He didn’t need to overcompensate for ‘shortcomings’ by ordering a military parade.
Moving on.
The snow started to fall around 8 am and it’s falling quite heavily at the moment. We’re supposed to get 3 – 5 inches with it all changing to sleet and freezing rain later in the day. That makes for a yucky combination. The good news is that Don (who didn’t want me shoveling heavy wet stuff) found a guy who is used to plowing uphill gravel driveways. He came by yesterday and I talked with him and then moved Don’s car next to mine so he can plow and dump the snow next to the part of the fence that is closer to the shed.
And now, there’s nothing I can do but sit back and watch it happen. I’ll have to do some shoveling by the porch and around and between the cars, but that’s a heck of a lot easier than doing it all.
On the agenda for today: cleaning the bathroom, making some cloud biscuits, starting a project that I should have started ages ago, reading, and a dash of hot cocoa. And Schitt’s Creek on the tube tonight.
The first preview for Escape to Margaritaville will be on February 16th, which is the same day the Original Broadway Cast Recording comes out. Nine days!
Don has Sunday and Monday off and he’s very homesick, so I think (weather permitting) he’s going to come home to the cottage for a couple of days.
Happy Wednesday.
Military parade …. just shaking my head. When will they stop him?
We have snow today too. To the West and South of us, they are predicting 25 cms (11.5 inches) but here we’re only supposed to get about 6 cms (2.5 inches) so we’ll be okay. Hope yours doesn’t create too much havoc, especially with freezing rain predicted. Glad to hear Don found someone to plow for you. Less stress.
I’m off today and looking forward to time to start a quilt and some reading, a bit of paperwork and maybe an email or two, blog writing and I’m hoping a nap later. Not a great sleep last night after watching CNN for a minute – wish I hadn’t stopped on the channel but saw “Breaking News” and my curiosity got the better of me.
Wishing you a beautiful day Claudia. I’m happy to hear Don might come home for a few days!
X Chy
I hope they stop him ASAP. I’d rather see him in an orange jumpsuit.
I’ve stopped watching the news before I go to bed, Chy! It’s asking for a sleepless night. xo
The very idea of a military parade infuriates me. Where is the money for the transporting of all the tanks, equipment and planes to Washington for this parade coming from? And we do not need to parade our military around to demonstrate how strong we are as a country! We do that in other ways! The right way. That man just enrages me in ways I’ve never known in my life.
Trying to move on. Oh it’s hard. Going to meditate now.
So glad you get a break from all that shoveling and I hope Don is able to make it home for a few days.
Have a good day Claudia.
Everything he does, and for that matter, that the Republicans let him get away with, infuriates me!
Your opening statement made me laugh out loud—then realize how unfunny it is. What can take down this goon?
Help with the snow is a good idea. We finally have a decent day promised for today. We’ll see. Lots of company is in town, so my anxiety is up. Some days it’s just not good to be me. Thank goodness for the other days.
I don’t know, but I’d like to see him out of office sooner rather than later. Hang in there, Shanna!
We are experiencing the same kind of weather here too, Claudia. It looks so pretty but I’m glad I don’t have to go out in it toay.
Me too!
You are clever and so right on! Shortcomings!
I’m glad Don found someone to clear the driveway of snow for you. It is a bit scary to do it all yourself. It’s pouring rain here after a beautiful warm sunny day yesterday. I got out and let the sun shine on my face a bit, felt so good. Today is a snuggle in day but I do have to take Mom to the Dentist. She is getting new dentures so we have 3 appointments in 3 days. I’ll stay in the car and read and then back home to snuggle. Hugs!
Normally, if it was light snow, I wouldn’t mind so much, but with the addition of sleet and freezing rain? No can do.
We were fortunate enough to be in a little area that avoided this last wintry weather…..thank heavens! It’s still very cold. Hope you don’t get the dreaded ice. I keep counting down the days until Spring!
Do you think he’s going to have the troops learn to march like No. Korea? I just keep hoping that someone will talk him out of it…..if that’s possible.
I think we’re going to get some ice no matter what.
Yes, I said much the same thing on Twitter – are they going to have to learn to goose step?
A military parade…really…this is too much. Is there no one that can knock some sense into that guy?
I am thrilled that you are going to get help with your driveway! Especially with the amount of snow…not to mention the ice. Enjoy the cloud biscuits and the hot cocoa…a good reward for cleaning the bath! ;)
I will. It’s a Cloud Biscuits kind of day.
Goose stepping in a military parade down Pennsylvania Avenue. I guess I should have been praying my entire life that I would never see that, but obviously, I was foolish enough to take for granted that this wouldn’t be in our sights. Silly me. The sad part is that he will likely finish his 4 years and go for 4 more as he must be made of teflon. NOTHING sticks.
