Sleet, snow, and more sleet – clean up of this first portion of the snowstorm will not be easy. It’s snowing again this morning and we’re due for anywhere from 4 to 7 inches more.
Not a particularly happy camper. We’re trying to figure out if we should go out and clean up what’s already there or just wait. Since it seems to be snowing rather heavily at the moment, I think that decision has been made for us. We’ll most likely wait it out.
Don, of course, cannot make his audition today. It’s too dangerous. First of all, he can’t get out of the driveway, secondly, it will be snowing all day long and even if he did get out, he might not get back in! It’s a dangerous storm.
Case in point: A few days ago, Don said, “We should get a real tree this year.” I was surprised because whenever I suggest one, he has a negative response. We’ve been using our tabletop white tree – which we love – for the past 4 or 5 years. That started when Don was working in California and couldn’t be home for Christmas. I didn’t want to deal with a large tree by myself, so I used the small tree. Then Dad died, less than 2 months before Christmas. Then Scout died the following year. We just weren’t in to a big celebration or a real tree. And we just kept using the small tree.
My response to Don’s statement was, “Where will we put it?” We used to set it up in the den, but the dollhouse is there now. No room in the kitchen. No room in the living room.
Until I thought about the space in front of the french doors that lead into the den. We could put it in front of the pew. That might work.
So yesterday, as the snow had just started falling, Don said, “Let’s go get the tree now!”
Again, I was surprised, to say the least. But he was even more surprised when I said “Yes.” It turns out he’d been kidding, though he didn’t tell me that until later.
I threw on some clothes, we headed down a snowy country road to our local nursery, and made a choice in record time. They tied it on to the car. We bought a stand, even though we already have one but I can’t find it, and off we went. On the way home, it was even snowier, and Don drove very slowly. As we neared the intersection near our house, we slid off the road. It was unnerving to say the least. The car behind us (which had been following at a respectful distance) drove around the car. Don backed it up, and we got back on the road. As we neared the red light, we noticed that the car in front of us just kept right on going since there was no traffic. A wise move. It was a slippery intersection. We prepared to do the same, but the light turned green right before we went through.
Getting up the driveway was dicey, as well. But we made it.
Whew! I’m glad we didn’t leave any later than we did.
After we got the tree inside, I realized we could move the pew behind the loveseat. So we tweaked the sofa’s position and moved the pew over and set up the tree.
Here it is, so far.
We chose one of the smaller trees because we didn’t want it to be too wide. It has a lovely shape. We let the branches settle overnight. We also thought to bring the decorations in from the shed right after we got home yesterday. I also have decorations under the stairs, which entails moving the egg cup cabinet at some point today. (I have a sneaking suspicion I’ll find the other tree stand there.)
It smells so good! Fingers crossed the lights still work – they’ve been out in the shed for a few years now so we haven’t tested them. If they don’t, decorating will have to wait a few days.
As in previous years, I’m avoiding the traditional tree skirt and using one of my bark cloth remnants. I really love that look.
I know this is early for the girl who waits until the second week of December. Blame it on the snow.
Happy Monday.
It will be beautiful
Nothing like a real tree!
Thank you, Linda!
Ooh, I can smell that tree now! It looks great where you’ve place it. I’ve clear the space for ours, though it hangs on the wall and doesn’t take up much room. But, yes. First the lights. And for me that means climbing the ladder to get them down. Why does everything seem to be a struggle—age, maybe?
Best of luck with your NE weather. Stay safe. But what could be better in early December than being forced inside, watching the snow, and decorating the tree? (At this time of the year—and no other—I envy your snow!)
Typo, typo. Ugh. But hey—your McCoy pot looks just like the one I just bought! Love that aqua color.
It probably is. I’ve had it quite a while. I have another one – not quite the same design – in white. It’s on the coffee table. I love them – jardinieres.
I have no idea whether those lights work or not! And yes, it’s age. Everything seems harder! Thanks, Shanna!
That’s a great place for a tree…and you can see it from so many angles. Sounds like quite the unintended adventure in getting it, but glad you didn’t slide too much.
I do miss having a real tree sometimes, but it’s so much easier to just assemble, fluff, and decorate….guess we got lazy the older we got. You really are getting quite the snowfall…we only got a dusting…thank you Mother Nature. But…it is beautiful. Now…have fun decorating your tree! ;)
I love that we can see it from the living room and the den.
It’s still snowing out there, Donna! Pretty, but frankly, too much!
