Well, I felt like my back was getting better yesterday afternoon, but today is not so good. So far. I’ve had to cancel my oil change twice now. The only chair which seems to have enough support for me is my blogging chair, so there I sit. I made the mistake of sitting next to Don on our many-years-old sofa in the den last night and I’m paying for it. Its saggy cushions don’t offer enough support.
And it rained all day long yesterday. It’s going to start raining again around noon today and will rain the rest of the day.
The area behind the kitchen is like a small pond. The ground can only absorb so much water and we have had more rain here than I can ever remember us having. Maybe three days of full sun this entire spring? The rest have been a mass of gray skies and rain. It’s also colder than normal – last night’s low was 39 degrees.
Don and I want to scream, but we’ve refrained so far.
I’ve got nothing else to share but this photo of our door knocker. I quite love it. We’ve had it for years. But you’ll notice it isn’t on the door; rather, it’s on one of the porch posts.
And I don’t know if anyone has ever used it.
We don’t have a working doorbell either.
We hear the sound of a car coming up the driveway and that’s our doorbell.
But I do like the look of the leafy door knocker on the post. It looks welcoming – someone could use it if they wanted to. In fact, I used it the other day, simply to hear the sound of it again.
The agenda for today? Sitting, with occasional standing and walking. Ibuprofen. Reading. Sleeping.
Rest in Peace, Doris Day. I simply loved her, not only for her legacy as a singer and an actress – Pillow Talk remains one of my favorite movies – but also for her love of animals and the foundation she established for them.
Happy Monday.
Love that door knocker!
Thank you, Shanna.
I know exactly what you mean about sitting in soft places. I can’t do it either. Our couch is useless to me now – too soft. The only two chairs in the entire house I can sit on without any further pain is a kitchen chair or the IKEA chair in the living room. It’s one of those ones with a sway type back so with a lumbar pillow behind me, it actually gives my lower back that nice curve that it’s supposed to have and relieves my back pain. And I try not to sit too much either – that actually makes my back pain worse, in general. Keeping busy around the house and walking as much as possible make me feel better. I absolutely hate it, but I do have a treadmill in my basement (I call it the dreadmill) and I’ve been walking on that on rainy days. Just a suggestion for what it’s worth if you don’t want to take so much ibuprofen: try a combination of curcumin supplements and CBD oil or gummies. I’ve barely had to take any ibuprofen at all.
I also hear you on the weather, Claudia. Same way here. I can’t remember having so much rain through April and May. And the cold, too. Ridiculous! I just looked at the weather forecast for this week and it’s all partly – mostly cloudy with rain on Wed night and Thurs. We’re still under a river flood warning. I’m hoping to at least make it to a couple of garden centers this week to buy flowers.
Sending you healing thoughts for your back as I now go to physical therapy for mine!
I almost never take ibuprofen so I should be okay with a few pills. CBD oil is a thought, but I can’t get that right away and I need the pain relief now! I should get some for the future, thought.
Thanks so much, Melanie. I hope your back continues to improve, my friend.
I’m so sorry about your back – I think you over worked your back doing all the outdoor weeding, digging, planting, etc. and then the simplest of movements throws it out. I’ve done the same. Take it easy and rest your body. Hoping you feel better soon.
That’s most likely exactly what happened. Thanks, Karen!
Sorry to hear about your back but it seems like you’re doing all the right things by getting plenty of rest and ibuprofen.
It’s my day off and once a month I meet at lunchtime with retired co workers in a pub just around the corner from the library. It’s part of a cheap and cheerful chain, housed in a converted cinema built in the Twenties and they’ve managed to keep the original interior. Anyway there are TV screens dotted around with BBC news on a loop. As soon the news about Doris Day came on, we all said “No! Not Doris!” , and burst into an impromptu chorus of ‘ The Deadwood Stage”.
She was a real movie icon, I loved her glossy Sixties comedies.
Dee Dee
She was so loved. And she made everything look effortless. And it isn’t. But that was one of her many gifts. xo
Go ahead, scream. You deserve to and probably anyone who heard would understand. Raining in Michigan, too.
So sorry your back is still bothering you. I can relate to the old couch problem. I hope things ease up soon.
Me too. It’s getting me down! Thanks, Jeanie.
Very sad about Doris Day, isn’t it? When I was a little kid in the early 60s, Doris Day WAS Hollywood to me. It was simple – she was pretty, she was funny, she could sing & dance – and she was always nice. A little kid’s dream. And I learned something about her later that made me love her even more. Did you know that she left an abusive relationship in the 40s? Her first husband, some musician, beat her senseless & instead of just putting up with it, which was what women were told they had to do back then [and for centuries, let’s not forget] she just up & took her baby boy & took off on the jerk. I want to say in the middle of the night, but I’m not sure about that part. Isn’t that great? PS – President Ford’s mother did the same exact thing, took him & left her husband, 20 years earlier when it was probably even more unusual. Gotta love anyone who’s that brave. May the Universe hold Doris in the light. She will be missed. 🎭
Yes I knew that. And another ex, Marty Melcher played around with her money and lost millions of dollars. That’s when she went on television – to earn it pack and pay off her debts. She was very strong. xo
We actually have sun today which almost seems odd. The local weather person this morning said that when we have a rainy spring, the ground is (obviously) saturated, and the sun’s energy is used up on evaporation rather than heating. Our ground is not warm by any means yet. Just a soggy mess. The farmers are so very far behind in planting.
