Well. I woke up at 4 am today. I suppose I heard Don get up just before me, but what kept me up and awake after I had visited the bathroom was a tickle in my right nostril that made me sneeze over and over and then remain so stuffed up that I finally had to get up. I still have the tickle 4½ hours later.
I came downstairs and immediately took a shower, thinking the steam might help.
A first. I don’t think I’ve ever taken a shower that early.
Then I made some coffee, of course.
Anyway. I have to follow Don so he can drop off his car. Something, we think, with the transmission, which was rebuilt right before he bought it. So, this shouldn’t be happening, if, it is indeed the transmission. It could be something else, I suppose.
And, to top it all off, for the first time in the over 20 years we have been using our accountant, they didn’t file our taxes in time for the deadline last Friday. What???? I am stunned. We got everything in on time – a full month before they had to file, which is exactly what we have done for over 20 years. Same date, same submission of deductions. I wrote to them three times over the weekend asking why we hadn’t heard anything yet. This morning, I opened my mail to get the message that our taxes haven’t been filed yet because “there were a lot of people who got their info in before you.” I am not happy.
Car, taxes, trying to deal with paperwork re: the film, and not enough sleep.
But, it’s a beautiful day out there, so there’s that!
I will most likely lay low today. I’ll read some more of The Lantern Men and scroll through Instagram, looking at all the adorable Blythe dolls. That will make me smile.
Yay Red Sox! What a game!
You know, of course, that I don’t expect or require you to leave comments. But I do register how many there are since I answer nearly every all of them and when the comments drop in number for more than a day or two, I begin to wonder if that drop has anything to do with what I’ve written or not written. I’m only human. So yesterday’s post was simply about one instance of that thought process and my resulting realization. That’s all.
Stay safe.
Happy Tuesday.
I love your dolls! I read your blog everyday even if I don’t comment. I was thinking how much the little dark haired doll reminds me of Miss Fisher. Both your dolls are so pretty. Off to pour myself that first cup of tea!
Oh yes! She does look like Miss Fisher!
Stay safe, Tana.
I noticed you got lots of comments yesterday saying they read the blog everyday but just don’t comment often.
I also read everyday. Reading blogs is part of my morning routine. When I don’t comment it’s either because I am having a busy day, or I just don’t feel I have anything to add to the conversation. It’s not a reflection on what you have written that day.
I just finished The Lantern Men. I am waiting for the next book from the library. I believe there is a new book in the series coming out next year, something to look forward to.
Hope you get some rest today.
Stay safe
I was watching a movie on Amazon Prime last night and realized your Don was in it. Played Dr. Norris, the first medical examiner in New York. Two thumbs up!
FYI, I love everything you post.
He did that for PBS, part of American Experience, Denise. It was filmed in Prague. Glad to hear you enjoyed it!
Stay safe!
Yes, there is a new one coming out next year which is good news!
Stay safe, Marilyn.
As I get older I realize life is full of continuous bumps but I have come to realize as long as no one is seriously ill, I am blessed.
Yes, indeed!
Stay safe.
I am sorry that your accountant let you down and you are having car trouble! Worries you don’t need!
I have to do an insurance appeal – lots of phone calls already this morning trying to find out what to do and who should do it or they won’t cover my hospital overnight stay!
Hope our troubles smooth out soon! And you feel better!
Oh so sorry you have to deal with insurance, which is always a pain in the tush!
Stay safe, Ellen!
Cars pain us…taxes are you kidding me? What is wrong with people? Probably blame on. Covid…lol…prayers…feel better…
Thanks so much, Brenda!
Stay safe.
Is there a penalty if your taxes aren’t filed on time? If so, I would be deducting it from my accountant’s fee as it wasn’t your fault.
Enjoy your relaxing day, the weather’s not great. More rain. I want to paint my garden fence as it needs weather proofing soon but I can’t seem to get two or three consecutive days without rain. Even in the summer, we still had a fair amount of rain. Indoor lights have been on since 3:30pm.
I should add this is not climate change just normal weather for northwest England😬 On the flipside, lots of green fields.
Happy Tuesday
Yes, there’s a fine.
We have lots of green everywhere, too. Too much rain, but the result is green!
Stay safe, Dee Dee.
Good Morning! Oct. 1 9
I hardly ever comment. Why? I sure hope you realize how much I love having coffee with you. I live all the way to the west of you. I have come to realize what a talented person you are. What I like about your blog is that you are real. Don and you are so cute together. It is hard to believe how our lives have changed, so just be you
Thanks so much for your kind words, Rose.
Stay safe!
