I didn’t get to my oil painting yesterday because I cleaned a lot in the morning, then my sister called and we had a long conversation, and then, right at the end of the call, our mail, delivered by Lori, arrived with a quick honk of the horn. That’s always a sign that Lori has a package for us.
I knew what it was.
This girl:
Note: She was wearing her original outfit, which consists of a white blouse and blue overalls and a fun hat, when she arrived. I, of course, immediately had to dress her in another outfit that I had ordered. It was made by the woman who customized this doll and was included in the package. I ordered the tights from another seller, and I can’t stand it, they’re so cute.
Her name is Sophie. She’s just under 12 inches in length.
She looks a bit uncertain about her new home.
Blythes have an eye mechanism that is controlled by a cord in the back – one pull downward and the eyes shut, then you hear a click, and when the eyes open, they’re in another color and position. I had to google how to do this. It’s pretty neat. So, the eyes can look to the right, to the left, and look forward. Four different colored eyes.
The woman who customized this did a lovely job. If you’re at all interested, google Blythe dolls and see what a regular off-the-shelf Blythe doll looks like. A wee bit scary. Hats off to all those who do the amazing work of transforming these dolls.
Sitting on my right.
Surveying the room and wondering why there is so much pottery everywhere.
The seller included a set of hands – you can change out the hand positions. And two outfits, which she generously threw in for free.
This sweet dress.
And this.
I’ve ordered a few items of clothing for Sophie, all of which are shipping from other countries, so I’ll share them with you at another time. Suffice to say, the clothing that various creatives make for these dolls is charming and fun. (I can’t imagine making doll clothes, though my grandmother did – and beautifully.)
I think Sophie will eventually need a pal. I don’t want her to be lonely.
If you saw my post on IG Stories, this is what I said:
“I look at it this way: we all have our ways of retreating from this sometimes unbearable world. I don’t smoke. I don’t drink. I don’t do drugs. I don’t eat sugar. I’m on a diet.
So – dollhouses, miniatures, reading, oil painting, gardening, and dolls are my escape.”
And there you have it!
Stay safe.
Happy Friday.
For some reason, I was not familiar with these dolls. I love her! And all those handmade clothes are adorable. Enjoy!
Thank you, Judy!
Stay safe.
Sophie is so cute! I have a few blythe customizers in my IG fee now. Some of their creations are just amazing. It seems almost all I’ve seen are in other countries, especially Russia.
The clothes look very detailed too.
Sophie will be great company in NYC.
Stay safe
There seems to be a lot of Russian customizers! But very few here in this country.
Stay safe, Marilyn.
As I said yesterday…she is adorable! And those clothes are wonderful. My mom used to make Barbie clothes for me…so, I do know how difficult that is to do. Your seller was very generous to include 2 outfits.
Enjoy her….she looks right at home in your cottage! ;)
My mom made Barbie clothes, too. I think my grandmother did, as well. Very fiddly work!
Thanks, Donna.
Stay safe!
Sophie is absolutely adorable.
I say anything that makes you happy and isn’t illegal or harms others is okay by me. :-) We all need something to enjoy and that makes us smile during these stressful times.
We sure do, Janice.
Stay safe.
Claudia, enjoy Sophie’s company. She is very sweet. I have a Blythe doll but haven’t sewn any clothes for her yet. She is companion to my Shirley Temple doll, which I received from my Uncle (Mom’s brother) when I was in hospital for pneumonia at the age of 6 or 7. Though I’ve long ago brushed out Shirley’s curls, Mom sewed me a train case full of clothes. I still have the train case and clothes, which were all made in the 60’s, so as a fabric lover, I also admire the retro-feeling of the clothes styles and fabrics.
I bet those clothes are very precious to you, Wendy.
Stay safe.
What a wonderful new addition to your home! She is so darn cute. Now I want one! Enjoy her and her fun wardrobe.
I will!
Thank you, April.
Stay safe.
I am not usually a doll person, but she is so cute! I love, love, love the tights!
She does fit right in your lovely cottage. And you are right, we all need our little hobbies to keep us sane! Be well!
I’m not a doll collector by any means, though I’ve rescued a few.
