It’s raining very lightly at the moment, but we’re supposed to get thunderstorms off and on today. Then, the temps will be over 90 degrees all week long. Happy for the rain, not happy about the high temperatures.
But, as my husband would remind me, stay in the moment and enjoy the rain. The grass, trees and flowers are very happy.
What’s Sophie up to?
She’s showing off her new shoes, of course! (We won’t tell her that she has to share them with her sisters.) Gosh, they are ADORABLE! You can order them in different colors and you can bet I’m going to do just that.
I find myself retreating more and more into the magic of Blythe world and the meditation-like work on the jigsaw puzzle. And reading, of course.
Wordsworth’s words are often on the tip of my tongue these days: “The world is too much with us.”
We’re currently a little on edge. Last Thursday, Don and some of the artists that are on his label performed at a venue in Woodstock. It was the first time in a long time that Don played in public. It was, according to Don, a magical evening. Everyone had a powerful experience that night.
We talked about masking before he left the house. He wore his mask most of the time, only taking it off to eat dinner outdoors with the rest of the artists and when he performed and emceed the event. Everyone had to be vaxxed to get in. Two days later, all the artists got a note from one of the musicians saying he had tested positive for Covid – he woke up with a scratchy throat that morning and decided to test. Oh boy.
Most of the other artists didn’t wear a mask.
So now, we’re all sweating it out until we can test tomorrow, which will be five days from the initial exposure. I wasn’t there that night because I was feeling unwell, but I live with one of the musicians, so…
Say some prayers for everyone involved, most of whom are older – like us.
Okay. Have to go.
Stay safe.
Happy Monday.
I hope Don will be well
I am surprised he took the risk at his age even though he us vaccinated
He didn’t take a risk. He was masked most of the time.
There are times when we have to remove our masks, as we did during the filming of the movie: photographs, eating, etc.
Unless one chooses to be hermetically sealed inside their house, life goes on. We have to work.
prayers said (and will continue) for you, don and everyone else to be well and safe. hope you get good news on tomorrow’s tests.
good reminder to try to stay in the moment. sometimes i say to myself “be here now” as a reminder to do only one thing at a time and not worry so much.
we didn’t get rain, but enjoyed a completely gray, overcast day on saturday. now we are in yet another week-long stretch of 90-plus degree weather. not enjoying that!
life is hard sometimes, isn’t it?!? it’s also a beautiful gift … but sometimes distractions and treats are not a luxury but a necessity.
glad you have some (puttering, painting, knitting and writing are among mine).
hope you all are comfortable, well and stay safe!
It is hard sometimes, Kathy!
Stay safe.
Sending positive thoughts for you and Don! It’s way too hard to live in a bubble all the time…
If you have to work, it’s impossible, no matter how careful you are.
Stay safe, Barrie.
You and Don are well vacated so you will be fine, even with covid. Not much we can do anymore. I think we will all get in eventually, and then it will be a regular cold. Don’t know whether I explained myself well, but I am very sure you and Don will be fine even if you get it. And I love, love, love Don saying “Live in the moment” about all this terrible heat. I really needed to hear that. I don’t do well in heat at all, but right now we are fine in the PNW. You two wonderful people are in my prayers. Oh, and see if they have Sophie’s shoes in my size.
I don’t do well with heat, either, Tana.
Stay safe!
I’ve had several friends and relatives who have caught Covid. All reported only minor symptoms as if they had caught a cold. All had been vaxed and boosted. As you said….we can’t live in a hermetically sealed bubble. I will keep you all in my thoughts.
Whatever world we need to retreat in for some peace…I say go for it! It’s gonna get hot this week. I feel for the people that live in Texas with the “rolling blackouts”, or whatever they are calling it these days. May we all find a cool spot this week. Enjoy your day! ;)
The a/c is on and will be on all week long!
Stay safe, Donnamae.
Prayers that no one else who attended the venue tests positive for covid.
We’ve been doing just that.
Stay safe.
Sending good thoughts! It is so strange how some people catch it and others don’t. My husband and I flew to our daughter’s graduation in Massachusetts, attended the graduation, and flew home. I was fully expecting to catch it from our trip. I masked on the plane, and the college required masks at the graduation. Neither of us got Covid–but while we were traveling, our daughters who were home in California both caught it from work. We did not catch it from them. Then the daughter who graduated, who had to mask her entire senior year and was covid tested every three days and didn’t catch it during school, caught it from working her new job here (and she masks every day.) Again, we did not catch it from her. We are all vaxed and boosted. The five of us live in a small house, and we didn’t even try to quarantine from each other. The hardest part is the worrying, and thinking every sneeze or scratch in your throat is “it”. So think good thoughts, find your rapid tests, (somehow “stay positive” doesn’t work in this sentence!), wash your hands, and try not to worry!
Since I’m congested most of the time and sneeze often, I’m not sure how I’d sense if something was wrong!
Stay safe, Linda.
Have been living on pins and needles waiting for it to hit me
Five have it now
One with me
Others out of state and we r waiting
The shooting to is weekend was my mall where I lived within walking distance
It is my family’s mall
Prayers for you both
The mall shooting is terrible.
Thanks Brenda.
Stay safe.
One of my best friends vaccinated and boosted
Covid sent him into the hospital
He was so sick
We r older than you so maybe that is it
He works full time and is in his boat often
If I read one more comment somewhere about not masking or vaccine I will scream
Our lives are in danger
And if I read one more
About taking chances…
Sending you, Don and Don’s fellow musicians good vibes, best wishes, and prayers that you remain COVID-free.
Thank you, Amy.
We’ll test tomorrow and then we’ll know more.
Stay safe.
Oh Claudia,
I hope you and Don along with everyone else involved stay negative. It bothers me that people arent being more careful. Each person is affected differently when they get covid. Praying for good health for the two of you.
I bet Don had a wonderful time performing again!!
Love the shoes that Cora made. I just received some from her too. I love the teeny tiny crocs! XO
Thank you, Stacy!
I haven’t seen the crocs! I’ll have to check them out.
Stay safe.
I am not sure anyone but a hermit can escape COVID. I hope you do though.
The Wadsworth quote is perfect! How I need to escape from the world for a bit.
Thanks, Kay.
Stay safe!
Sending good thoughts your way. I know getting Covid is horrible ( I had it at Christmas) but you are right we can’t stop living life. My county just put out a mask mandate again but I’ve not stopped except for the few restaurants I’ve been in. So it will be interesting to see how many will once again wear a mask. I’m back to my staying home, online shopping if possible and grocery pickup only. It become a way of life.
It has. Will it be the way of life for a long time? Who knows?
Stay safe, Linda.
I understand that angst all too well. Sending all good wishes for positive news — that the test is NEGATIVE!!!
Sophie is a doll and I love her little lamb!
Thank you, Jeanie.
Stay safe.
As always, keeping good thoughts and prayers for the best for Don and you and the others involved. Wonderful that Don got a gig. I’m sure it was great to get out and perform. DH is getting his 2nd booster on Friday – many preparations for the recovery since he has many side-effects from them.
Feeling for those in Europe with the hellish temperatures. Making new attempts here to improve my situation. Thanks, as ever, for your lovely views of the garden and the girls – the bunny, the deer, the butterflies, and such gorgeous flowers. Adds to needed calm in my life.
Glad to help, Martha.
Stay safe.