Why is this photo here? Just because I like it. I like the grain of the tiger oak of our sideboard and the clock and its shadow. I wander the house at times, snapping pictures of things I see every day, just for fun.
My last little bit in the previous post generated some interesting comments. There are different viewpoints on this subject of commenting and visiting other blogs. As you know, my concerns were with big-big blogs. But a couple of my readers offered another opinion – that the blog post itself is the form of communication and that comments are a part of the conversation. Maybe we’ve strayed in our expectations, then? Maybe the whole idea of returning comments is not what was originally intended. I must admit, you’ve given me food for thought. Perhaps this whole idea of returning the visit and leaving a comment is an additional pressure that we’ve put on ourselves? I do know that I appreciate it when someone visits me in return and leaves a comment or email and I will keep doing the same. I can’t help it – it’s bred in my bones. Thank you for your honest responses. I’m a person with strong opinions about all sorts of things (ask my husband) but I don’t usually air them here. I hope I haven’t stepped on anyone’s toes. I must admit, I’m not entirely comfortable in the role of opinionated blogger – at least here at Mockingbird Hill Cottage. So, I’m going to leave this subject.
What the ???? Suddenly leaves are falling everywhere on our property. The gosh-darned maple is shedding its leaves all over my garden. I see hours and hours of raking in my future. Not yet, though. I can’t quite go there.
We’ve just come through 3 days of humid, summer-like weather here. My sinuses are screaming in protest. The dogs and I took a walk and poor Riley was moving very slowly. The humidity is just too hard on his joints.
Do you find that a seasonal change can make you feel a bit blue? I’ve been blue of late. A bit of melancholy has taken over. Yes, I have some very real worries at the moment, but this is a bit different, this feeling. I get a little sad, for want of a better word. I suppose that saying goodbye to summer and knowing that winter and its shorter days is not far away is behind it all.
I must say Happy Birthday to my best friend, Laural. Love you.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend, my friends.
I too love Tiger Oak pieces… and that clock, well… my grandparents had the exact same clock and my sister now owns it after having been passed to her from my dad.
As for returning comments, well, I visit tons of blogs but simply don’t have time to visit all the ones I love, leave comments on new ones and return comments on visitors. If we all did that we would never have time for a life away from our computers. I just do the best I can.
Hi Claudia.. While I won’t miss the heat and humidity we’ve had this year in particular, I DO hate to say goodbye to Summer too. When you live in the “great northeast”, you can’t help but see that long cold winter ahead. I’m trying very hard to stay positive though. Dear Daughter and I were just talking about apple picking sometime soon, so I’m definitely looking forward to that… And while I hate wearing LAYERS upon LAYERS of clothes all winter, feeling like an eskimo all winter long, I AM looking forward to making some new sweaters, hoping they look nice and having fun wearing them!!.. So chin up, we’ll all get through it together, right?! Have a great weekend! ~tina
Hi Claudia:
I love the picture of the clock on top of your buffet.
Sorry Riley is having a rough time. Kes’ brother, Connor, lives in Wisconsin where he has had to endure the cold winters all his life. It’s taking its toll on him. I think that the warm weather has treated Kessie like an old, retired Floridian (like me! lol) Easier on her bones and her system than living in the winter. He looks years older than his sister.
Autumn is my absolute favorite time of year. We’re going to be on Nantucket in October, so at least I’ll get a taste of it this year!
Hope you have a great weekend.
very good food for thought!
i have been really melancholy lately, too. melancholy = good word! i even took a ride to CT the other day, back to that pretty shop ‘nest’ i had discovered when my sister was visiting. you and i both have some big worries and should be easy on ourselves.
i hope my comments are making sense. boys running around stealing cookies from the cupboards going on here!
I am been out of town so missed reading you blog. I will take some time this afternoon to read you back posts to “catch-up” I love you old clock. The wood is lovely.
I love fall time so no I do not get the blues but feel cozy.
Yes, food for thought…that doesn’t put calories on this body, honey. I am also a very opinionated woman and try to watch my tongue but sometimes my tongue makes room for my foot and it’s all over but th’ shouting! I’ll leave it alone for a while also, but I stand by what I think. ;-)
Yep, sometimes I also get into a blue period and when that happens I find myself reading more—if that’s possible because I’m a voracious reader anyway. But it soon passes. I, however, love the cold months when I can snuggle down, nest, drink hot cocoa and watch the snow fall and trees denude themselves. Love it!