Thanks, Deb.
Stay safe.
Sophie is adorable! She looks like she’s not quite sure of her new environment yet or maybe she’s just making sure she doesn’t miss anything. Her outfits are so cute. Enjoy her!
I will.
Thanks, Carol.
Stay safe.
Welcome Sophie! She is, as others have said, adorable, I’m sure you are going to have great fun with her.
I already am!
Thanks, Fiona.
Stay safe.
Hey, you don’t need to make any excuses whatsoever for what you do to make yourself feel calm or happy; that’s YOUR business, no defense necessary, and I think it’s great you have a lot of interests/hobbies (I do, too!!). Don’t you also just love her little shoes!
(By the way, I revisit childhood with all kinds of stuff, and I particularly love children’s books! There’s quite a large collector group out there who also collect the reproduction Barbies from the 50s/60s; were for the adult collector back in early 2000s, gorgeous and well-made/high-fashion [authentic] doll clothes for them, make such a pretty display, but Mattel isn’t doing much of it anymore [so those dolls, too, are now worth a lot of money in the secondhand marketplace].)
Yes, just saw your comment and seconding…..no need for excuses in ways to feel calm and happy.
Every extra moment of calmness and happiness is a boost for all of us!!!!
Barbies are highly collectable! I wish I still had my platinum bubble haired Barbie. I had a Skipper, as well!
Stay safe, Vicki.
Sophie is adorable! I really like the way that her face was customized. Her outfit is really cute. I love making the clothing! It is much easier to make clothing for the larger dolls I collect but I have made clothing, including a pair of shorts with working pockets, for a doll that I have that is Blythe sized. It is very close work and not very forgiving. I look forward to seeing the other things you have gotten for her!
I admire the fact that you can make the clothing, Jane! Bravo!
Stay safe.
Sweet Sophie seems delicate along with distinct character that will likely emerge as you get to know each other!
And indeed, don’t we ever need and find ways of retreat and means of connecting with sweetness and joy as we navigate this earthly experience.
Thanks for adding to ours by sharing yours Claudia!
We do, indeed!
Thanks so much, Grace.
Stay safe.
What a nice treat to yourself – and those tights! omg crazy-good. I’m looking forward to seeing ‘reaction shots’ from Sophie on all things-Claudia.
Have fun!!
BTW in San Diego for a short one. Shocked by the mask-in wearing public here. Mask-wearing is merely ‘suggested’ here. Will be happy to be back in SF Bay Area soon
That was supposed to read mask ‘unseating’
San Diego is still a Republican town, Martha. Sadly, I’m not surprised!
Enjoy your time there. They’re doing Hair at the Globe/Festival Stage.
Stay safe.
agree … no reason needed, just enjoy!
and take it easy this weekend.
that’s what i plan to do, along with spending time with members of my family. might sew, knit a bit. and definitely avoid the 100 degree heat.
but first, grocery shopping.
happy, safe friday.
kathy in iowa
Rest up, Kathy. I used to knit quite a bit and of course, I crocheted like crazy. Both of them are calming. Just what you need.
Stay safe.
thanks, claudia.
my sister tried valiantly to teach me how to crochet, but i just couldn’t get it. doubt i will try that again, for her sake and mine … plus i already have so many interests and hobbies (writing, sewing, knitting, painting, walking, cross-stitching …). :)
hope you and don are having a nice night.
kathy in iowa
kathy, I love the fact that you knit; I don’t know anybody who knits and it’s such a special skill; my mom tried it once, when I insisted on some kind of poncho (I was a teen), but she preferred crochet, and I don’t know how to do any of it except to admire it; so, what kinds of things do you knit; just tell us … !! … and, yes, stay cool and have a quiet weekend!
hej, vicki!
how are you? hope well and safe.
do you still have that poncho made by your mother? sounds lovely.
i knit scarves, hats, dishcloths in basic stitches (knit, purl and a very simple/infrequent cable) … simple, easy. i have knit three socks and have three pairs as gifts yet to go … not simple or easy, but fun.
i am sure you can learn to knit! if you want, i could send you links to helpful videos and if/when you head out this way, i’d be glad to show you when it’s safe to meet in person again … it’s easier than you might think!
i don’t understand crochet at all.
what are you doing for fun?
stay safe and well and have a nice weekend!
kathy in iowa
I don’t think I have the poncho; it was strange neon colors which attracted me at the time; the knit was very big and loose and I recall Mom had to get especially-large needles to complete the garment! I bet your scarves, socks and hats feel wonderful in winter. As for me today with crochet and knitting, or even embroidery which I did quite a lot of in my youth; well, it won’t happen, as it’s even getting hard to keyboard with my arthritic hands. But one adapts.
