After a week of high temps, humidity and lots of rain, it was so nice to spend the day outside yesterday. Mowing, of course, was on the agenda and I did a lot of weeding and pruning and general garden clean-up. Happily tired at the end of the day.
The first phlox blooms have appeared. The scent is heavenly.
My David phlox plants have obligingly self-seeded all over the main garden bed. Initially, the flowers were white and many of them still are; however, pink and purple blooms have made their way into the mix as well. I’m not complaining.
The hostas have begun to flower.
This was the one pot of impatiens that I overwintered. It’s doing really well!
This photo was an Instagram post last week. This view that I get when I’m upstairs always makes me smile.
I’m in a “Seek Comfort and Nest” mode. I suspect many of us are, given the events of the last week and the last year. So much upheaval, so much sorrow, so much hate and fear. Don and I were talking about it yesterday. We don’t bury our heads in the sand – far from it – but we do take steps to remember who we are and what we believe and spread as much love and happiness as we can. I feel grounded when I work outside, when I look at our property (such a dream come true for former apartment dwellers,) when I look at all the creatures who share our plot of land, when I watch flowers open and butterflies and bees flitting among the plants in the gardens. Even when I mow our lawn.
I am brought back to my basic and fundamental belief: We are all one.
We often act as if that isn’t the case, but it is. Seek Comfort and Nest doesn’t mean that we stop fighting for what we believe in. Oh no. We fight. It simply means that we seek that which grounds us, which reminds us of our blessings. That, in turn, reminds us that we need to reach out to those who feel marginalized or are discriminated against, who are in pain or are living in fear, whose daily lives are a struggle.
Patience is not one of my virtues, though I think I’m much more patient than I used to be. But I will freely admit to an impatience with people who see something like #blacklivesmatter in a post on Facebook, for example, and automatically assume that the poster has implied that other lives don’t matter. Surely we can handle a bit more complexity of thought than that? Some of the dialogue I have seen there has been troubling. Surely one can point out an issue that needs our attention, that urgently needs addressing, without the immediate knee-jerk assumption that the poster is inferring that the lives of policemen don’t matter? Or that policemen are bad people? Come on.
I step away from engaging with anyone who thinks in that limited manner because a response is useless in the end. You can say what you want, of course, but if you’re assuming a defensive, argumentative posture, I’m out. Online, in my daily life and on this blog.
Just as, I suspect, many of you, I have a family member who is in law enforcement. I also have friends who have been subjected to racial profiling. I am capable of addressing an issue – racial injustice -while still knowing that the vast majority of police are good, brave people.
Knee-jerk reactions help nothing. And we’re all capable of that sort of thing, of feeling we need to ‘defend,’ myself included. It’s a complex issue. Clear heads and open hearts and minds are required to move forward.
One of my dear friends, who happens to be a first-generation African American, wrote the most moving and powerful post on this subject. It was a clarion call asking all us to engage in respectful dialogue on the subject of race in America. It needs to be addressed. We will be better for it in the end.
It is the Golden Rule. That’s the only rule we can follow if we believe we are one. It’s a no-brainer.
Love cancels hate.
So, we seek comfort and nest for a time, then we re-emerge and work for change. Change for everyone.
Happy Tuesday.
Well said, Claudia. I squirm when I see the responses to ‘black lives matter,’ because they are usually a retaliation and that isn’t what it’s about. We ARE smarter than that, just throwing barbs at one another is what gets us in a mess we can’t get out of.
I always enjoy seeing your gardens. All that rain and humidity pays off in lushness and beauty of those plants. Our climate is so darn dry and humid, I’ll never in a thousand years have hostas that look as good as yours!
Happy Tuesday;)
Thank you, Karen. Squirm is the perfect word. I feel the same.
Our climates may be different but you sure live in a beautiful part of our country, Karen!
Beautifully said Claudia. I feel the same way and I am doing the things I enjoy to be happy in my home. We need to take care of ourselves and loved ones during these hard times. Your garden looks very nice.
Thank you, Doris. We all need some comfort.
Thank you for your post today – it said exactly what I am feeling, much better than I could put into words. And, I think we as a nation need to follow your advice to ‘seek comfort and nest’ and perhaps then we can come together and value each other.
Yes. A deep breath and a listening ear and love, of course.
A lovely post Claudia. I too, find myself nesting in the sanctuary of my home and gardens these last days.
I think I’m going to do it again today, Carolyn Marie. Enjoy.
Thank you for your thoughtful post. I agree with you. I feel like I have been turning inward more and I think it is a response to what is going on in the world. It is overwhelming.
It is. We need to seek comfort and sustenance.
I like what you said. I grew up in the military, married military and on base are more black men per square inch than most places in the US. And a lot of them wore a badge and carried guns. (MPs) And I never felt safer anywhere. We never locked our cars.
Thank you, Jan.
Recently, I’ve also been in and around my home more. I’m concentrating on designing the memory quilts and repotting plants I’ve bought at the local nursery. And, I found another “local” nursery only 15 minutes from my house…I didn’t even know they existed until a couple of days ago, and it is a charming place. I love the photos you share of your garden, Claudia.
So glad you found another nursery, Wendy.
Very well said, in complete agreement.
I enjoy your blog and it’s personal focus. I saw Don on a Robot episode this week and exclaimed to my husband, “that’s Don.” Explained further, “Claudia’s husband, my blog friend.”
Thanks for the daily missive.
You are most welcome, Do. Glad you saw Don!
Dear Claudia, Yes Love Can Cancel Hate! Hate, left alone begets Anger,begets Violence and Violence begets More and stronger Hate.We have to be the ones to Show Love and END THE HATE!