Happy pink saturday, chick,
Glad to know I am in such good company with sinus pain, but sorry we both have to be in such misery. Mine is made worse by the recent surgery.
I do love the cooler weather and change of seasons, though! Have a wonderful and restful weekend.
Hi Claudia,
I missed your last post, I’ll have to go back and read it because it sounds interesting. On that topic tho I’d just like to say I love coming here and reading your posts. I love the way you write, your photos and your perspective:)
So wether visits/comments are reciprocated never really matters to me, I just go where I can and where I know I’ll enjoy:)
I can surely relate to this change of season thing…I try very hard to get myself over the idea of summer ending!
So much food for thought… and I’ve got thoughts. I just am not that good at articulating them! Oh, how I wish we could sit down for a cuppa!
I think that I understand that fall melancholy thing. Mine isn’t as blue, as it is nostalgic. I love how the light changes, how the air gets crisper. I long for those days of coming home to mom baking something cozy and yummy in the oven.
Then there’s the part of me that becomes so excited that I can hardly contain myself. I love the fall. I love pulling all the fall decor out and nesting. I love that first rainy day. We had a fall tease the other day and I was so happy! Today it will be 91 degrees. :(
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I’m having friends over for a tea party on Sunday. I sure wish that you could join us. (Wish me luck on all the prep!!)
I’ve been a bit melancholy myself. Perhaps it is the nature of the season. That plants and flowers die and the seasons change.
I love your old clock – parents used to have one just like it. That was the first thought in my head, so I had to smile.
As for fall, here in Florida, I look forward to the cooler weather so much, but I can certainly understand the reluctance to lose the longer daylight. I grew up in Canada and as a child I suppose my perspective was quite different from the adults, but I loved each season because there was change. Sometimes here, things seem the same, so I guess I am nostalgic when it comes to fall.
Our leaves fall in February – strange place this Florida is…
Hey Claudia just stopping by for a quick visit. Love the tiger piece with the sunlight. And your clock? Gorgeous!!! I had to scroll down to read what you wrote about comments and returning comments. I understand where you are coming from, I think that it’s nice to hear from people you visit and take the time to comment to. I have all my comments come to my in-box, so that I make sure to visit or respond to all somehow. Can’t wait to see more of your doll house!
The dogwood tree leaves are falling all over here and also copious amounts of pine needles. No point yet in raking. We are expecting a large amount of desperately needed rain on Sunday. Everything is thirsty. I turn on the sprinklers just for the birds. I thought your blog about blogging was thoughtful and insightful. ♥O
Your post reminded me I had a mantle clock like that – have no idea what happened to it??
And just for the record, you’re welcome to blog your opinion anytime; they’re thoughtful and respectful. And if people disagree, they can comment their opinion. A little thought-provoking conversation is good once in a while.
Be blessed.
I know after three years of blogging that people go through seasons of activity. Some people are social all the time ( Connie, lol !! :) ) and then there are the people fighting illness’s (me) and some just fighting the blahs, family, finances, etc. So, the commenting will vary. I am so grateful for every comment I receive, but the last year with many health issues it has been really hard to be on the computer much to return those comments, and then they mount up as do the emails till I am completely overwhelmed. I DO completely understand what you are saying about it being rude to not visit people back that have taken the time to visit you. I hope that I have never hurt anyone that way, it would just kill me as that is SO not me to ever want to alienate or hurt anyone.
I Love the needlework , it is really pretty :) Here in the Desert, Fall and Winter are our Spring. It is when we can finally get outside again and enjoy being out. Our summers are your winters and a lot of us go through the summer blahs.
I hope the rest of your weekend is wonderful !!! :)
Okay Claudia, you’ve brought this looooong response on yourself because I can be a real talker, and I feel the need to respond to this, and your last post.
I know exactly what you’re saying! I feel the same way. I love it when I receive a response, whether a comment or e-mail, from those bloggers whose blog I have commented on. It makes blogging feel more personal and friendly.