Oh, I am so happy that Don found someone to do your driveway! That must be a huge relief for both of you. And adding ice to the game is beyond awful. We are to get more tomorrow night, also. ugh.
Good luck on your project and cloud biscuits today! Bet Stella is happy knowing she will be called upon!! Have a wonderful Wednesday ~ despite the weather.
I never, never thought that would happen in this country. He needs to be impeached or indicted or both. ASAP.
Learned of Dear Leader’s parade from the.daily.don on Instagram-can’t recommend the feed highly enough.
So glad you’ll now have someone to plow you out instead of having to tackle it on your own.
Me too. I’m much more relaxed knowing that I don’t have to deal with that.
Can’t say anything more than what you and your readers said about military parade, except there were visions of the most atrocious dictators watching their parades of military “might” flashing through my head. What the h$&@?
Thoughtful Don…glad you don’t have to do the heavy shoveling. I’d much rather bake cloud biscuits, drink hot cocoa, and get lost reading a good book. And I hope Don does get to come home. You two need time together.
I still have to shovel a fair amount of heavy snow. But not the driveway, thank goodness.
relieved for you to have help with shoveling the driveway! and that cloud biscuits and hopefully don are on the way soon … yay!
going to have to check the news (haven’t heard about the parade) but maybe i don’t want to know …?
happy wednesday!
kathy in iowa
ugh …
(obviously i just looked up trump’s wish/demand for a military parade).
kathy in iowa
ugh …
and sorry if you won’t want to read this (and it’s probably just me who’s behind on news and didn’t learn this until right now) …
went back for more information and read that trump ordered (back in november) the lifting of a ban on importing elephant “trophies” from hunts in africa.
sad and sickened, but thought i’d share another reason to resist/protest/ protect mueller/pray!
kathy in iowa
Oh, yes, I knew that. Outraged then. Still outraged now!
You probably don’t want to know!
I am with you on being outraged at the military parade.. and to find out the planning has been going on for months and Kelly is the planner. ARGH. 45 is jealous of the parades Kim Jung-un has, I imagine. Your weather is something.. we’re having sunshine, no wind and temperatures of almost 60 degrees this week! In Oregon! NW Oregon, at that. Crazy stuff. Loved the bookstore you found.. reminds me of the store in the movie “You’ve Got Mail”. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Kelly is not a nice man – he’s as complicit as the rest of them.
Thanks, Teresa!
Not much snow coming today- we have a good 8″ base (?) The sun is shining and there is no wind t o speak of here today (unusual).
I hope Don is able to make it home for the weekend. xo Diana
I think he will be able to come home. Weather looks rainy, but no snow event!
I am so happy that you so not have to shovel all of that snow, Claudia. Fortunately we only got rain. I hope they somehow put a stop to that military parade. xo Laura
I still have to shovel quite a bit, but not having to deal with the driveway is a blessing.
I thought Joe Biden had some rational, spot-on observations about Trump; recent interview I didn’t catch. Just read a synopsis in passing…
Very glad you have plow help!
I am, too.
Caught this from an excerpt of PEOPLE magazine article online: “Buffett’s latest endeavor, ‘Escape to Margaritaville’, a Broadway musical that features a medley of his biggest hits in the same vein as Billy Joel’s ‘Movin’ Out’ and ABBA’s ‘Mamma Mia!’, begins its preview on Friday, Feb. 16.
Fun to read that and think of ‘our’ Don, here on the blog!
Yes, there was an article on Jimmy in yesterday’s NY Times, as well. xo
when we lived in upstate NY (ages ago now) I remember hearing on the car radio
a caller was said to have called in and yelled at them “I just shoveled TWO FEET of snow flurries
off my front porch!”
not sure if it was a joke or not.
I’m glad Don has your back. even from a distance! and I hope he gets to come home!
and that the sun will shine while you’re both there! wow. three !’s in a row. :D xo
I think he’ll definitely be able to come home. He’s really homesick.
Can you believe that? A Military parade??… it can’t get any more bizarre.
I’m afraid that it can. Look who we’re dealing with.
Glad Don has found someone to do the shoveling for you. We had less than an inch. The rain turned it into slush. We shoveled and swept it away. It was starting to freeze.
Well, he’s plowing the driveway. But I have to shovel around the cars and near the shed.
When I heard the news about the military parade I immediately turned to my husband and said “isn’t that what dictators do?” It’s just crass and undignified – sound like someone?
That is so lovely of Don to have thought of you like that. I’m all for getting help where I can now after years of “no it’s ok I can do it” when really I couldn’t and it leaves more time for things and people that I love. So win-win.
Exactly. He’s Kim Jong Trump.
The plowing helped a great deal but I still have to go out and shovel in the areas that he couldn’t get to. Sigh. It’s really heavy and wet.