it will impact our whole planet.
One last word……just demonstrates how sick our nation really is to elect a man like Trump. Praying that he doesn’t go through with all his horrific campaign promises of deportation, bombing the hell out of them. So many bigoted, sexist hate mongering folks came out of the closet on Election Day.
They sure did. It’s unbelievable.
I am numb with grief.
We are too.
I am sick in my stomach Claudia. I tried to ignore the polls last night and failed. However, I fully expected it to turn out the other way when I finally went to bed. I can not believe the people of this country would/could vote that man into the highest office of this country.
It’s like when Minnesotans voted for Jesse Ventura for our governor. Only so much worse. We have become a laughing stock. Will our country ever be taken seriously again? Not for the next 4 years I suspect.
How could we be taken seriously when that man is in control. I believe a President needs to have advisors on hand who understand things better the the President. The President needs to look to those advisors for help, and to take their direction when it is called for. I do not see that man taking anyone’s direction, advice or anything other than his own inflated opinion of himself seriously.
I am afraid for our country. For us women, for vets, for the handicapped, for the senior citizens, and especially the children. Claudia, as you have said we are in deep deep trouble. Or more bluntly we are in deep shit.
Claudia on a lighter note I almost forgot to mention this… I watched a movie based on the book ” A Still Life.” It was done very well. Did you know about this? Are there others/
No, I think it’s the only one and I believe it was filmed in Canada, Trudy.
No, he is incapable of listening to someone else’s advice. For heaven’s sake, they had to take his cell phone away because he wouldn’t listen to their pleas to think before he tweeted.
Maybe this is the End Of Days! Blessings
Hopefully, not.
I’m way down on the list of comments this morning so not many will read this but I’m not afraid at all. What is there to be afraid of? My life, and probably all yours, will not change a bit. We’ll still go to bed, go to work, eat our meals, have fun with our kids and grandkids and great grandkids and will forget all about this. We’ll still be able to do the things we would normally do. I’m a, oh dare I say it, a religious person and haven’t always been. I’ve voted democrat and republican. But I’m the “war and post-war generation”. Nothing will change in my daily life and, I doubt very seriously, yours. I prefer to look on the bright side of life. No matter WHO gets in an elected office, it has very little impact on OUR daily lives. Enjoy your life and don’t fret. I can say this with being 3/4 of a century old. The youngest chick you’ll ever meet in that age group. I HAVE seen it all and lived through it. I’m a family of veterans and the daughter of immigrants from Ireland, Germany and Mexico. We’re just happy to live in this “The Greatest Country on earth. It’s rare that I’m unhappy. I love life, my hubby of 55+ years, and to be able to live to see my 3 great grand girls is such a blessing I cannot contain it all. So go out today with cheer in my hearts and look to the positive for YOU. Nothing has been done to change anything in our lives yet. And I doubt it will. Be of good cheer. And, please, do NOT trash me for being a happy person. You don’t KNOW who I voted for this time. You really don’t!
You are right, Connie. Tomorrow the sun will rise, we will go to work, go about our daily business and live our lives. Each day the sun will come up and each day the sun will go down. Life goes on. I would not have been happy with the other alternative for president but I would have pulled up my big girl panties and gone on with my life. I am 2nd generation American, of Italian, French, German and French-Candadian immigrants, and my family suffered much discrimination when they first came here, legally through Ellis Island. My cousin is trans, I have another cousin that is gay and I have a foster son who is completely disabled and I am his caregiver. I love all peoples and believe we all have the right to live ‘our own way’. And I have the right to vote who I feel right for me. And I did. But in the end, life will,and always will, go on.
Thank you. You are kind.
Actually, I NEVER said who I voted for yesterday. You all are assuming much. I drink no Kool Aid. I am right about not changing anyone’s life. I prefer to look on the positive side of life. (A terrible cliche, but absolutely true for me.) If other presidents we disliked can make it then this one can also. Holy cow, our own choice is not always the one who wins, women…and men. Evaluate your OWN PERSONAL life and you will see it does NOT affect its day-to-day continuance. I never, ever post with a “hate” in my “voice”, NEVER! AND we are a bi-racial family. I absolutely love my daughter-in-law and my grandsons. And SHE has a HORRIFIC story of coming to this country illegally!!! So, again, I post with honesty and wisdom and personal knowledge. Thank you for reading but let’s not let this get ugly. I doubt I’ll say much more, if any, and I apologize to Claudia for this.