But, at the same time, as one who does not always respond myself, I can understand that it may not always be possible. (and I do not have one of those BIG blogs) I try to at least send a thank you e-mail, but even that does not always happen.
Some days, my health problems make it difficult for me to sit at my computer long enough to do what I know I should, and really want to do…respond. (this comment actually took me a few visits to my keyboard)
When I don’t visit those who commented, I am left with feelings of guilt and sadness because I really want to visit, which is why I blog. I have even thought (many times) of turning off the comments on my blog, but I love hearing from my blogging friends too much to do it.
You have inspired me Claudia. I am going to try to do better.
I want you to know that I always appreciate your visits to my blog, and I’m going to work at being a better blogging friend!
Hugs to you! Debi
Love your clock. Can’t relate to falling leaves since it’s 100+ here in the desert. But can relate to body letting me know when the weather is changing. Sinus issues and stuffy head usually greet me in the am when weather changes.
Also love the colors of the embroidery floss is your previous post.
Hi Claudia, I love the clock and shadows it makes, I also look for unusual things around the house and out and about to photograph!
I guess I missed your prvious discussion about the big blogs..I also try to visit everyone who stops by just because of who I am and also I am so thrilled that someone took the time.
Ok hope you are feeling better! I also have issues at the change of seasons…
Hi Claudia, I’m sorry you are feeling blue. I do think it’s something with the change of seasons and knowing the light and warmth is leaving for awhile. I hope you find things to cheer you this weekend.
Your opinions and viewpoint on blogging are certainly important and it’s a subject worth exploring. I think what we may be running into is that blogging etiquette is not really codified like, say, dinner table etiquette. We may all be trying to do the right thing but we are not following any agreed upon guidelines so it’s a bit of a muddle.
The most important thing is to remember that bloggers are for the most part kind and considerate and wouldn’t knowingly make anyone else feel bad. I bet even the big bloggers who can’t return comments struggle with that.
So, we keep doing the best we can and hope everyone understands. And focus on what we can give others through our blogs.
big hug to you.
xo – g
Love your first photo, Claudia. And it was such a treat to catch a glimpse of my favorite parakeet lamp (it always makes my heart go pitter patter!)
Our yard looks just like yours – leaves everywhere. They started coming down in mid-summer and haven’t stopped.
The knowledge that winter is on the other side of autumn puts a damper on this time of year for me. I do love the fall, if I can block the thoughts of winter.
I think I could handle winter if I only had to deal with one of the following: 1) lack of daylight hours; or 2) the bitter cold temps, snow, ice, etc. It’s having to deal with both of those that sends me into a tailspin.
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend. Thank goodness the humidity has lifted!
The grain in your oak table is just beautiful! I just want to reach through the computer and touch it!
The only things I am going to miss about summer are my flowers. The rest… like all the heat… can go. I am so ready for autumn!! I LOVE this time of year!
Hope you are feeling chipper again very soon.
I like to have fun with the camera sometimes too although mine takes better pictures outdoors than in. I think I need to play with it more to figure out the manual settings. I haven’t quite had it a year and need to learn more.
I read your post on blogging and it was very well written. I find after blogging for more than a year now my priorities have changed. I think I blog more for myself when I feel I have something to share. Possibly because a lot of my spare time if full of “All That Jazz” stuff. Creating can be very time consuming! I agree about the comments. I always try to return them, even if it takes me 2 or 3 days! I also rarely comment of the “big” blogs because I have found they rarely respond back. I enjoy reading the “eye candy” but for my day to day blogging I prefer the more intimate and smaller blogs where you get to know about each other.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and have a beautiful Sunday Claudia!
Thank you for sharing your darling Vintage Charm treasures.
Your photos look as though they could be in a Home Decorating magazine!
I love it when people leave me comments. I appreciate that you do, my friend. I love your blog and I’m glad that you are planning to keep on blogging in the same manner in which you have been.
We’ll be up your way in a couple of weeks. One of the grands is having a birthday.
Our leaves aren’t falling yet, but I’m afraid this hot, dry summer has messed up our chance for a really pretty fall.
Melancholy is exactly how I’ve been feeling. I don’t think the season change has anything to do with it. More likely it’s life stuff that’s going on.