I totally agree, Judy.
Great post – agree 100%. For the last few days, I’ve had one line running through my head repeatedly. Something I first heard from a very old, very wise friend of my Mom’s, gone for many years now. She was probably in her late 80s at the time, having afternoon tea on the patio with my parents. I remember it was an absolutely-sparkling June day, and somehow the conversation turned to what might come after this life. I’ve never forgotten what she said, or the conviction in her voice when she did. “Well, if there is a Heaven, and I really hope there is, I think there’s only one thing that will matterabout getting there. All that matters – ALL THAT MATTERS – is how we treat each other here in this life…” As my nephew would say, TRU DAT.
PS – your impatiens is just gorgeous. Another of your photos saved to my “Claudia” folder. 💛
Aw, you have a Claudia folder? I’m so flattered!
I love what your friend said. It’s absolutely true. xo
Yes, ma’am. I have MANY folders of saved photos – 140 at last count. Today’s impatiens went into both the “Claudia” and “Garden Plantings” folders, so when my lottery ticket hits and I build my dream house, I won’t forget to include impatiens on my landscaping list. And I know I’ll need the memory help, because winning the lottery will completely BLOW MY MIND – haha!
“To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life ~ we must first set our hearts right.” Confucius
It really begins with each one of us. I was shocked this morning to hear that the polls have the candidates only 3 points apart. That says something about the state of our nation… a very sad thing, for sure.
Unbelievably sad. As Don said on Facebook the other day: If the ONLY thing he (orange man) did was to make fun of a disabled person, the ONLY thing, that automatically disqualifies him from the Presidency. Period. And then he referenced our nephew. (Caps are Don’s.)
It’s not too many years ago that Howard Dean was out of the race simply because he screamed on camera. For heaven’s sake, what has happened to this country?
I recommend you check out Nate Silver’s numbers. He projects Hillary Clinton’s chances of winning at 77.4, and Donald Trump’s at 22.5. I really think those are much more realistic numbers. Of course, there is still much work to be done over the next 5 months. Nate Silver projected Obama to win over Romney in the last election, and when the Republican pundits were still saying on election night that Romney was going to win, I realized they either hadn’t heard of Nate Silver (as in they were that out of touch) or those old white guys hadn’t taken him seriously.
I’ve read those numbers, Sandra and they give me hope. I’m clinging on to them because Nate Silver’s track record is excellent.
We do follow Nate Silver and his predictions are amazingly correct!! I do so hope he is right this time, more than ever!! For the sake of the country, I hope his projections are correct, and Trump will be in the dust come Election Day. That said, the other polling numbers are frightening. I don’t think we can dismiss the disengaged people in this country. I live in Wisconsin with a horrible governor, and have seen what people on the fringes feel about people they believe have more than they have, and are very very angry about it. It is frightening and beyond belief that people can follow someone like Trump, but since I live where I do, I can see it happening. My husband being a teacher, and a Union member ~ well, trust me, we never ever believed the idiot here could do what HE did, either.
Or that he would be re-elected! It boggles the mind.
Polling intrigues me because as Don and I continually say, “We’ve never been polled.” Who are they polling?
Dear Luv Wheaties, I am glad you mentioned Pundits. It is my humble, not terribly educated opinion, that they have a great deal to do with our problems right now.
Spewing forth their horrible vemonious poison day after day after day.
And they lie! They just say what enters their mind , and so many who feel the hate
just follow blindly until we endup in a big mess of hatered, lies, and all manner of misinformation! Of course no one person or group is to blame for everything, But these are the spreaders of some really bad News. Thanks for letting me horn in. -Judy A-
I’m listening. Hearing you…
But I’m strangely talked out today. I dunno; just feel…battered. Like I need a quiet place to be in, and center myself. Like if I had a country inn somewhere I could go to, and just get away from everything for a week. Different scenery; something. Sigh.
I completely understand. I’ve felt that way several times in the past few days. Take care of yourself, Vicki.
I have had to pull back from things this week. Just more then I can handle. Its so hot and I’m still recovering from my surgery so I’ve been reading a lot and some binge watching of Netflix shows. Snuggling with Mr Toes has helped also, he is a sweet cat! Your plants are still looking good!
I’m glad you’ve pulled back. You need to let yourself heal and reading and binge watching helps for sure.
Great post , Claudia. I personally needed to step back and take stock. Putz…take care of my home…nest, and garden. I’ve been putting out little fires all day…mostly at my mom’s nursing home. Certain things don’t stop because the world is in a tither. I’m enjoying your pics this evening…very restful…thanks! ;)
I hope all is well at the nursing home, Donnamae.
I stayed in all weekend, just hanging out with my dogs, and doing some gardening. I ventured out to make a grocery run Sunday afternoon. I just felt so, so sad. I was already so disillusioned by the hateful rhetoric and rise of Donald Trump, and the week just got to me. I am back to trying to send love and peace out to the world, but it was a tough weekend.
I understand. I just listened to one of his speeches and then I had to leave the room or I would have been screaming my head off. A restful break is needed for all.
I look forward to your voice of reason, and sincerely wish you could replace any number of misguided “news” reporters who frankly seem to incite riots.
Thank you Claudia.
Some of those reporters should be ashamed, Marcy Ray.
Great words! I feel the same way. There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. A time for change and a time for rest!
Thanks, Sydney!
Hi Claudia, just thumbing thru your recent pictures. Holy Mackerel, That Henry is one He(( of a Ground Hog! I,m surprized he hasn’t eaten you right out of Gardens! ha ha ha, ha, What a Guy!
-Judy A-
The most recent picture is actually rather small for a groundhog, Judy! The other Henry is much bigger!