Yes…it is too much all at one time. Since you two are doing things more on the spur of the moment….maybe it’s time for some snow angels?? ;)
What a beautifully shaped tree. You did good. Can’t wait to see it decorated, good luck with the lights.
Thank you, Mare!
You are so right ~ that tree has a lovely shape!! Looks so pretty. Can’t wait to see it all finished. I am a very happy person at night when the tree lights are on. Seems so calming to me! Ours is “fake”, but with all of the family ornaments on it, lights lit, manger underneath, it is very real to meI!
Hope you don’t have any other adventures to attempt today and can stay home. Sorry Don had to miss his audition!I know that feeling of “when do we start to clean it up?” I agree, when it is still coming down at a rather furious pace, it is best to not go out to battle it quite yet. Sadly, it won’t be going anywhere for a while.
Take care, stay warm, and be safe, kiddo.
We just finished decorating it and I love seeing it from the den, as well as the living room. Don just used the snowblower and I shoveled. It’s very, very wet and heavy. Thanks, Chris.
I’m enjoying hearing about you enjoying your beautiful tree! I can almost smell it! I’m originally from Michigan but have lived in Florida for 14 years and the thought of being snowed in with the scent of a fresh tree sounds marvelous to me. This is serious hygge!!!
Thank you, Suzanne!
Beautiful picture of the snow! A day or two and that would be all I could stand, I think.
Well, we have many days of snow ahead of us, but the snow is starting to move out. Thanks, Kathy.
Snow does things like that to a person, doesn’t it?! What a gorgeous tree — and I think it’s pretty big, actually. I never use a formal tree skirt. My pieces run from an old quilt to antique lace. When Lizzie was new I bought some flannel backed gingham printed plastic fabric/tablecloth material and once it got a few gifts down, who could tell.
I’m just glad you made the trip safely and that the ditch thing wasn’t more serious. Or off the road, I guess. It sounds grim. It looks as though this particular storm has passed us by here in lower central Michigan and I’m relieved. We’ll get slammed to be sure, but later beats sooner!
My decorating is nearly up, apart from the big tree. We have to wait till Rick’s back from his trade show for that. Then mid-December we’ll do his tree, which is a real one. And you’re right — they always smell so good!
I have a tree skirt that I made several years ago – red felt and green trees. But it’s too obvious to me now. I like the bark cloth.
Thanks, Jeanie!
I like the bark cloth, too 🌲
Thank you!
I can smell the tree from here (OB!) loving looking the snow, but glad not to be in it. Hubby’s sister is here for Thanskgiving & headed home to NH Wed. am…her car is already snowed in at the bus station. Not fun. Enjoy your sweet tree and your sweet home…
It was and continues to be a huge storm. Talk about starting winter with a bang! Thanks, Priscilla.
Your picture of the snow is so pretty! I enjoyed looking at it for awhile before I read today’s post. We’re in SC and no snow, but we are clearing leaves again today. Hubby has worked three days blowing and grinding leaves. Then we will hang wreaths on the doors and gates across the drive way. I love the picture of your Christmas tree by the French doors! Wonderful story about bringing the tree home in the snow.
Thank you, Lottie!
Just CANNOT imagine that kind of weather. My gracious, just look at that photo. I have, however, only once, when living on the Gulf Coast, experienced driving on black ice and having no control for a few seconds…and it was SCARY because it was when I was merging onto a major highway. This Calif girl just did not know what she was getting into; whew.
A real tree? Have I ever remembered in all the years of reading you, that you have a real tree? HOW FUN. I’m glad you did it. Shake it up this year…a real tree, and an early tree. Why not. I would just LOVE a real tree but my husband is so adamantly opposed. I’m like you; I wouldn’t even know where to find our old tree stand. Will it bother your allergies, do you think? (I think that’s one of his concerns for himself as his allergies are BAD right now.) You are tempting me to ‘beg’ my husband for a real tree if he thinks his health would survive it (I think primarily he just doesn’t like the mess of a real tree!); our fave tree lot opens on Thursday and, this year so far, we’ve finally got the weather for it (I recall in other warmer, drought years, that this guy’s trees on the lot suffered SO much in too-warm weather and also the Santa Ana winds; maybe this year can be diff and he’ll have a banner season, I hope so).
Very glad Don is prevented in getting out in that kind of weather although sorry he missed the audition; there’ll be others. You guys stay indoors now; stay safe! Can’t WAIT to see how you decorate your lovely tree. Give us the step by step, from when you first unearth your vintage ornaments.