Nothing to apologize for, Connie. I always value your thoughts.
Darling, Connie, you know I love you, but I don’t vote merely in terms of my immediate personal life. I have a nephew who is disabled. Who relies on Medicaid for much of his care. I have LGBT friends and colleagues. I have friends who have finally been able to be covered by health insurance who may now have none. Many of those people have pre-existing conditions. I am a woman and I have been assaulted. I vote for all woman who want to see an end to that, yet we now have a President-elect who thinks that’s just fine. I have friends who have children – children who are trans, children who are Mexican. Those children are being bullied because we have a man who has encouraged that in his vicious rhetoric.
So you see, I don’t vote just for me. Or for Don. I vote for the quality of life of all of our citizens. I’m glad you’re happy, Connie, and I want you to be. xoxo
I have no words and after reading Connie’s post I truly have no words. But I will have words and I will be heard. Once I recover from the shock of now knowing this country’s truly dark side which has now been brought to light.
I am a person of faith and I am appalled that someone like this can be voted in with the blessing of so many that claim a religious belief. I will continue to do as instructed in Proverbs 31:8-9. “Speak up for those that cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and the needy.”
We will be heard.
The hypocrisy stuns me. The Jesus I know and who is written about in the Bible would never countenance this rhetoric or this behavior.
What about the 20 million people who could lose their health insurance? Their lives would certainly be changed – and not for the better. I agree – the hypocrisy is just stunning as well as the complete selfishness we are seeing.
I know. What are those people going to do? How can you give them something and then take it away?
Oh my! I am so upset and simply stunned. I just don’t understand how anyone can justify voting this horrific man to be our president. How do you look your daughter, sister, wife and mother in the eye and tell them it’s ok to treat women as sex objects, say horrible sexual things about their gender. By voting this person into the presidency you are condoning his words and actions. He is a racist, sexist, bigoted bafoon. How can we go from the Obama’s grace, poise and intelligence to what this man and what he stands for. And not to mention that our next First Lady has nude pictures out there! What class! I can’t imagine how theLGBGT , disabled and Muslims feel. For the first time in my life I feel embarrassed and ashamed to be an American. On another note, I just saw Hillary’s speech. Such class she has. What a wonderful opportunity this country has missed out on.
I couldn’t listen to her speech because I’m too emotional. But I’ll try to catch it later. Thanks, Kathy.
I guess most of the World are terrified this day. I woke up this morning and Heard that HE was chosen to be the boss of your country and I was shoked!! I can’t Believe how “most” americans Thinks. After all, what has he done to become the president? Mostly nothing, but talking bad about this and that. He’s a shame, I must say, and I don’t look forward to those coming years. Hopefully we’re wrong about him!!
Love Elzie
Hopefully, but I have serious doubts, he will show us some part of him that we haven’t seen up until now.
Oh, Claudia. I knew the country was divided. I knew what seemed to divide us was our basic beliefs and vision. I just had no idea at all that I was in the minority.
I cannot watch news because if I see his face, I am seriously thinking I would vomit. After about 15 minutes after the polls closed last night, I had to turn off the TV. I just knew what was coming. However, in that 15 minutes, I heard someone say that if he was elected he was looking at Juliani as his AO and Gingrich as his Sec of State. I sobbed. It was no longer just a funny joke where everyone just shook their heads and laughed about him. I can’t focus on anything. I can’t even read a paragraph because I keep remembering what has happened. And even worse than him being elected is that PENCE is next in line. He doesn’t even believe women should serve in the Armed Services. It is as if someone picked us up in this new snow globe we live in and shook us and nothing is as it was. Nothing is going to change??????????????? What kool aid is that woman drinking?
sorry, AG ~~ I can’t spell, or think, or carry on whatsoever today……..