Hope your back starts to feel better. I hope you are reading something good. Enjoy an extra cup of coffee, or even a cup of cocoa on these cool crazy days. At least you can rest knowing a great majority of your work is completed. We have barely started, and my garage looks like a plant store!! We had frost again last night. ugh.
The weather just plain sucks. It’s raining again. It’s like a broken record. xo
I’m heartbroken at hearing the news about Doris Day. She was truly beloved….such a sweet soul.
This spring has certainly been scream worthy! I am so far behind…but, then again, so is Mother Nature. So many trees and plants are waiting to grow…or else the joke is on me, and they are already dead. Hope not!
Love that door knocker….is that one of your special touches you added to your cottage? Take care of your back…I have no remedies for you. Just try and enjoy your day as best you can! ;)
Yes, I added it. Can’t remember where I found it – but I found it when we first moved out here. Thanks Donnamae.
I guess I always thought in the back of my mind that Doris Day was ageless somehow and would live forever. I loved her blog. and the hotel in Carmel that she started and that it allowed or rather even WELCOMED dogs! and then she added horses to the rescue effort. she was one in a million. I hope TCM shows a marathon of her movies soon in honor of her.
rest if you can. back pain makes you hurt all over. xoxo (ps… I have scoliosis. so no ‘soft’ furniture anywhere in my house. it’s the worst thing in the world for a bad back!)
I know. I knew she had just turned 97 but I wanted her to go on forever.
Soft furniture is a big no-no until this gets better!
Sorry to hear that your back is no better. Rest in peace Doris Day. So multi talented and a beauty,too.
She sure was. Thanks, Marilyn!
Claudia, hope your back gets better soon. I awoke with a sore lower back this morning, but it’s fine now. Have you tried Tiger’s Balm Ointment? My mom used to use it on my brothers and me for almost everything…headache, tummy ache, sore throat (when we became old enough to read, we refused it for sore throats…she’d put it at the back of our mouths on the upper palette and we’d gag…Mom, NOT for internal use!), muscular aches.
Doris Day…my vintage Singer sewing machine is named Doris, after her.
My late husband met her and he shared his container of fried artichoke hearts with her. In Monterey at a Beach Boys concert where her son Terry was playing with the band. My husband was friends with The Beach Boys, so he sat in the VIP area where Doris was. He said she was a lovely woman.
I’ve used it but frankly, it smells and I don’t like the smell of it on my clothes!
Great story about your husband and Doris Day. I’m not at all surprised to hear he thought she was a lovely woman. She was.
Claudia, when I was young, and not everyone had yet discovered Tiger Balm, it only came as a thick brown ointment and my brothers and I didn’t like how we’d smell either, especially when my Mom rubbed it on us at night and we’d have to smell it all night long! Then a supposedly odor-free white ointment came out…but it still smells to me! I can’t see how they’d say it was order-free when the ingredients included menthol and camphor, both smelly compounds! Haha, my daughters complained of the smell too when they were young, but they’re ok with using it now. I guess I don’t mind the smell because it reminds me of my grandmothers and old aunties!
Loved Doris Day-loved her beautiful hotel in Carmel-one of my fav places !!
She was gorgeous and talented !
She truly was, Brenda.
aawww … your back pain and doris day?!? :(
hope you feel better soon. and that there is some tmt or other movie marathon to recognize doris day and all her contributions.
kathy in iowa
I hope so, too. I’d love to watch a bunch of her movies.
That is a neat door knocker. So overdid things a bit. It happens, I so want to get busy on days when I am well that I really need to stop before I feel tired. That is the wise thing to do but spring madness has a way of taking me for a ride. It has been a long ride this year as we did not have. A normal winter. We had a great great deal of flooding rain
I think you said that you were getting a new sofa? If so, I pray it arrives soon. Enjoy the time to read and such.
Mary Ann
The new sofa is for the living room. The one I was referring to is the one in the den. Alas, we can’t afford to replace that sofa!
Just finished The Guest Book by Sarah Blake. I enjoyed Postmistress but this one is epic! It is about the loss of identity not the loss of an island as some reviewers are mentioning. One must look for the deeper meaning in this book. Plot quite good-descriptive language and characterization fantastic. Read between the lines I told my students! Enjoy it-savor it and come away with something besides the obvious!!!
This book is not for those who like light reading and fluff!
Thanks, Brenda.