Claudia – I do read your blog almost daily but comment infrequently. However, I love your content and the daily journal of your life. During Covid quarantines you encouraged me in living my best life with the blessings that I have. I really enjoy your insight on books, the theater world, country life and now, your adorable Blythe dolls! I’m from a town in southeastern PA but my husband has roots in the Scranton area and recently you mentioned living in a town called Montrose. Is that by any chance Montrose, PA? He still has many relatives living in Montrose and his grandparents lived in nearby small towns. Best of luck in your new job in NYC! It will be fascinating to see some of the inner workings of the film world through your eyes. Carol
No, it’s not Montrose, PA. It’s a little hamlet called Montrose in Westchester County NY. Though I know of Montrose, PA and I’ve been to Scranton.
Thanks so much, Carol.
Stay safe.
Hi,Claudia! Your daily blog has become an essential part of my life.I do not comment often because I am a bit lazy! As I have mentioned previously,I am old enough to be your Mother and feel we are kindred spirits especially because A Gentleman in Moscow is one of my top 10 and Cinema Paradiso is at the very top.You are an inspiration and I thank you for the care you take to give us a glimpse of life in your beautiful cottage.xo
We are indeed kindred spirits, Annette!
Thank you for your kind words.
Stay safe!
At the very least your accountant should have filed for an extension if they knew they were so backed up. Sorry you have to worry about this.
This was an extension. There are no more extensions allowed.
Thanks, Jen.
Stay safe.
Dear friend,
I’m truly in an in-between time: Pandemy/endemy, a change of government in Germany and some hanging parts in the private area. I just don’t have to say much in these times. I’m kind of paralysed. Of course I still enjoy your reports very much, wondered about your new passion but am curious what’s going on with it. I keep the faith. Do your thing. Stay safe.
I’m sorry to hear you’re going through a hard time, Helga. I hope things get better for you soon, my friend.
Stay safe!
Claudia — hope you are feeling better by now — I am SO not a morning person ever !! waking up much too early (for whatever reason) starts my day all wrong! altho unbelievable to me, our only grson will be 18 Oct 22 !! why does time have to go so fast??? can’t grasp the fact that 2 of our grds are on the ‘adult’ threshold — grgirl nearly 20 and grdson is 18!! how old this makes me feel. sorry re: taxes (which I hate on a good day), but an awful dilemma for you — do you have to find the solution or will your accountant work it out? hope despite all your activities, you find some time to relax, enjoy your home, husband, fall weather. stay safe and healthy
They have to work it out, but I’m going to deduct the late fee from their fee.
Stay safe, Linda.
Hi Claudia, I see that many people beat me to it. I love reading your blog every morning and certainly don’t expect you to comment on everything! You have enough to do! Just know how many lives you touch everyday. I love your cottage and your dolls! Love them! Hoping maybe someday we could have a virtual tour of your beautiful cottage and yard……not now!! I am not giving you any more things to do!! Be well!
Thanks so much, Deb.
Stay safe!
I just love reading about your life which is so different from my own. And your interests are also different from mine, which is terrific: wouldn’t it be a boring bland world if we all thought the same!
It would be very boring!
Stay safe, Denise!
I enjoy reading about your interests and doings but I don’t always have anything to add. I live a boring life taking care of my daughter who is 49 years old and on the level of a one year old. She can be hard on the nerves and I just want peace. I do not want to be into an argument or discussion. I just want to hear intelligent articles, which is why I have your blog listed first. Thanks for your blog, just count me as a daily reader, even if I do not add a comment. After your blog and a couple of others which are not on nowadays, I solve crossword puzzles and jigsaws.
Pardon me, Jan, for saying so – I admire your daily courage. How lucky your daughter is, as is all your extended family. Absolutely you deserve some calm and time to enjoy activities that renew your spirit.
Please be well and share whatever you would like to share here (or not, if you prefer).
I admire your commitment to your daughter and I know it takes its toll on you and your daily life, Jan.
Know that my thoughts are with you.
Stay safe.
I try to not comment every day because of how I over-comment. Also, I’ve just been busy with ‘life’; seems like a lot has been going on, on the homefront. And I’m sick with a lot of stuff, the worst of which is my kicked-up asthma from the wildfire smoke (smoke is dissipating; they have the fire north of Santa Barbara in good containment; we were at the beach yesterday morning [inky-blue sea and whitecaps; lots of wind off the ocean] to see if the air was clean, because the sea air usually helps my lungs), resulting in coughing from the time the sun goes down til it comes up again. Mostly, I’ve just been not online very much. Has nothing to do with MHC blog, although I read you. Always appreciate your posts.
Of course when you’re working so many hours on the film, I know you’ll post when you can, and I’m really looking forward to an occasional pix of your surroundings, as you’re such a good travel guide with descriptive photo images. I still think of all the wonderful stuff you posted from New Orleans when Don was on tour with Escape to Margaritaville.
Get better; hope your Tuesday was calming!
Thanks so much, Vicki.
Stay safe.
I read your blog every day. It is part of my morning routine. I rarely comment as I feel I have nothing to add, but I do enjoy your posts.
Thanks, Jan.