I too will no longer be watching news programs unless I have recorded them. Then I have ability to FF past the orange man. I can’t bear to hear or see him anymore. I do subscribe to our daily paper, which is free of his voice & hand movements. I am white middle class. I fear for all peoples of color, all homosexuals, all Muslims, all people with disabilities, & all women in our country now, as President elect DT has broadcast to us all that it is now OK to bully &/or violently attack &/or sexually molest. etc. How dare he, a serial sex offender, label Mexican immigrants rapists? At least 1/2 the voters in our country see him for what he is: possibly the next impeached president.
We can only hope! But then we’ll be left with Pence.
We are being thrust backward in time about 60 years. How dare we women want equality! How dare we not want to be treated like objects?
I am stunned by this election and started to go down the path of feeling hopeless and disgusted.Then I started to think differently. As a mother of two daughters and a son who is just beginning a life of military service and law enforcement, I can not afford to quit and give in to these feelings. I began to think about how with every day we have opportunities to make good choices that counter the effects of people who are less caring and more self serving and sometimes just frankly immoral. People make this country great in small ways that all add up. We can do this by treating each other with dignity, helping our neighbors, caring for the elderly, recycling to keep our world a little cleaner and in many other ways. Most importantly, we can influence future generations by our example. Don’t give up. Our country needs good people now more than ever.
I know you’re right. I think we have to allow people the time to come to terms with this. And then I think you’ll see positive action.
I agree with all you said Claudia. I am in shock and can’t focus but I resolve I will never listen to, or believe anything that man says.
Nor will I. He has proven himself to be a liar. Why would I believe a word he says?
My eyes are itchy and red. I went to bed crying. I woke up crying. And it’s all my husband and I have been able to speak of this morning, going over all the points you made so succinctly in this post. While DT supporters cheer, the rest of us grieve. Like you, I was raised in a good way, with the right rules, high standards; good morals. But I do know one thing: DT can never take that away from me.
Although non-Mexican myself, but living in a predominantly Mexican-American town in Southern California for most of my life, I have people I love who are Mexican, from the time I was born and, for my parents, long before I was born…for my folks, their closest friends; our neighbors, my dear school chums from years ago; beloved relatives; ex-boyfriends with whom I’m still friendly; co-workers; my doctors. I have to go out right now; I have appointments today. I’m going to run into some of these folks. I need to call a couple of them as well. What do I say? How must they be feeling?
I feel lost and bewildered, confused and scared. Rug ripped out from underneath me. I’ll keep trying to process what has happened…it will be discussed, I’m sure, for the rest of my days, and many books will be written about this election…and I’ll put one foot in front of the other in spite of my heavy heart. I will hug my dog, who is disturbed by my tears. It’s almost 90 degrees, so early yet in the morning to be so hot, so I’ll go refill the birdbath and refresh the feral kitties’ water bowl. I have to do these things…little rituals…to try to keep sane and not sink too low…as I mourn.
It was never, with me, about voting in a woman. It was about who was best qualified to run a nation. The most knowledgeable; the most experienced. Someone who could keep a level head. Who could be strong; dignified; erudite. But I’m just talking to the air now.
It wasn’t about voting for a woman for me, either. I don’t vote according to sex. It was about who was sane, for one, and who was the most qualified to understand not only our country and its government, but the world, as well.
Claudia, I feel your dismay! I am a 58year old gay woman who studies and practices Buddhism living with an inoperable brain tumor. I marched for women’s rights and never thought I would have to fight for those rights again or listen to the disgusting talk that is regurgitated from that man! And the hate filled comments that I had been subjected recently to because of my prayer beads around my wrist because I’m Buddhist. Now for the first time in several years….that is since Obama did his thing and gave people like me affordable health care… I am terrified of what will happen to the health insurance I have now. Noe more then ever what I really want more than anything is log cabin up north out in the woods so far from neighbors that you have to drive there! Actually have started looking into it trying to decide just where. Until then I will take a very deep breath and just try to hold on….
Ryan-Julee, I am so very sorry that you have to worry about healthcare while battling an inoperable brain tumor. Or hateful comments because of your beliefs. It is a terribly commentary on where we are headed. Take care, hold on.
I have cried a little this morning but I know the sobs inside will explode at some point. Hopefully I am here at home when it happens.
I did my part.
