Sixteen years ago, we were about to move to this cottage. In fact, we moved to the cottage sixteen years ago tomorrow. Our cable had been turned off, we didn’t have smart phones, and after we moved, our cable wasn’t turned on for another five days. So we had absolutely no idea about Hurricane Katrina and its horrific impact. When we did finally get cable, we were horrified by what we saw.
I think of that today as another hurricane heads toward the Louisiana coast, one that’s strengthening as I write this. I’m praying for everyone in the path of this storm, hoping that if you’re able to, you’ve evacuated. I’ve been on the receiving end of a few hurricanes in my life, but none like this one. Please get out if you can. Stay safe. We are praying for you.
This has been a scary and heartbreaking week. Z was exposed to Covid, an attack on the airport in Kabul resulted in the deaths of innocent Afghans and American soldiers, my dear childhood friend just lost her husband to cancer yesterday, children are dying of Covid, forest fires in the West – believe me, there’s even more, but I’ll stop there.
And now this hurricane.
Don pointed out the eerie similarities between the lines of refugees trying to escape the Taliban and the lines of cars trying to escape Ida, both of which have been repeatedly displayed on our television screen. Leaving home wondering if you’ll ever get back there. And if you get back, what you’ll see.
That’s all I’ve got for today.
Stay safe.
Happy Sunday.
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