I think your tree is a very happy development! Thanks for sharing about it. Your post has ‘got’ me in the mood…
I don’t know how long you’ve been reading me, but I think we’ve had real trees for about 8 or 9 of the 14 years we’ve lived here. No, a real tree doesn’t bother my allergies. I love firs and pine trees.
We’ve already decorated the tree, so I can’t give you the step by step, but I’ll show you a photo tomorrow. Thanks, Vicki!
I guess my memory is just stale; I tend to recall your white tree. And accessories like a pink bottle-brush tree. LUV those little trees! And anything putz. I did succumb to buying more putz houses this year; I can’t resist. (I like the wee ones.) There’s a guy named Cody Foster making a bunch of them. He’s been around awhile; I just didn’t know of him. He’s in Nebraska and learned craft-making from his Midwestern grandmother, or so says his website.
Showed your post to my husband and said, “I want a real tree, too. It’s been so many years since we’ve had a real tree.” He hardly put up a fuss, so a real tree it is!
woo hoo, vicki! glad you’re getting a real tree for Christmas!
kathy in iowa
Hi kathy! A small one will do me just fine. My great-aunt/uncle had a 14-ft living room ceiling and always had a ‘giant’ tree; I don’t even know how they got it in the house (because I later lived in that house for nine years and I know the front door wasn’t a large enough opening!). It was beautiful and in the center of the quite-large room. A real focal point with all the pretty lights as you entered the home. And they did a lot of entertaining throughout the holiday season, so it was always a welcome sight. Entranced me as a kid. My great-aunt really favored handcrafted/homemade decorations.
But I’m more the Charlie Brown tree type. And I’ve got a small house now. So, we’ll see! It’s all thanks to Claudia on Monday. (Claudia, your tree looks perfect where you put it; it’s so filled-out and not branch-skimpy! You got a really good tree.)
I have 3 vintage putz trees. Just have to figure out where to put them.
So glad you’re getting a real tree, Vicki!
The tree is beautiful. It is so full. What kind is it Claudia? We hope to go for our tree tomorrow. They sell trees a few blocks from our house. They deliver the tree for us since we have no car. Take it easy shoveling. So far we have just rain mixed with sleet and snow.
I can’t remember what kind! We were in such a hurry on Sunday that I didn’t listen when the guy told us!
We got 5 more inches last night, Marilyn. An insane storm!
it’s absolutely beautiful!
I’m an early girl too. the tiny lights always pull me in. they’re magic.
and I know your snow is horrible to drive in but it is so beautiful. truly beautiful!
I love the lights, too! Thank you, Tammy!
oh, my … your close calls with the snow, sleet, ditch and driveway … stay safe, including with snow removal!
glad you’re home now, claudia, and with a very pretty tree to decorate and enjoy! hope don’s audition can be rescheduled.
cold here with some remnants of a crunchy, wet snow (that seems to have gone your way … sorry!), but the sun was shining and the air felt nice and crisp and clean and blue. hope you get some sunshine soon.
kathy in iowa
Auditions for television cannot be rescheduled as they’re on such a tight schedule. Ah well.
Thanks, Kathy!
What fun to have a real tree this year. I hope you do well with this horrible storm. Stay safe my friends.
It really was a horrible storm and it lasted over 48 hours! Thanks, Linda.
It’s been a long time since we had snow for Thanksgiving here in the Sierra. But i tlooked so Christmasy outside that it was easy to get out the bins and decorate with all our loved Christmas goodies in record time.
No tree as yet…hoping that the weather will cooperate so we can go cut one next weekend. Tree cutting, hot chocolate and a snowball fight are a holiday tradition! Your tree is lovely. So glad that you got home safely!
Your tradition is lovely! Thanks, Roxie!
Boo on the snow – but hooray on the tree! It’s lovely. We haven’t put up a big Christmas tree ever since Phil passed away in 2009. We always had a faux one though, due to my allergy to pine. We did try a real tree one time and as long as I didn’t touch it, I was OK-ish. But we had carpet at the time and we found needles in the carpet until April! We now just put up a tabletop tree.
It will be back to vacuuming up pine needles this year, Melanie.
It sounds like a real tree this year was just the thing! And it’s a beaut!! I love your barkcloth skirt, what a romantic look. Glad you got home safely. Yesterday was fine for us to get out and about even tho the side streets here were slushy, but we got dumped on last night! Very grateful we aren’t trying to fly or drive any distances. I love the smell of pines. It will be a delight to see your tree as it comes into its Christmas splendor.
We got 5 more inches last night! What a crazy storm, Nora! Stay safe, my friend.