-My car had its “Ready for Hillary” sticker on it for 3 years
-I wore my Hillary pin daily these past months
– read almost daily emails from Hillary campaign
– my car had its official sticker on it
– my house had a sign in front of it
– I donated our honestly earned AND tax paid (!) earned $$$$ to help finance her campaign
– I made telephone calls asking people to REMEMBER TO VOTE
– I stood out at the polls with a Hillary sign
– I tried to inform people when I could
I did it for my country, myself and most importantly MY GRAND DAUGHTER
This morning I can proudly hold my head HIGH and know I did what I could. When dealing with EVIL…….and yes, he is EVIL……. the ” usual” apparently is not enough.
Time to take a deep breath, regroup and figure out what to do next. I am not beaten and I for one am not conceding this battle.
This is so difficult to put into words. What I am feeling is almost physical.
Stay strong,
Good for you, Luanne! I did many of the same things and am proud of that. But we must not give up the fight.
I am discouraged and very sad. My husband told me I was WRECK last night and was truly worried about me. It’s raining this morning, and in far west Texas its always a blessing. There’s that. Be well.
I was hyperventilating and Don had to calm me down. Take care of yourself, Melissa.
My husband and I have felt like we are in mourning since we realized and heard the final outcome. How can a nation so great fall to its knees and submit to such a con artist? We are just amazed and fearful for all the damage that will be done here. And, we don’t think it will take him very long. Sad sad day!
And his is a con artist. A film-flam man. But so was Hitler. And look what happened.
One way we can all heal is to help in our own community. Help our fellow neighbors and be kind to each other.
Yes, indeed, Doris. Wise counsel.
So much of what I think and feel today has been expressed in the comments above me. I feel so numb and disheartened. How could America have voted this man who spews hatred into the highest political office in the land? How did this happen? What will become of us? I fear for my children and my grandchildren. I think within the first few months he will have made devastating decisions that we will never recover from. I did all I could to keep him out of office, apparently it was not enough. I will never again believe that “every vote counts” since apparently it does not with the electoral college. This is a dark and dismal time. I thought America was at its lowest when 911 happened but we are not officially at the west point in history and this time Americans did it to themselves by voting for this monster. America will live to regret this one.
I believe you’re right, Cindy.
All I have are tears. What do I say to my autistic grandson? I fear for his future.
I understand. I do, too. And for the future of all who are ‘other’ in the eyes of that man.
Despondent. Embarrassed for our country. Had a panic attack in the middle of the night….
I totally get that, and panic attacks are horribly frightening. I had a thankfully-brief period with them about 15 years ago. Just as Claudia talked about hyperventilating due to this awful turn of events, I have bronchial asthma (since toddler age) and, although I realize some of what happened to me about seven hours ago could be because I have come down with a cold, which affects my airways, I had a pretty-bad asthma attack at 5am PST after I finally went to bed (couldn’t handle the TV and election results another moment), which is part of why I’m about to leave for the doctor’s office, because I haven’t had an asthma attack like that in years. Could any of us wind up with some degree of post-traumatic stress, I’m wondering? That’s not to take away from severe PTSD which, say, military veterans or abuse victims have…can’t compare, of course…but it’s given me pause. I think we need to be gentle with ourselves right now and pull out any stress relievers which have ever worked for us before, and put them into action posthaste. Maybe Thanksgiving; concentrate on the upcoming holiday, plan the menu, invite somebody over, being thankful for many blessings on that special day. I’m grabbing at straws, knowing I need the distraction, now more than ever.
Oh, Vicki, my father was a Naval Officer and I married a Marine and our son is a former Marine also. He is now a nurse at a VA Hospital and will only work with the military. Truly, I do NOT believe any health benefits will be taken away. This country would NOT stand for it! My hubby spends every single Memorial Day and every Veterans Day standing outside the local supermarkets collecting for Vets. EVERY SINGLE ONE. He’ll come home sunburned or frozen depending on what the climate is in May or November. I just would like you to NOT fear for your son. If anything, support the military rights to healthcare. We’re fortunate that my hubby and I have such good care with Medicare and TriCare. We pay next to NOTHING for care or even hospital visits. And the Vets have a very strong advocate in Congress. We are first and foremost a military family!
