Slice of life:
Let’s take a little trip around the photo.
In front of me, two books. I just finished Orfeo yesterday and started The Lincoln Highway last night while reading in bed. The books are sitting on a throw I knitted many moons ago.
My foot.
To the left – a basket full of throws, sweaters, quilts, plus a quilt in the seemingly endless process of hand quilting. I crocheted the afghan on top.
Continuing on – the sheet music cabinet with the girls perched on top. The framed watercolor above the girls is of a windmill. We bought it many years ago in San Diego.
Then the steps and beyond them, the living room and kitchen where Don is currently making our second cup of coffee.
On the right, a favorite houseplant plopped in a piece of McCoy. A box of tissues. Art books in a big stack topped by another piece of McCoy. And a partial view of my beloved planner- underneath the planner is a book by Mary Oliver.
On my left, but unseen – my coffee cup, my phone, my book of passwords, a McCoy piece full of pens and brushes and crochet hooks, a lamp, a photo of Don and me on the beach in San Diego, Carmex, vaseline, various ear buds, the beautiful French bowl that I bought in Paris. Below the table – a basket full of books.
Also unseen: the heating pad currently warming my back, which is slowly getting better every day.
There you have it. The view from my blogging chair.
I used to do this kind of post fairly often and I think it’s time to bring it back into the rotation.
I’m thinking of reopening my Etsy shop. I have some things that I’ve accumulated over the years and it’s time to pass them on to someone else. Don’t worry, I’m not doing a big clear out because I love my collections too much, but there are items that I could bear to part with. However, my back has to be in shape so I can crouch down and take pictures of everything. So far, I’m just making lists of possibilities.
Stay safe.
Happy Saturday.
I am curious about the packages under the sheet music cabinet. Also, do you keep the sheet music cabinet full of sheet music?
The boxes are full of Blythe accessories. Yes, I keep sheet music in the cabinet, along with some sheets of wallpaper for my dollhouses.
Stay safe, Ellen!
love these kinds of photos and posts … seeing details of how people, especially far-away friends, really live. thank you for this and all you share!
also, do i spy the (concrete?) doves waiting under the music cabinet until the weather gets better and they can go play outside? soon, soon … :)
glad you’re taking it easy and your back continues to heal. how is don’s shoulder? hope you both feel better soon!
the possibility of an etsy shop sounds fun! no pressure, though. :)
i am sure taking it easy today … i went to bed before 10 pm and woke up at 11:30 am! :o now i need to get on with the day, visit with family members and wash some clothes …
hope you have a great day!
Yes, the doves are parked there for the winter!
Dons shoulder is getting better – slowly. But he sees improvement.
Glad you got a good rest, Kathy!
Stay safe.
What a great picture and blog…understand you selling a few things…I know you are not a minimalist as I am…but it took 70 plus years for me to get here…have a good good weekend…
Thanks so much, Brenda.
Stay safe.
Love a look around and peek into your home. I too have a basket of throws and afghans to use in the cold evening. I hope you enjoy the Lincoln Highway, I loved it. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
I’m already loving it, and you know A Gentleman in Moscow is one of my favorite books ever.
Stay safe, Sherry.
I remember when you used to do these posts … some of my favorites! My vote: YES, bring them back!🙂
Thanks so much, Debbie!
Stay safe.
Where in the room is the television?
To my left, between the china cabinet and the dollhouse.
Stay safe.
I love the eclectic vintage warmth of you home. Always fun to see your collections. I know I’ve had to downsize some of mine but some I just can’t part with. Happy to hear your back is healing, mine is much better but having to extra careful to let it get full well before doing too much. Hugs!
Mine is a bit frustrating. It seems better for a few days and then, like this morning, it seems worse. Sigh.
Stay safe, Linda.
What a fun post! I love this one — and hope you do many more!
Thanks, Jeanie.
Stay safe!