Lucy was created in Ukraine. She wanted to let you know that she and her sisters and animal friends support her home country, just as all of you do.
Slava Ukraini!
And remember the Ides of March.
We deliberately tried to slow down and go in self-protection mode over the weekend and we’re going to do the same thing today. There’s something to be said for hunkering down in our little cottage – our safe space. It was quite cold and windy yesterday as a cold front came through. But it will go above freezing today and the rest of this week and next week will be warmer. Have we turned a corner? Oh, please, I hope so! We really need that.
I found myself thinking of the peepers which herald the beginning of spring around here. So I just checked my IG to see when they reappeared last year – it was on March 14th. Whoo hoo! In less than two weeks, we should hear them. It’s will still be a long time until I can do anything outside, but the promise of spring is enough for now.
It’s sunny today, I just made our second cup of coffee, Don made an apple pie on Saturday and we’re going to enjoy another piece later today. I don’t have a puzzle on hand, but I’ll find something to do today. Maybe something as simple as reading.
I am somewhat obsessed with making videos of my collections. I don’t know exactly why – they’re simple little collections, after all. I guess I want to show them off just a little, even if my audience is very small. It’s probably connected to this time of life. I haven’t done a whole lot of adding to my collections lately because I think I’ve got enough. I will probably add an egg cup or two, but that’s about it. I’ve contemplated selling more bits and pieces on Etsy, but I’ve already done some of that and I don’t want to part with anything else at the moment.
Anyway, I posted Part 1 of the egg cup collection on Friday, so you can scroll down to that post to see my first video. And I’ll post the next two egg cup videos here.
My voice is a little faint on Part 3. Don’t know why!
Coming up on Wednesday, a video tour of Hummingbird Cottage.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
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