I hope you’re better now, Liz. I’m sorry you had the panic attack, but I fully understand why.
I thought I would be crying tears of joy last night but instead tears of true sadness.
Even though I’m way down the list of comments here…I wanted to pass something on that I had read the other day. From a blog called VA Dog Rescue, by Brent Jacques. If you get a chance, read his post from November 7 called “Politics and Friendship.” This is what I have tried to tell my kids; that you simply cannot forget, you cannot “unhear,” you should not ignore who has supported this evil man. It is, I thought, an interesting piece. We are all entitled to our opinions, of course, that goes without saying; but we are all also free to choose who we wish to associate with.
And I must say how lucky your readers Connie and Dawn are. We would all be so lucky to simply be able to get up and go about our days w/out a care in the world.
Elle, I truly am sorry about how you feel. But let me explain something to make my case.
Two years ago I was coughing so much I couldn’t stop. We had our ducts cleaned, removed any-and everything we thought could be causing it, washed dishes even better but still coughed continuously. Finally, one day I told hubby to take me to Urgent Care. I’ll make this quite short because it’s a LONG story. AND, I have never, ever had a cold or the flu, ever!
I was diagnosed with interstitial lung disease. Never smoked in my life. Cause: acid reflux bubbling back up and going down into my lungs. I don’t even remember having a problem with indigestion, ever!! I was so positive in the hospital after enduring 3 lung biopsies and told I’d be “permanently” living with a tube up my nose the doctors and nurses CHEERED me. I doubt they’ve ever had a patient be happy with trashed lungs. I never looked back. Oooh, there have been a few days I feel sorry for myself, but it is NEVER more than a very short period, never more than a day. I always choose to look on the positive side rather than gloom and doom. Plus, I have warned my family and friends to absolutely NOT tell me how this disease “ends” if they read about it. I don’t want to know. (I believe sometimes people “set” their “death date.” Sounds weird I know but my brother while researching our family history found most of the men in our family died in late sixties and was convinced he was going to die in his late sixties. He’s now in his seventies. He’s gloom and doom and he does have a bad heart. )
I, on the other hand, am SOOO glad in this day and age I am only “compromised” with trashed lungs. I am able to go wherever I want with a portable oxygen. Do I feel sad? Do I say Why ME? Never, ever once!!! I just feel so blessed that I live in such a time as I can breathe with the help of scientists/doctors who can prolong my life to have at least 3 of my great grand girls and, hopefully, my grandsons will step up to the plate soon to increase that. My bi-racial grandsons may look more like their gorgeous mother, and she is GORGEOUS, but they have traits I recognize in THEM that are so like me.
Now, I could choose the other part, but I don’t see any benefit in that for me. I’m just happy. No matter what candidate won, it wouldn’t take anything away from me. I still have a happy, sexy hubby, 2 kids, 4 grand kids and 3 great grand girls.
Does that put it in a perspective that is understandable? I sure hope so. It’s a glorious sunny day in my state and I intend to live it to the very best of my ability. I am SO blessed. Yes, I thank God for this. I don’t care if anyone believes in God or not. I do!
Well, I am a thyroid cancer survivor and caregiver to a disabled wheelchair bound foster son, who I met through my 13 years work in a non profit for abused and neglected children. He has not one person in this world, no living relatives and is a double amputee (severe diabetes). So please don’t assume I have no worries or cares in this world. I do. What I also know, after 60 years on this earth, is that all this worry and fear will not your day any better. I fought for the right to take drafting classes in high school because it wasn’t something girls did then. I have fought for my foster son through the SSI / medicaid system. Don’t assume that I don’t care about our future and his and everyone elses. But worrying about it won’t help. And of course, being snide to me and sarcastic is not very nice either. Again, I respect that we ALL have our own thoughts, our own opinions. Being close minded and nasty to others that don’t share your same thoughts and feelings is not NICE… remember???
Oh, and I suffered through a divorce, marred with abuse from alcoholic, and later a bankruptcy after all the costs incurred of my cancer and surgery and recovery. So no, I don’t wake up to birds singing every morning and perpetual sunshine. But I also know that life does go on. No matter what.