For fun? Not much, kathy! Just liv’in life. I think I’ll be decluttering and downsizing for a long, long time yet. My husband and I definitely de-stress at the seaside about once a week and I am so taken and amused, neverendingly, by the goofy gulls, busy little rock squirrels; portly pelicans. At this age, adventurous days of trying out bold new things are much fewer. (Again, one adapts. Just gotta roll with the punches.)
You continue to stay safe, too; and enjoy those quiet moments of satisfying creativity with your yarn crafts and sewing projects! There are so many art/crafting projects we can do at home to keep us entertained and busy (and de-stressed!). To compensate for my lack of sewing expertise, I’ve picked up a few do-able kits with (of all things!) kids’ crafts such as making simple little stuffed toys/animals or doing easy string art; there’s sand painting, mosaics, felt ornaments to make for the holidays; simple decoupage for fun. (Glue and glitter are a fine pair!) Claudia is inspiring in her success at painting; I may give it a go at some point, maybe using bigger brushes to accommodate my stiff hands. Anyway, lots of affordable-enough stuff out there for retirees like me if I need a break from the everyday routine. (With worsening vision and sore hands, it’s just hard to thread a needle and do close-up fine work, so I go for ‘easier’; whatever works!)
hej, vicki …
i am sorry that you have pain and worsening vision. adding that to my prayer list.
glad if you can find some creative outlets to enjoy.
and the beach! glad you have it nearby to enjoy and unwind. being by water, especially moving water, is both fun and helpful for me, too.
maybe you could paint rocks? or do something with shells?
whatever, i hope you have fun … do something fun … every day and feel good.
kathy in iowa
thanks, kathy … I very much appreciate your kind thoughts; same back atcha; I didn’t think about doing some kind of shell art; I, in fact, have quite a collection of shells from forty years or more of conscientious (not over-the-top) collecting at random (from places where I was permitted to pick up shells off the beach; it’s not always legal, and I pay attention to the laws!); always meant to display them somehow in a glass bowl or something, so maybe I can make a shell box or a shell-lined wall mirror; good/really-good(!!) idea of yours; I hope you’ve had a lovely Sunday today!
(An aside to Claudia: Claudia, thank you for letting kathy and I have a bit of chat on your blog — we’re done now in this older thread, and on to the new day’s post [Sunday already; Sunday-happy-Sunday!] and even more good reading with pleasant and friendly, thoughtful exchange between your wonderful community of readers on MHC … and you!)
So cute and what a joyful girl. An those shoes! :-) I would start sewing clothes for Sophie right away.
If I could sew, I would! I can sew a straight line for quilting and did for years, but the kind of sewing that these dolls would require is beyond me!
Stay safe, Regula.
WELL said, I get so tired of being put down because I love fabric and magazines and books and do all kinds of handwork, that I should always meet someone else’s expectation of how I should live. SOOO HURRAH !! for you and Sophie who is beautiful and fun and reminds a person of their girlhood I would think. I do not smoke or drink or do drugs and have decided to be happy in my body as she takes very good care of me and I can do most everything I want physically. WE do need a way to cope with things and are blessed that we can have them. Take care and Stay SAFE from Iowa
Good for you, Melody! I’m with you on this one!
Stay safe.
hej, vicki …
i am sorry that you have pain and worsening vision. adding that to my prayer list.
glad if you can find some creative outlets to enjoy.
and the beach! glad you have it nearby to enjoy and unwind. being by water, especially moving water, is both fun and helpful for me, too.
maybe you could paint rocks? or do something with shells?
whatever, i hope you have fun … do something fun … every day and feel good.
kathy in iowa