Stay safe.
I just don’t seem to comment much on blog posts these days, but I look forward to reading your post everyday! One of the things I enjoy the most is that I never really know what you’ll be sharing on any given day. I love the variety, and it was you who gave me the confidence, and inspiration, to make the 100% leap into the doll house world!
I’m really looking forward to anything/everything you’ll be able to share about your New York/movie work experience. I love Sally Field, and I hope you find her as pleasant in real life as she seems.
Sorry to hear about the tax thing🙄 Hopefully good news will come from the mechanic on Don’s car.
I think she will turn out to be very nice!
Stay safe, Debbie.
Yes Claudia, I too read your blog everyday. You always write from the heart, and yet life, as mundane as taxes, makes me feel like I’m not the only one dealing with this. Your blog is my run away place. Also, I am living with Parkinson’s Disease, 67, and write in short choppy sentences.
So, I really like the varied topics and beautiful writing. I even feel like I know Henry. I will try to comment more! Hope things go well with the car. Big smile!
I’m so sorry to hear you’re having to cope with Parkinson’s Disease, my friend. Don’t worry about commenting. I wasn’t complaining about it at all, just wondering if I had too many Blythe doll posts!
Stay safe and healthy, my friend.
so sorry for you and don to have to deal with those car and tax matters … anytime is bad, but especially now! i hope and pray you get good news on those things soon and that the sneezing and to-do lists are done.
i try to come here and comment every day because i enjoy and appreciate all that you share and want to know how you and everyone else are doing, but sometimes (after a quick shower and being gone twelve to fourteen hours), once i get home, i just conk out without getting chores done or saying anything here. also, things are very hard, uncertain and scary at work and it’s no fun to talk about or hear. keep doing what you do, claudia … while we have some shared interests, i also enjoy learning about and seeing things i may never get to experience.
plus, all your creativity is inspiring. and i will try to check in/comment more often.
hope you are having a nice night.
… kathy, if I can just crowd in here for a second, I think you are one of the most thoughtful, kind, considerate and unselfish of people I’ve ever ‘known’ online … I’m always glad to read your comments to Claudia’s posts as a fellow reader of MHC blog!
thanks, vicki. i will hold your kind words near … they help (for being in major contrast to what my boss has said).
i enjoy hearing about your days and thoughts and hope & pray things get easier, better for you and everyone else.
Yes, my sister routinely works 12 – 14 hour days as well as raising wonderful Little Z, who is disabled. It’s a lot to cope with and the last thing anyone wants to do in that kind of situation is comment on a blog!
I so hope things get better for you soon, Kathy!
Stay safe.
it’s not about not wanting to come here to see how you all are doing and chat … you have created a welcoming place, i know i am among friends here and am glad and grateful to have found you all. my not commenting sometimes is just me falling asleep after long days and so not getting around to things i want and need to do.
thanks for your kind words and those of the community here.
also, i pray for you all here every day and that includes all your family members. don’t know how your sister does all that (well, love), but she’s included.
I don’t know how she does all of that, either. Sheer will, I guess!
Take care, Kathy.
I rarely post, but I read each and every blog. Sometimes, I click on it two or three times.
I am not into dolls. Or I didn’t think I was, but I love lovelove the Blythe girls! They always make me giggle, or at least smile. They are so precious!! You can’t post about them too much
They are enchanting! I love them so much!
Thanks Jane.
Stay safe.
Hopefully, you haven’t caught a cold. What happens if you file the taxes too late?
Have a nice day.
Not a cold, but allergies/sinus I think.
We get a monetary penalty that we have to pay.
Stay safe.
Horrible that the accountant/CPA didn’t get your taxes done on time and didn’t let you know until you had called, which didn’t allow you to find someone else in your local area to get them done.
If you owe nothing the only thing will be a penalty for lateness. If you were filing them yourselves – guessing your guy/gal will e-file on your behalf – you could send a letter of explanation to the IRS. If you get a notification from them, you certainly can write a response then to them.
Sorry to hear also the car is a having mechanical problems, which definitely it should not be having.
Saying a little prayer that all turns out better than it feels right now.
PS. the Dodgers won (I’m a Giants fan, but I needed a ‘dog’ in this fight to stay interested). They’re not doing as well as your Red Sox, but who knows.
Yes, the taxes and the car and me being under the weather are not helping right now as I try to get ready to move to Brooklyn.
Thanks, Martha.
Stay safe.
I decided a little while ago that, for my mental health, I needed to substitute time on the back porch reading for time at the computer. But, to prove that some of the time I do spend on the computer is allotted to reading your blog in batches, many of those books I’m reading are Elly Griffiths ‘ books.
I hope you’re enjoying them, Linda!
Stay safe.
I hope your tickle goes away quickly. Everything seems to happen at once. Yikes on the tax issue!
I’m so angry about that!
Stay safe, Kay.