This photo really has nothing to do with the post. It’s another photo taken from the train, this time of a power plant along the Hudson. I forgot to include it in previous posts and I like it.
The bizarre weather that we’ve been having ended in equally bizarre and spectacular fashion last night. We had a severe thunderstorm (in February!) that lasted several hours. Thunder, lightning, very high winds, rain pummeling the house – it was really powerful. A largish limb from the catalpa came down…just a foot from my car. A bit too close for comfort.
This morning is partly cloudy, windy and much colder.
I’m doing a bit better. I finally got some sleep last night which helps. I just have to let this virus work its way out of my system and that will take some time, with coughing always being (for me) the last to go.
Oscars? Not sure I’ll last long. This year, with so many other far more pressing concerns, it’s really been off my radar. This is the internal battle I have been fighting ever since the election: in my mind, anything other than what we’re facing borders on the trivial and I don’t have a lot of patience with those things. On the other hand, I well know that we all need an escape, myself included. Pretty pictures are a welcome respite during these troubled times. So are awards shows and old movies and novels and a host of other things that help us keep balance.
And heaven knows, we need some balance right now.
Happy Sunday.
So glad you are feeling a bit better. Coughs are the last to go for me too. And yes, we all need to find moments of fun and joy. We need to get away from worries long enough to heal our bodies. You know you will get back to the worries soon enough. Enjoy your Sunday and count your blessings. That is what Sundays are for!
Yes, indeed, Tana. Thank you!
Listening instead to the soundtrack from the Broadway play Dear Evan Hansen. Powerful. Glad you’re better.
I’ve heard it’s wonderful. I can’t wait until I get a copy of the soon-to-be-recorded Anastasia soundtrack!
I’m happy to hear you are feeling better. The coughing is usually the last thing to stop with me too. As far as the Oscars are concerned…I plan on watching. I need the diversion. And since we are movie buffs…seems like it’s only logical. These days…any diversion is a welcome diversion…the worry will still be there! Enjoy your Sunday! ;)
We’ll let ourselves be diverted for a while. We just haven’t seen anything this year!
I kinda feel like you do about “everything else” in the world right now. If I may any attention to it, I’m taking my eyes off the ultimate goal, getting distracted etc. But we absolutely DO need respites from the seemingly-endless crud, so there we are. I’ll be watching. It’s sure to be a very watchable show, for the politics alone. Even though I haven’t seen it yet, I’m rooting for “Hidden Figures” – in ANY category. It’s had nothing but good things said about it, and it’s the type of movie there needs to be more of in this country. Something that could really change minds. And we can certainly use some of that right now. Continue to feel better and get as much rest as you can. Peace.
Thanks, Janet. Enjoy the broadcast!
Glad to hear you are feeling somewhat better. Take care of yourself.
Thank you, Judy.
Glad you are on the mend. The cough is almost the last thing to go with me, my croaky voice always lingers and in fact it is still croaky today. Rest and fluids help. I think I’ll watch the Oscars tonight, I do enjoy them but this year I find my attention span is shorter with things like this. Sun is shining here today but it’s cooler so I might just take my camera out for a photo shoot in my yard. Hugs.
The weather was so strange and the change in barometric pressure so dramatic that I think it (temporarily) made my cough worse!
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. This crazy weather surely doesn’t help, either. The germs seem to have enough time between freezes to gather strength!!
Going to rearrange some furniture today. Time for a change. Time for so many changes ~ but this one I actually do have control over to make happen quickly! ugh.
Hope your Sunday is a good one and keeps you moving forward to feeling better.
No, the weather is insane! And yesterday’s big changes in pressure have made me a bit more congested today.
Usually don’t watch the Oscars , but do always get a recap. For me, sometimes it seems to “drag” with constant interruptions, cutting segments off, and have waaay too many commercials ; I usually lose patience waiting for the parts I want to see. But It must be an especially good watch for you and Don since you may know and view the nominees with a professional eye.
Balance is certainly essential these days. Those dedicated to the darkness and it’s mayhem love to see those of us who oppose all they stand for and practice, overwhelmed and our energy depleted. Can’t let that happen; we need to “smell the roses” , take a deep breathe and remember all we value and that which will stand the test of time, and foremost, look at the faces of those we love and gain quiet strength from them. I always find deep, quiet strength is the most important of all, but yell out loud when it is called for. Defiance can take many forms; standing your ground with all the good around you always brings results, even when it isn’t glaringly obvious.
Even stormy days can have a bright side! Good excuse not to do some of those pesky maintenance jobs that are always there. Wishing you some quiet enjoyment today at MHC. Dianne
Yes, we can’t let them exhaust us! That’s giving them too much power! Smart advice, Dianne.
I agree Claudia with what you are sharing~~ and thank you for sharing photos from a train. I enjoy that since I do not have a train ride into a big city. I appreciate those photos.
And yes, with all else so serious going on…I can not get too excited about the Oscars or fancy dresses. I think I have turned the corner on being so into a “dress” I find that comfort is most important and still a touch trendy for even someone our age..Just a touch here and there.
I ordered some 1964 type hiking/ sneaker suede shoes (on sale) and will wear them with my ever present jeans, those soft comfortable ole’ blue jeans (we all probably have)~~ and a well worn belt.
But getting back to Oscars..a movie a couple times a week has helped solve anxiety at times, so bless the movies ! They can take me away like a book.
Have a good week,= healthier girl.
I was never all that into the ‘fashion’ aspect of the Oscars. I certainly can gasp with the rest of them, but the people and what they say are more important to me.
I’ve watched some movies this week and they were a welcome respite.
By the way, I have to say it; Donald Trump does not seem to be a nice man. duh!! But, I sorta wanted to type that out loud .
He is not at all nice. Not a nice bone in his body.
I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. Years ago when I lived in NYC I don’t remember having as many rough storms as you have been having. I won’t be watching the Oscars this year as I have read that it will be very political. I am tired of the constant stress presented each day. In the past few years, I have lived with enough stress of my own without more added. I don’t believe in burying one’s head in the sand but won’t subject myself to more than I can handle. Take care.
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley
Well – there we differ! We’re watching it because of the potential for the political!
Everyone has to do what works for them. xo
That’s a neat pic of the Hudson. Very pretty.
I’m going to try and watch the Oscars so I can see how much I missed in the theaters this past year. 😞
Boy, we missed everything! Enjoy, Monica.
I’ll be watching, too, and the political statements don’t bother me at all. I like to see stars speaking their minds! But I also love to watch for the clothes…and all of that junk. ( Even though I’ve no desire to ever wear them!) I’ll enjoy the whole package and I hope there won’t be any objections from the peanut gallery, as I’ve had, as background music to my entire Sunday, the Daytona 500.
Should any objections occur, a simple reminder of the constant roar coming from the Daytona 500 should do the trick!
I do hope you feel better soon. I have escaped colds and flu this year. Tonight, I will watch the Oscars with a new interest. I want to hear the political jabs at our new president. Knowing he is so thin skinned that the jabs cause him discomfort gives me pleasure. Not sure how that makes me sound, but it is the truth. I really dislike the man. And the fact that D.T. suddenly hates Hollywood makes me like the actors and actresses even more, especially Meryl Streep!
Meryl has behaved with nothing but class! It just makes DT look even more petty. Which he is!
Those Winter thunderstorms always feel so strange!
This was a very strange one!