Okay. We will be civil here. We will not be disrespectful. And that goes for everyone. Please realize that everyone is feeling very emotional right now. Let’s give each other the space in which to express our feelings honestly.
Thanks for that mention, Elle. I’ll read it. Yes, everyone is entitled to vote as they please, but those who supported this man support, in turn, his rhetoric and his behavior. And that I can’t support.
Thank you for your courage and example, Claudia. I admire your leadership. I am dismayed at the idea shared that we may just be afraid of change. Well, cancer could be benignly characterized as simply a change as well! My husband and I cried when Hill spoke this morning. And didn’t you love Tim Kaine’s quote “they kilt us, but they ain’t whupped us!”? Nice to have a safe harbor here to speak my grief.
Thank you, Jacqueline. They showed what they are made of, in contrast to that man who spoke of not accepting the results if he lost. Therein lies the difference.
I hope this helps you as much as it helped me. Though I’m still crying out loud.
My 22 year old daughter posted this on Facebook!
“Welp. The worst has happened. Come January we’re going to be represented by someone who doesn’t hold American values. We lost this battle. But we’re still here, and we can still enact change. Find a cause that you’re passionate about. Find opportunities to volunteer. Take your fate in your own hands and fix the damage thays been done to our country.
Maybe this means donating money to a cause you support. Maybe it means applying to volunteer with an organization. Maybe it means writing to your representative.
It doesn’t matter, just do it.”
With this said, I am frightened about her going back to college next year now that it’s “OK” to grab and group women. I am frightened for her future, I’m frightened for my future at 59.
May the force be with us!
Good for your daughter, Stacey. You’ve raised a strong woman!
We will stay strong and we will fight.
Dear Claudia I thought of you and Don when I woke up this morning in England and heard who was to be your next President. My heart goes out to you and all decent, loving Americans, some of whom are my personal friends. I too am in disbelief and at a loss to understand the workings of the minds of the people who voted for this person. Once more I feel like I need to retreat into my family and home and live life outwards from there with the values of goodness and kindness that I believe in and hope that if enough people do this then the impact of what has happened in your country, and which will surely affect ours, can be mitigated. I still believe there are more good people in the world than bad and we just have to stand together and live out our values.
Yes. We are heartsick, walking around in a daze. It’s much like when I got a call in the middle of the night saying my mother had died. But I was prepared for that, knew it was coming. And it effected me and my immediate family. Not the world. Not millions of innocent people who never asked for this.
We’re going to cocoon here in the cottage. It’s a dreary, damp, rainy day. Fitting.
I, too, had that sick feeling in my stomach when I realized who our next president will be. However, we should remember, Hilary won the popular vote – the people wanted Hillary and it was the electoral vote that gave us Trump. There is a need for some change and perhaps Trump will attempt to bring many changes we do not approve of, but we haven’t changed – we know what we feel and we believed our vote has an impact so our efforts can still have an impact. The source may be different and the direction it takes may not exactly be what we want, but we still matter and despite the results of yesterday, we still know what’s right with the world. Don’t give up – we’re not alone and neither is Mr. Trump – he isn’t going to be able to do everything he wants because we won’t let him.
Amen, Ranee. Thank you.
I keep feeling like boycotting everything that makes money for republicans, is run by republicans and is endorsed by republicans. It worked to take money out of the pockets of Rush Limbaugh and put N Carolina in a pickle from trying to set rules about restroom use. Lets have some more. I know I will not buy a dress, sweater or pair of shoes in the next four years especially if it is made in China.
Boycotts are a great idea. Certainly, we should boycott any and all things Trump.
We have taken huge strides backwards and it really, really scares me. I have mentioned to my husband all along that I could see Trump proclaiming himself king. I don’t think that he can live with the checks and balances of our democracy. His ego (wealth and power) are just too big. May the Good Lord help this country ~
Did anyone else find it interesting that the so-called “rigged election” (Trump quote) got him elected?
Yes. And it the disenfranchisement of black voters in North Carolina, among many other despicable deeds, were done by the Republicans. Who ‘rigged’ the election, I wonder?
As bad as we feel, and it is really, really bad, it is not nearly as bad as the Trump voters will feel when they find out that they were taken for fools by Donald Trump and that they have sold their souls for very little in return. I will not feel sorry for them when that happens.
Nor will I.
Right now I only know one thing for certain. I will never personally utter the words “President Donald Trump.” To start with, it tastes like a dead fish in my mouth. And secondly, it seems sacrilegious. And insulting to all the honorable men who have held the office, starting with President Obama.
But there are TWO things which are actually providing comfort to me right now. Now that I’ve managed to stop crying about this Pearl Harbor of an election. The first is the Constitution, one of the most perfect documents ever created by human beings. It was ingeniously designed by the Founders to prevent/thwart he very things we fear today. And the second is that I’m now old enough to have seen 11 different Presidencies. NOT ONE of whom has EVER been able to achieve even HALF of his campaign promises. With his own personal rate of failure WELL-documented, it’s a given that #45 will be even more spectacularly-unsuccessful than his predecessors. To borrow a Twitter thing: #Clock’sRunningDonald
I made that vow last night. Never will those words come out of my mouth.
Thank God for the Constitution, which I will be reading daily.
The word stunned is appropriate at best. I actually took medication last night due to anxiety. This is not what I expected from our nation and even today, in the light of day, I’m in disbelief. I refuse to watch any TV. No more of my time will be given. I will try and walk with dignity and be a good citizen (as I always have) and not be negative. Hold up for what I believe and as I was taught as a young child, turn my head from those who bother me. That being said, How do I possibly support my President? In past elections, no matter how I voted, I tried to support my President and my county. How did this happen? Mrs. Trump shared her platform will be no more “bullying”. REALLY! I hope she starts her platform at home. Can you believe they will actually be living in our White House? I feel like I need therapy.
I will not watch the news or read any more online news sites.
I think that some people think this is a Republican/Democrat thing. It isn’t. There have been Republican Presidents in my lifetime and I respected them, even though I disagreed with many of their policies. This man is a sham, a megalomaniac who is hell bent on destroying everything we hold dear. That is not about party. That is about country.
Thank you for your words. Incredibly sad day. It feels like we’re in mourning.
I fully believe we are. We’re mourning the loss of everything we hold dear.
I live in Australia and the discussions about Trump in our staffroom has been he will never get in! This will affect our imports and exports to Australia which will have a ripple effect across the board. However our biggest concern is the shift in whom he will keep as Allies in the world. Trump has accused some Allies as just taking advantage of America, maybe he should have a history lesson starting with our support in Vietnam. I am upset and appalled and I have no idea how the people of America are truly feeling with the result. I shall be here across the seas supporting you and all those that voted with integrity, tolerance and morals. Hug and love to you and Don x
I know. I am very frightened about his statements on NATO and our allies. He seems to think this is the Mafia and that people have to pay us for protection. But then again, he’s been known to hang around Mafia figures in the past.
Thank you for your support, Janine. Australia is looking mighty attractive at the moment.
Claudia, I so, so agree with you. I am just shaking my head in disbelief that he could get elected to represent me. He is absolutely not who I am and not who I think our country is. I only hope he surrounds himself with good people who can guide him to do more to help us than to hurt us.
Don and I have decided that he is not our President. The people elected Hillary and, to me, the popular vote has always been the true count. He can be President for those who voted for him. Not for us.
Thanks, Barbara.
Claudia, your blog is a refuge today. Thank you and to the commenters.
You’re welcome, Sylvia.
Ashamed, heartbroken, sick, disgusted? Are you kidding me? What is wrong with you people? It’s obvious that the majority of the American people were sick and tired of how this country was being run by how they voted. Accept defeat with grace and dignity. Even Obama and Hillary were able to show a little of this. I, for one, am thrilled that Americans will be put first again.
Maybe you and your followers should put your energy into praying for our new leader instead of having a pity party.
Your blog was the only one of the many I follow that became political. Not what I want or need.
So, I will say GOODBYE.
Then you simply don’t have to read it, Sharon. No one is making you. My blog is about my life and life, my dear, includes this election and climate change and a whole host of things that will affect the quality of our lives for years to come.
It would have been nice to see you write this comment with the same grace and dignity you think is lacking in our comments today.